New Moon in Sagittarius December 2013

Sagittarius2New Moon in Sagittarius December 2013–Promising the Moon

The New Moon in Sagittarius opens up new opportunity and expansion.  Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is off on the blue yonder wanting to reach past the everyday mundane.  Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, flexible and able to bend with the wind with a nagging itch to keep growing, embracing more where the  grass seems greener.  The restlessness and high hopes to expand horizons and reach beyond one’s grasp is instigated to keep fresh new perspective away from any stagnation.

Sagittarius is always a welcome turn and relief from the heavy Scorpio intensity and the antithesis to the serious harsh Saturn that needs to lighten up and accentuate the positive.  Jupiter ruled Sagittarius brings on optimism and joy which is a natural attractor of abundance and luck.  Happiness is as happiness does.  Happiness is a verb and something you cultivate from the inside out not the other way around.  If happiness isn’t innately ingrained no amount of outside injections can sustain the good vibe.

Those with a hefty dose of Jupiter or Sagittarius in harmonious aspect will always be finding a reason to be smiling, no matter the inner turmoil.  Laughter is the best medicine according to the Jupiter rule and Sagittarius has the gift of releasing any heavy burdens lightening the load or baggage that drags you down.  Without wasting energy feeling sorry for themselves or feeling victimized, they pick themselves up, dust themselves off chin up and find the morsel of humor in the worst of circumstances.  Ironically many of the most comical comedians have found brilliant humor to survive through tragedy.

Jupiter Sagittarius sees and shakes out the sadness with some jovial laughter injecting the silly into the serious.  With Jupiter now in Cancer ruling the New Moon in harmony to Saturn we have a balance that is cautiously optimistic with tears of a clown who give big sighs that wants to help get us out of the doldrums and any perpetual sadness not worth dragging us down.

Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is the sign of gratitude and thankfulness. It’s no coincidence that Thanksgiving  is celebrated at this time as the beginning of the uplifting holiday season with all the colors, gift giving and  feasting.  Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, is known as the Santa Claus of the zodiac with a natural inclination to be generous, giving, jolly with a cornucopia of warmth to cozy up to in the cold days of the start of the winter season.

Anyone that has a Sagittarius emphasis or a pronounced Jupiter always hopes for the best.  Everyone has Jupiter positioned somewhere pointing to their own horn of plenty however Sagittarius benevolence and luck can easily turn into bad luck where any increase or excess sees over estimation, over promising, poor boundaries, lack of moderation, exaggeration, stretching the truth,  weight gain, indulgence and direct action shooting from the hip that is in your face, honest, cutting no slack, speaking before thinking foot in mouth. Sagittarius is of the fire element and needs to generate heat  and move with some action.   Fire signs must go forward and get the wheels in motion.

Sagittarius is connected to travel and foreign places where we see more attention at this time of year with holiday travel.  Foreign places and cultures have the appeal that take one somewhere that offers a brighter spot, a bigger opportunity or a new experience or adventure.  Jupiter Sagittarius rules over the law and legal issues as well as beliefs, religion, philosophy, publishing and higher learning.  Sagittarius has lofty goals that pursue the ideal which can turn to overzealous preaching and judgements into twisted perspectives turned fanatic that get lured into cults and sects that brainwash with promises of salvation.

The New Moon in Sagittarius just passes a trine to Uranus adding some new excitement and the necessary detachment to the freedom of Jupiter’s need to venture onto a another new plateau and keep an open mind inclusive of different and unique perspectives.   The focus is on the future and what lies ahead and the bigger picture leaving some space to make peace with the past and move on.

The New Moon squares Chiron which reminds us and may bring up a collective wound over finding meaning and overall faith and trust in the bigger picture to rise above any tragedy.  Tender spots also arise around ethics, legal issues, travel, religion, beliefs  and anything forthcoming needing a truth light shone on anything concealed.

Venus Capricorn and Mars Virgo continue to ground us in the earth element while Jupiter in Cancer keeps us closely entangled with security issues.  Jupiter ruled Sagittarius in Cancer judgement is skewed with protecting our turf with holding cards close to the chest.  Jupiter in Cancer can go into overdrive over guarding and safety with an eye out for unscrupulous tactics.  Mercury in Scorpio still has us thinking of the bottom line cutting through any unspoken truths.

The JFK 50 year anniversary has a Jupiter message of larger than life ideology.  The astrology around the Kennedy’s tragic yet glamorous lineage is fascinating especially the glamor with both JFK and Jackie having a similar signature with Neptune over the MC (public) and a strong 8th house-mystery, intrigue, secrets and trauma.  The transits at the time of JFK’s assassination show much stress to his Taurus stellium in the 8th house (death) as he was shot in the neck (Taurus) and the head (Mars in Taurus).  There was a lunar eclipse over his nodal axis that straddles foreign travel earlier in July 1963.  Both children (JFK junior and Caroline) Sagittarius born around the time of year of JFK assassination, show a strong signature in their chart of loss, trauma and abandonment of the father.

The tragic flight that crashed during the last Full Moon in Taurus over Algol was quite shocking in learning some of the details.  Apparently the two pilots on the plane were born one day apart where their chart was impacted by Algol.  They were born a month after a Solar Eclipse that was over Algol.  These prenatal eclipses that occur before birth are very telling to events in life.

Comet Ison comes at a time of far out Jupiter galaxies beyond the here and now.  Comet Ison takes us back to historical Star of Bethlehem as some claim was a comet at the time.  Significant events occur around sitings of comets and Comet Ison is heralding in the next big wave of the cardinal cross action as Mars begins to form a grand square with Jupiter Uranus Pluto over the holiday season to last into the spring of 2014.




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