New Moon in Sagittarius 2018

New Moon in Sagittarius 2018 “Wonderous Stories” Yes

The New Moon in Sagittarius is a boisterous boost, jumping through hoops, gathering the troops, in the loop, getting the scoop, juggling balls, answering calls, up against walls, cascaded by waterfalls, minds racing, much pacing. The New Moon in Sagittarius (mutable fire) is sparked up, getting pushed to the limit, going out of bounds into new uncharted territory.  Currently with many outer planets in their home (Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces), energies have the chance to blossom to their best potential.  With Mercury retrograde at its station just turned direct, we are still in hesitation mode, not quite ready for a full on forward motion.

The New Moon in Sagittarius strains Neptune Pisces while separating from a tense angle to Mars Pisces, continuing the buckle up to the bumpy ride, adding to Neptune/Pisces sleep issues, addictions, misunderstanding, confusion, escape, unrest, uncertainty.  Although there is the harsh square, Pisces and Neptune energies gives it an opportunity to take the high road with compassion and a Sagittarius  “hail fellow well met” steer away from any bad vibe. The dark side can show up with Pisces (leaks, slips, deceit, weakness, masochism, enabling, weak boundaries), being part of the problem and not part of the solution.

The New Moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, currently at home in Sagittarius, is putting forth and accentuating the J in jolly this holiday season, where laughter is truly the best medicine.  Belief, faith, hope are all Sagittarius qualities that get reignited during the Sagittarius season.  The movie “Miracle on 34th Street” depicts the Jupiter spirit of always encouraging looking at the bigger picture during times of difficulty or challenge, believing in miracles, having faith that all will work out.  This all ties into positive thinking and intentions, that focus on the bright side, pushing down or minimizing any negative situation.

You recognize a Sagittarius Moon by their open, cheery,  bright attitude. My mother depicts a Sagittarius Moon to a T. Through all the struggles and hardships, she would always have a smile and keep a positive outlook, never letting anything take over and take her joy away.  This is her legacy to me, “just enjoy life” and “don’t let the bastards grind you down”. My mother, like many, left her home country as an immigrant and was always interested to travel and learn of other cultures and customs. She longed to keep traveling, growing, learning, often talking about her restlessness and boredom, and a desire to keep moving onto the next great adventure. I continually enjoy all her stories of her life growing up reminding me of the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes”.



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