Cosmic Cycles 2022

Cosmic Cycles 2022 “It Ain’t Easy” Ziggy Stardust

Saturn and Uranus continue in their tense square formation. Saturn in Aquarius/Uranus in Taurus.  We saw the impact of the pandemic take a hit in many areas including the financial markets as they took a swing down. Saturn ruling responsibility is challenged by Uranus, rebellion.  Saturn accountability, authority, boundaries, limits to Uranus do what I want, when I want, don’t fence me in.  This energy is particularly fraught as Saturn Aquarius and Uranus Taurus are fixed energies, immersed in Taurus/Scorpio eclipses throughout the year of 2022.  This is extreme fixed energy, stubborn and unwilling to budge or accommodate, hard lines being drawn, cold wars, ties cut, severing anything unresolved.

The big push of these eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio is self esteem, self worth, values, possessions (Taurus) and Scorpio (trust, deep emotion, privacy, inner circle, shared resources),.  When these eclipses are snarled by Uranus Saturn, these issues become polarized as Uranus challenges, rebels  and Saturn further tests, restricts or sets stronger boundaries The eclipses in May, November 2022 are particularly tense as they square Saturn and join or oppose Uranus.  The Full Moon in Aquarius August 2022 also rife with tension as the Leo/Aquarius Full Moon lines up to Saturn and squares Uranus.

Anytime Uranus gets tangled in tense aspect, it can turn into radical ways to escape, cope and manage difficulty. Uranus in Taurus, is further taken to fixed, slow and steady turns that get twisted while in Uranus, kind of an oxymoron with sure thing Taurus predictability taken for a ride in radical Uranus.  With Uranus in Taurus, energies take the slow lane and with Saturn in Aquarius restricting social connections, forced to face having a lot of time to stop, take stock, ponder and be in the moment.

Taurus energy in these eclipses (Venus rules Taurus) is all things to do with give and take, having and not having.  The balance in these issues comes up in relationships, agreements, cooperation and compromise.  When there is imbalance, the heavies (Saturn, Pluto) take over to either correct or transform where coping mechanisms develop from the pathologies of abandonment, boundaries, control, projection.  Saturn may enlist boundaries to protect, Pluto may become controlling or  aggressive.

Saturn is the planet of responsibility and being an adult. A projection coping mechanism of Saturn in affliction is blame shifting; finding others at fault and not owning your own choices, typically because it is too difficult to cope with having to accept you are alone responsible for the natural consequences from the choices and decisions made.  It is common when all of someone’s faults and flaws are blamed on their addictions, mental illness, traumas,  etc. or blamed on someone else (poor parent, poor upbringing, etc.).

Personality disorders, mental illness such as OCD, Narcissism, ADHD, borderline personality disorder are all heightened psychological coping behaviors due to trauma whether from experiencing a difficult childhood, an abusive relationship, a global crisis such as a pandemic or the concerns of climate change and natural disasters. In working with trauma in families, it is very common those who are traumatized or abused and endured a depth of suffering, to repeat patterns as familiar and learned, continuing to perpetuate the cycle by either accepting more trauma or by continuing to harm, where therapy can help heal the cycle to unlearn and break patterns.

We also often blame the stars as the scapegoat.  “The stars made me do it”.  In essence the stars have compelled behavior (not caused) as it is an energy that has to take shape or form.  We are still responsible but we can refer (not blame) to the cycles and energies as having some influence. It’s the same as any weather or tide.  You can’t control it but you can adjust to it.

Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto are aligning harmoniously in the coming years which is helping to sway the slather of stressful energy.  Once Saturn and Uranus separate in 2023 we will see this beginning to calm and move toward some reprieve.

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