Jo Yeates Murder-Lunar Eclipse December 2010

Jo Yeates Murder

We have the onset of the murder trial of Jo Yeates who was murdered in Bristol England just pre the intense lunar eclipse last December before Christmas 2010. I have been following this closely as this was  an explosive event that became globally very public due to the horrific event occurring at Christmas, her body discovered on Christmas Day 2010. Tabak was charged with murder on October 28, 2011.  This was a very harsh lunar eclipse on December 20 where  the murder occurred on Dec 17,  just a few days previous.   Mars, Pluto, Mercury and the nodal axis were conjoin in Capricorn. The Sun Moon square Uranus and Jupiter.  I felt a foreboding with this energy as I always feel anxious around Mars Pluto energy especially surrounding a lunar eclipse which is very explosive and tends to violent reactions and it was further accentuated with the nodal axis-eclipse energy.

We have Venus now once again in Scorpio as it was that fateful evening, with Venus on the IC (home)in Scorpio on Jo’s Moon Pluto oppose her SA Moon.  This shows a very intense event happening in the home.  Pluto Mars nodes square her Venus, Mercury-Mercury rules neighbors.  Saturn in the 3rd  house of neighbors oppose her Mercury Aries which shows the actions taken to stop her screaming.  His Pluto oppose her Mercury and his controlling of her screaming gone wrong. Venus rules the neck and is the focus around strangulation.  Venus is in detriment and somewhat debilitated in Scorpio, Pluto ruled.  The emotions and passions are strong with emotional reactivity being highlighted lacking detachment and the fine honed peaceful, gentle and tranquil response of Venus typical of its ruling of Taurus opposite Scorpio.

There was much energy around Venus Pluto in this event which shows how the traumatic event ensued.  The intensity and urgency make this Venus Scorpio tending to love hate responses and no middle ground. If you lay the event chart inside the natal chart of Tabak his Pluto over Saturn 3rd and his Sun Venus over the 7th, his Moon over the 8th Uranus Jupiter, his Uranus over the IC, his Neptune over the Sun, his Jupiter the Sun, his Saturn over the ASC- he is all over this event. The murder was a shocking disturbing event even more so as he was a very unsuspecting person who confessed to manslaughter.  Tabak, who admitted guilt claims Jo, his neighbor invited him in for a drink.  According to Tabak, they had never met before.

Tabak assumed it was flirtation and claims he made a pass at her where she apparently began to scream. He in turn panicked and tried to quiet her screaming and said he “accidently” strangled her to death.  Tabak’s chart was seen as benign with a rather gentle configuration with a few kite patterns which is often mistakenly assumed to give an untainted character which is a dangerous assumption. His family and friends all knew him as gentle, quiet, straight forward and easy going.  While it’s true these kite patterns are quite effective in finding talent and fending off trouble and bringing ease and luck, it can also fuel any action due to its potential.  Akin to a gust of wind carrying a kite to flight, given the right mix of elements in the chart and any intention can be set to fly.

Even though Tabak is claiming manslaughter and is showing remorse at the trial  his actions were very cold, callous, calculated and cavalier following the murder which can be deemed sociopathic although this was an isolated event   He dumped her body on the side of the road and then went shopping while texting his girlfriend saying he is bored.  He then implicates his landlord and then starts searching online for charges of manslaughter and how long it takes to decompose a body.  He must have known his internet searches would be found.  He then attended a few social events talking and joking about being accused of the body in his boot (trunk) and how the murderer must be crazy and detached which pretty well sums up his character.  Aquarius Sun Uranus-detached, crazy could be surmised from his Sun Uranus, Moon Jupiter Neptune tsquare.

Tabak has very hard aspects and the transits that night just amplified them-it was the perfect storm.  Sun Mercury square Uranus, Sun Venus oppose Saturn, Mars square Pluto with transit Saturn right on Pluto which was activating that square.   His Jupiter was very afflicted-excess actions.  This was a Sun square Jupiter Uranus event with poor judgment and over the top reaction. Jo claimed to feeling lonely that weekend with her boyfriend away.  It isn‘t so surprising if she wanted company but I question her inviting someone in she didn’t know.  Even though we are not sure her birth time, what we do have seems rather fitting with her Venus square Neptune, indicative of not having clear boundaries.

Transit Pluto Mars was square her Venus Mercury which shows she was vulnerable to sexual aggression.  Sun square Jupiter is the signature of the event and Tabak’s progressed Sun square Jupiter mirrors and reflects with excess, overextending, overstepping boundaries, openness and gullibility and being naive and too trusting.  His Progressed Sun conjoin the event  Jupiter Uranus-sudden excessive event.  There was so much Jupiter in this event and yet you think of Jupiter as the benefic planet it is noted to be and where things should go right yet can show where it can go so very wrong too as only Jupiter can.



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