Eclipses June 2011

Moonlight eclipseEclipses June 1 (Partial Solar) and June 15 (Total Lunar)

The eclipses in the month of June are hinging on the last ensnaring tsquare of Saturn Uranus and Pluto.  Eclipse energy always intensifies and magnifies any current condition so its best in most cases to deter from major decisions or changes until the energy dissipates.  The Solar Eclipse  on June 1at 10 degrees Gemini  was a south node eclipse and the Total Lunar Eclipse on June 15 , at 24 degrees Sagittarius, will be forging strong with Sagittarius Jupiter ideals, pomp and forthright verve  with Gemini at the south node  giving anything Mercury related a staggering complacency as the south node is indicative of resorting to what is familiar and tried –an Achilles heel where we refuse to let go of what’s comfortable and known or what is sometimes seen as taking the easy way out.

The Solar Eclipse in the beginning of June started off with Mercury Venus Mars still coasting and laying back, chilling out in Taurus (complacency) then moves to join the south node emphasis with Mercury Venus Sun all in Gemini, Mercury ruled by June 10th-the pace picks up with restless energy and any stifled lazy days of Taurus are now recharged and ready to go-in full Gemini fashion.  Mercury rules commerce, neighborhoods, short trips, communication,  writing, reading, teaching, learning-case in point and me being a Gemini,  I walked to the store 3 times today to get more ingredients for dinner-3 different stores while I juggle 10 other projects.  I am the queen of multitasking!  Mercury is in its ruler in Gemini and is buzzing busy brained without much forethought-lots of coming and going, movement, busy, chatty all building up to the expressive and jovial, expansive  lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.  Jupiter moved into Taurus June 5 and is aligning harmoniously with Pluto as Venus begins to build in harmony to Saturn  which should add some ease, relaxation and positive restraint and caution.

Its obvious the news portraying the current conditions and recent events in the news with these closures and cross roads such as Oprah’s announcement to end her show only to embark on her new network,  the eclipse over her Jupiter rising chart.  The catastrophic tornadoes and the floods and the recent E. coli outbreak in Europe also a Mercury issue which broke out around  the Solar Eclipse June 1  with much confusion (Neptune just going retrograde) as to the cause of the outbreak.

Ceres the asteroid associated with crops is sitting in Pisces square to the Gemini /Sagittarius nodal axis eclipses-Pisces (Neptune ruled) is all about the hidden and mysterious.  It still baffles me why they use manure as fertilizer.  Feces this close to produce doesn’t make sense and when they coin the term farm to fork, they aren’t kidding.  Surprisingly much of the research and investigating is surrounding an organic farm for sprouts and unfortunately the last big e coli issue with spinach was also from an organic farm as well, not saying good things for organic farming where you have to wonder as organic farmers struggle to survive against the seeding powerhouses .

This is a very south node type of event where some link in the chain was lost with the resultant lack of communication as to the findings and the devastation financially for the bans for other crop farmers with cucumbers.  Health wise, it seems to be mostly infecting the kidneys which would make sense with Saturn stationary retrograde in Libra (kidneys).  Mercury is associated with viruses and bacteria as an infectious agent with Neptune showing the path to infestation of the cells.

The dark side of this is quieting what needs to be heard (Gemini ruling the media)-kept in the dark yet can spin propaganda to influence otherwise – subversive messaging shining the light and PR tactics aiming to hurl information far from being impartial-not unlike the recent ongoing doomsday ranting,  as well the scandalous phone hacking story of media digging “News of the World” for stories as well as Wikileaks depicting this time of very unscrupulous information “sharing”-very Mercury south node communication tactics.

Saturn has been in retrograde and sitting at a stationary degree of 10 degrees Libra for the last few weeks and it will hold out at this degree point until the first week of July after the conclusion of the July 1 eclipse.  It moves forward today, June 13.  Saturn retrograde=patience +diligence which will begin to release any tight knots one may have snarled themselves into the last month.  This staggering transit of Saturn at retro 10 degrees is crystallizing with its opposition to Lilith now at 9 degrees Aries where she will soon be at 10 degrees Aries.

Patience is a Saturn verb-action and intention with purpose but with no wasted effort or energy with retrogrades for refining and reformatting.  Saturn is a sticky planet acting much like glue – Saturn is the grinder and grounder-if you need grounding,  Saturn becomes your gravity giving the weight and often heaviness to slow processes, often to a halt.  If green is go (Mars), Saturn is stop (red).   I always find the energy of Saturn tightening and binding and not easily releasing.

Add Lilith in Aries in opposition to this rigid Saturn position and the  fury here  is demonstrated as nature showing its rage with the weather extremes and recent storms where the stars portend the “weather” and the “whethers” of what’s coming and what’s ahead.  With Lilith continuing to build in Aries showing her warrior spirit with the recent Slutwalk as testimony to the rage of Lilith marching for her rights-protesting that provocative dressing does not excuse or encourage or welcome rape as some police officer callously proclaimed that “in order to avoid victimization women shouldn’t dress like sluts”.

Saudi women are also fighting for their rights to drive and are not willing to take the back seat any longer all fitting to the power of the north node in Sagittarius which stands for freedom to hammer out belief systems to protect individual rights and in line with Uranus Aries individual action for the principles of human rights and dignity- Uranus and Lilith in Aries fighting the oppression (Pluto Capricorn) social stigmas for social responsibility (Saturn Libra).  Add Mars to square Neptune in the next few days as Mars builds to join Algol during the height of the eclipse and we have an explosive yet insidious energy pattern with rage stewing in the background.

The Sagitarrius Moon is right in time for the ending of the Canucks nail biting play off game Monday evening which will end the game in a big way (Sagittarius).  I don’t like the fate of the game on a Void of Course Moon although it does take place at home for Boston so perhaps it’s Boston’s fate that they lose although with the Moon just reaching Sagittarius it will create a grand square with Vancouver’s chart Venus Mars Pluto.  I don’t think that will work for Vancouver.  However on Wednesday the Moon will trine our Sun Aries which makes me feel the stars are on our side Wednesday June 15.   The energy is certainly mounting with the crowds filling our downtown core once again this evening .  The lights are shining on Vancouver with the recent Olympics and now with the Stanley Cup playoffs so close to home. I have been looking at Vancouver’s chart to see why we keep coming up roses lately?  The Canucks impressively started out with a bang but came to a tense tie up.

The eclipse shines its light on Vancouver’s  home base (4th house) however it darkens the 10th house (public, success, achievement).  It seems thus far the Canucks  do better at home and with the games finishing ideally at home-Vancouver might have a chance if they get to game 7 at home on eclipse night, Wednesday, which will add much fireworks and excitement to the event although as a wildcard if we win or lose-with mobs and mass crowds out of control as eclipse energy is heightened with emotions + alcohol = ? (remains to be seen)!  I am wondering about the strategy play here as it seems the Canucks could be playing up to trump Boston and tire them out, conserving  all their energy for the final game at home. As mentioned, the chart for Vancouver has a tight tsquare of Venus Pluto Mars.  This energy is infused with transit Chiron and Neptune on Vancouver’s Venus Pisces as well as transit Jupiter shining lucky on Venus and Mars  (competition). With Jupiter all about beliefs, having faith and thinking big -we shall see if we feel the Chiron wound and pain here with a loss or slide in  with a Neptune/Jupiter last minute save and win the Stanley Cup!


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