Full Moon in Pisces September 2013

Full Moon in Pisces 2013Full Moon in Pisces September 2013 Autumn Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon brings a time of year to feast,  to reap and to celebrate our returns we started during the Spring Equinox as we head into the Fall Autumn Equinox.  The change of season closes down the summer heights of heat and sun and fall sets in shifting the attention to cooler days and nights.  I always have that sense that fall is upon us with the scent of apples, the color orange and the first pot of soup on the stove.

The Full Moon in Pisces draws out the polarity of Virgo Pisces.  Virgo wants to map the essentials and the intricate immediate goings on and the tangibles yet Pisces keeps us in view of the vast wide open spaces and the intangibles.  Pisces imperfections with all the ongoing mistakes eases the guilt Virgo carries.  Without the Pisces tendency to wander off, daydream and color outside the lines, we have no measuring stick of where we learn Virgo’s lessons and learning begin and end.

Just like “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose”, not everyone or everything is going to be your cup of tea.  A healthy dose of Virgo in good measure is necessary to put things in their place, sort, sift, clear the clutter, clean, critique, compartmentalize, cut down, cut out, curtail, add crispness, clarity,  be careful, correct, complain, castrate, cultivate, cull while Pisces has its time to have  a drink, unwind,  tune out, space out, faint, have faith, forgive, float, flow, fantasize, flutter, feast, put your feet up, get fried and forget about it in flip flops forever.

While Virgo “doth protest too much” at times, the pickiness extended to others gets its own heaping helping to the self as well.  Virgo’s are their own worst critic and can be very hard on themselves and need a good dose of Pisces mantra to let your hair down fly away with the top down in the car and give yourself a break of compassion with all your deficiencies, flaws, faults and imperfections and places we may lack. To say that nobody’s perfect is cliché enough although Pisces takes it further to say we are all perfect in our own imperfect way.

When the Virgo critic gets too icky from being too nitpicky, to rag and nag,  getting perpetually annoyed with everything and everyone needling their every nuance while beating yourself with a stick or whipping yourself with guilt for not being perfect, just sing and start to hum a Pisces kinda tune like..”everything is beautiful in its own way”…or you can’t be all things to all people so “can’t please everyone, so you got to please yourself” or “amazing grace” reminding us of our human foibles.

The Pisces Full Moon gives you that escape hatch to a place of refuge and respite. Pisces gets us to let loose from the uptight Virgo propensity to worry and get mired in the details.  In striving for perfection we may forget that our strengths and weaknesses are what makes us special and it would be pretty boring if we all aspired to be flawless, perfect specimens all beating to the same hum drum in a scary zombie stepford wifey pretty picture perfect like way with impeccable hair, nails, clothes, colors all matching, not a hair out of place.

The true gift of Virgo is the virtue of modesty and humility,  unassuming  and emotionally resilient diligently taking care of the practical day to day duties with an eye for improvement,  checking lists, crossing all t’s and minding all p’s and q’s as well as keeping busy with the laundry, dishes, dusting, matching your socks and ties and shirts neatly pressed, minding your brother ‘s cats, dogs, nieces mostly mending the many other things that matter.  Often the barren sign, Virgo becomes the aunty/uncle handmaiden at your service asking “how can I help?”

The Virgo work ethic takes the turn to Pisces appreciation for work being a labor of love and to do what you love and the money will come.  Do what you love and makes your heart sing with happy returns rather that you do what you hate and money returns.  While Virgo helps points you to where you feel useful and what you are good at, Pisces will nudge you toward where your talents lie and something meaningful with a sense of purpose that happily gets you up in the morning to do.  Money buys freedom only when we aren’t a slave to it keeping us mindful of the quality of life, not the quantity.

Venus Scorpio joins forces with Saturn and the nodal axis with the focus and spotlight on Scorpio. Venus Scorpio beauty is a magnetic mystique with her penetrating speak to me with your eyes gaze tempting with subtle undertones with deep dark delicious passionate profound love invitations.  Venus Saturn Scorpio is serious love with clenching, gripping hands and desire that must have, want and need love.

Venus Saturn also ties into a nice sextile to Pluto adding the depth of commitment to long term enduring relationships and partnerships.  Venus Saturn points to mature bonds and attraction to May December alliances where love and finances tie the knot.  Venus in Scorpio loves with emotional intimacy wanting a certain built in guarantee before giving their heart.  Manipulation is a tool to control and with it the tendency to vindictiveness and revenge when crossed and burned with broken trust and betrayal.

In the next week, Venus trine Jupiter adds a touch of love to savor giving this a rich deep dark chocolate, red wine decadent kind of love to it. Venus is also ramping up to square Mars bringing a sexy hunt back to the mating dance adding further sparks, fury and a raw edge.

Serious focus around finances (Venus), career, status, authority (Saturn) investments (Scorpio-Pluto) should see stability but some limits or tightness and at best some gain and return but not without having earned it by doing the work as Saturn dictates a time to reap what you sowed and get what you deserve.  Making wise (Saturn) and calculated decisions and having a tune into timing (Saturn-father time) gives you an edge.  Anything to do with taxes, shared and partner resources and debts may get some needed attention (paying off debts, investing, settlements, wills, inheritances).

Pluto moves direct which gives a push to move forward with solid connections penetrating past superficial alliances into bonds that tie deep knots.  Venus Saturn and the nodal axis in Scorpio aligned with Pluto, ruler of Scorpio can throw a hardnosed dark cloud over any joyful happy spontaneous expression dimming the bright lights raining on any parades and limit any feeling of happiness or lightness to celebrate.

The strong Scorpio focus as a fixed energy has strong attention to fixed affections and loyalty.  The energy is exposed and raw and get real in the face of severity in Scorpio with the burden of carrying a heavy load (Saturn).  It’s business before pleasure as with Saturn over the nodal axis, an intersection in time pointing to the current direction regarding responsibility and following tradition.  Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is bringing up life and death matters and endings with grieving, remorse and depression and Saturn boundaries.

Mercury completes a grand square with Jupiter Uranus Pluto showing crisis reaching its head finishing up with a square to Jupiter showing impact with the recent US Naval base shooting, flash floods in Colorado, another serious train accident and more Miley Cyrus freak shows who captured so focally the wrecking ball energy of this aspect as communications grew in numbers,  a little over the top, loud, obnoxious, foot in mouth( Jupiter), stormy, crazy, mentally unstable, trigger happy, chaotic , crowded group experiences (Uranus) intense burning with rage and desire (Pluto).

Mercury in Libra in the grand square brought pressing messages with a strong need to get a point across turned to heated debating back and forth and arguing and getting something off their mind, possibly rebellious and unpopular, blunt, with irritation getting on someone’s nerves sparring and voicing some strong opinions (dislikes).

Mercury Libra continues to compromise with diplomacy as always seeing the opposite side or all sides making it hard to take a strong position and stick by it.  Mercury in Libra can talk and play nice and cast a pleasantness amongst any chaos or strife, thinking twice before over reacting to any impulse.  Mercury rules over learning lessons and teaching,  tapping and poking the pointer stick wand “hokus pokus” on the chalkboard so listen up, pay attention and take notes like a Virgo would.  What lessons are you learning or what have you to teach through this critical turn of events?

The assertive bravado and pomp of Mars Leo trine Uranus gave a decisive turn of events regarding the Syrian crisis.  Mars Leo leaving the square to Saturn gave the necessary opportunity for a forced slowing down and pacing of actions with the fixed Saturn Scorpio resistance that lead to holding off on war with the strategic direct threat of war still imminent that resulted in a diplomatic response.

Mars rules over war and in Leo, the maneuvering, positioning and strategic tactics with the “the art of  war” were at play to bring a democratic resolution.  The peaceful tactics proved being part of the solution as a win win situation no matter how the plot thickens into the agreement or who lead the call. The Saturn Pluto mutual reception (Saturn in Pluto ruled Scorpio and Pluto in Saturn ruled Capricorn)  first activated December 2012 completes its cycle showing its ultimate power for responsible action.

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