New Moon in Leo 2019

New Moon in Leo 2019 “Hold your Head Up” Argent

The Leo New Moon is full on fire, sunny, expressive, joyful and looking for fun.  Leo lunar cycles fall during the height of the summer season, with the Leo Fire always sizzling with the summer heat.  The New Moon in Leo this year is part of  a strong stellium of Leo energy with the Sun Moon Venus Mars all in Leo boosting the New Moon in Leo with powerful Solar energy, instigating much lust for life.

Leo accentuates pride, ego, courage, confidence, creativity,  entertainment, recreation, acknowledgement and validation. Where ever this Leo New Moon sits in your chart, (house, aspects) will show focus.  Just as the Sun (ruling Leo) is the center of attention as it shines and brightens with its radiance with all planets revolving around it (hence Leo’s association with royalty and kings and queens), any Leo emphasis seeks the light, limelight, attention or validation whether in healthy doses or in heavy droves.

Pride is the backbone of attention, seeking to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Once validated, one stands tall, upright and confident, comfortable strutting your stuff.  Leo rules over children and the innocence of expression.  Think back to as children, saying “look mom no hands” while riding a bike or showing their earned *stars* on some completed project or work of art. Then think of those children who were ignored or told that children should be seen not heard or told you are a show off, or you will get a swelled head or get conceited from too much attention.

Without been given that feeling of being acknowledged or validated, you either see over compensating of needing validation or attention which can turn to negative attention or delinquency (narcissism) with confidence turned to arrogance or the opposite by not giving any attention.  Social media presents this in its own warped ways with constant posting of selfies and an endless need to be seen.  The opposite side is feeling slighted, receiving or giving snide, negative feedback or pride taking a fall with lack of humility and remorse.

The New Moon in Leo makes a harmonious angle to Jupiter in Sagittarius ramping up a more sunny, warm, positive and joyful glow.  The New Moon in Leo is also separating from a challenging aspect to Uranus, adding some excitement and amplified, electric sparks.  Mercury retrograde is at a stand still, going direct August 2nd keeping us in suspended animation, ready to get up to speed again.


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