New Moon in Virgo September 2013

Virgo MoonThe New Moon in Virgo is the time of the harvest where we are off to market our goods.  It’s back to work, school and time to get organized and start gathering your nuts for winter.  Summer with all the fun and sun and leisurely schedules is changing seasons bringing order and routine back into the day.  Labor Day occurs during the Virgo cycle reminding us of where we put our service, whether you greet the day as a labor of love or in a slogging slave drive.

Virgo instills values of pristine, proper principles and perfection where disinfected cleanliness, along with good spelling and grammar is next to godliness.  Common sense and practicality come from the earth sense in tune with natural laws and purity seeing our body and earth as an eco system that does a body good to an occasional exorcism ridding ourselves of anything that needs a good scrubbing or wash that (man, job, bad diet, negative thoughts… ) out of your hair.

As any task or cleansing ritual, sweeping has its own clearing out process.  Along with brews and potions, the witches’ broom (besom) is not just for flying around but a handy tool to get rid of any toxic energy.  Health is a strong topic to Virgo, sensitive to their body earthed in recognizing when a negative energy needs to be swept away out of range to clear the circle of unwanted energies.

Virgo gets the label of the Hermit as time out and detachment is best to unboggle the mind of the worrying and racking the brain. Mercury is currently in Virgo and is positioned well for sorting through the myriad of thoughts and functions with efficiency and precision.  With Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, ignorance is not bliss. Virgo helps to focus on what is directly in front of you to avoid the Pisces polarity of meandering and drifting off and getting lost reminding us we aren’t out of the woods yet with more details not to be overlooked.

Virgo rules over health, work, routine, organization, digestion and assimilation.  The work ethic and feeling useful with some type of service is a Virgo mantra.   Virgos are known as the proverbial hypochondriacs due to their concern with health usually offering helpful healthy tidbits and rituals to optimize well being although, in affliction brings out the critic with a nagging fastidious fuss.

While Mercury is the natural traditional ruler of Virgo, Ceres, the dwarf planet associated with agriculture and grains is thought of as Virgo’s modern ruler.  Virgo who carries the wheat sheaf brings up the rush of protection against GMO’s and over processing for the purity of grains.  Currently Ceres is in Virgo seeing more and more issues with gluten intolerance and troubles with digestion pointing to stronger measures for combating digestion with probiotics and getting our guts in healthy working order.

The New Moon sextiles (harmonizes) with Jupiter Cancer giving this a helpful boost of abundance and growth and special attention around health, work (Virgo) home and domestic and protective issues (Jupiter Cancer).  It’s a nice time to treat yourself.  A separating trine to Pluto fortifies the solar and lunar energy with a base of grounding earth powerful and empowering with profound regenerating capabilities.

Jupiter Cancer presently sits over fixed star, Sirius, known as the dog star, the brightest star in the night sky best to see in the month of August.  Its brilliance brings benefit and strength.  Sirius is associated with the military and taking action – Mars which fits into the current focus on military action with the current Syrian crisis.

The New Moon opposes Chiron Pisces bringing up some passing wounding and suffering as Virgo can push the work horse of perfection and Chiron feels the repercussions with sacrifice however Pisces teaches us to know when to give up and surrender and release taking on the wounds of the world and giving a rest to what you are enslaved with or being a slave to.   The New Moon oppose Chiron is also bringing up the repercussions and damage to water (Pisces) and the wounding due to the Fukushima Nuclear contamination.

The recent grand slam grand cardinal square showed up in many forms both heroically and obnoxiously.   Venus in Libra Jupiter Cancer Uranus Aries and Pluto Capricorn gave the opportunity for exceptional action to be taken where a would be school shooter was talked down and disarmed with negotiation and mediation by a brave bookeeeper, who earned her name (Tuff) by courageously diffusing a hostile potential disaster.  As well we had a daring brave 64 year old woman breaking a world record swimming from Cuba to Florida.  Transit Jupiter Uranus Pluto activating Diana’s Neptune Libra (swimming) creating a grand square channeling that energy into something challenging.

The grand square also saw the chemical weapon crisis in Syria (poison–Pluto) and the Miley Cyrus freak show with her shocking tacky wacky gone wild performance.  Miley has a natal signature with Venus Uranus Neptune square Jupiter caught up in the grand square with her center stage.  With Jupiter her chart ruler, judgement (Jupiter) was over the top and skewed going over the edge.

The announcement of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas separation shows up with Catherine’s Mercury in Libra which rules her relationships under the recent grand square.  Both Libras have experienced much crisis under the grand cross the last couple of years and will see through to the eclipses in the next couple of years that bring the cardinal crisis to a grand finale.

The grand square hits the skids again activating a grand square as Mercury moves into Libra Sept 9th.  Expect communications, short trips, neighbors, contracts,  siblings, relationships, partners, agreements (Libra)  to be top of mind hitting a heightened intensity at the Full Moon in Pisces Sept 19th.  Venus Libra is separating from the grand cardinal square, dealing with any indulgent repercussions as she travels alone unsupported until she moves into Scorpio Sept 11th and forms a tight conjunction with Saturn/nodal axis in Scorpio during the Full Moon.

Mars in Leo is a pick up from the sopped Mars in Cancer where Mars is in its fall.  Mars Leo is more naturally in line being in a fire sign with the fire action natural to Mars.  Mars is square Saturn and the nodal axis which is a frustrating drive with the brakes on.  Any attempts to get ahead or assert may be diverted and brought up against some hard walls, limiting action which is a true test for patience and persistence.  Mars rules war and with Saturn as a deterrent stalling any chances of escalating a US strike on Syria.

Obama’s chart shows the current Mars cycle over his Leo Sun wanting to take action yet with Saturn and the nodal axis over his Neptune in the 9th house of foreign affairs,  he is being dubbed as “confused” (Neptune).  Saturn also squares his Sun and shows the pressure, responsibility and hardship for him the next few months hitting a peak at the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in November 3rd.

In the US chart, transit Saturn is in the 11th house showing the coming together to reach a consensus.  Jupiter (US chart ruler) is now over the US Sun Cancer which sits on fixed star Sirius with the extensive strategic planning to military action being debated (Libra).  Jupiter is also squaring US Saturn in Libra in the 10th (leadership) the restraint and critical mass with all eyes on the US decision (Libra) to lead by example.  Libra rules over debating and weighing all the options where it gets its reputation for indecisiveness and sitting on the fence.

Saturn picks up on the nodal axis in Scorpio casting a certain heavy somber gloominess, seriousness and melancholy.  Saturn rules aging and brings up the awareness again of limits and impending mortality.  Saturn equates with karma and consequence reaping what you sow where certain realities rear their ugly head at this time having to face the music with a price to pay.  Saturn puts you in your spot, stuck like glue with feet in cement forcing you to look at your present circumstances and deal with it with no denial.



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