New Moon in Scorpio 2018

New Moon in Scorpio 2018 “ (Don’t Fear) The Reaper” Blue Oyster Cult

The New Moon in Scorpio is key in transformation. There are several game changers and shifts happening in this New Moon with many signs in their last degree (29 degree anaretic), indicative of endings, completion, death of old ways open to fresh new cycles and beginnings.  Jupiter is in its last legs in Scorpio, just about to move into Sagittarius while Uranus flips back into Aries from Taurus, all impacted by a connection to the nodal axis that moves from Leo/Aquarius into Cancer/Capricorn, ushering in Cancer Capricorn Eclipses the next few years.

The New Moon in Scorpio is in positive aspect to its ruler (Pluto) further forming a talent triangle with Neptune Pisces giving it an encouraging and empowering force with a fearless drive to  take back your power and stand up for the self.  Pluto connects to the root chakra and essentially to the root cause of all things emotional, physical, psychological and mental.  Survival mechanisms trigger instinctual reaction and unconscious response.  The focus on the water element is powerful now tuning into a deep reservoir of feelings and intuition.  Venus is in retrograde, in Libra making a positive angle to Mars Aquarius, with the element air helping to instill harmony and detachment.

It’s no coincidence that the spooky, dark, scary Halloween season occurs during the Scorpio cycle with all things related to death, the unknown, darkness, the shadow, loss of control, helplessness, conjuring all sorts of fears and phobias. The common saying scared to death can be flipped over where fear can scare you to life.  When all is revealed and exposed that lies beneath consciousness, the unknown has less power over you. When all is said and done, once facing fears, your shadow, demons or coming close to death, you look at life very differently, living it more ferocious and authentic.

When confronted with death or the threat of death, everything changes.  Anyone going through a NDE ( near death experience) can testify that death isn’t as scary as we make it.  The Death card in the Tarot doesn’t indicate literal death but more about endings, needed transitions and major change.  Having strong Pluto energy in a chart (natal, transits) can show how crisis, intensity follow someone relentlessly, feeling the reaper at their back, close at hand.   With this continuous reminder and looming presence of death’s inevitable knock on the door for us all, some lightness to death can be had, making a game out of it like Halloween trick or treaters do, or the roadrunner with a “bleep bleep” run for it, dodging the wile e coyote reaper once again.

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