Full Moon in Taurus 2018

Full Moon in Taurus 2018 “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” The Beatles

The Full Moon in Taurus (Venus ruled) with Venus at the helm as the divine feminine, is the antidote to adversity, rooted in the present, at ease with acceptance of what is without getting tied to the past or caught up in future.  The Lunar cycles in the fall are ruled by Venus which gives it a special focus on relating, cooperating and grace, particularly with Venus currently in retrograde motion.  Allowing things to be with the notion that everything happens in its own time, makes for less focus on anxiety, depression, worry and more time appreciating the moment.

The Full Moon in Taurus joins Uranus Taurus and opposes Venus Scorpio. Uranus shake up disruption is on a stormy mission seeking disturbing distraction toward anything interesting, unusual, out of the ordinary and unorthodox. Expect the unexpected with values, pleasure, possessions, money, earnings, income, savings, relations. The energies are predominately fixed with stubborn and inflexible response.  The Full Moon (Sun Scorpio oppose Moon Taurus) oppose Venus afflicted by Uranus tends to coldness, detachment, separation, ghosting, abrupt shifts and uncomfortable change.

The Full Moon in Taurus, afflicted by Uranus Taurus, with Venus Scorpio currently in retrograde draws out the darker side of Venus (jealousy, possessiveness, envy, greed).  Health issues with the neck, choking, throat (Taurus). Emotional disturbance and stomach upsets (Moon).  It’s no wonder the Taurus Full Moon typically falls around the spooky Halloween season with all the gory movies showcasing trauma around the neck (vampire bites, hanging, dismembering).

Venus values are unique for any Venus. Venus in Scorpio is in its detriment where the demanding, intense desire nature of Venus in Scorpio takes away the natural give and take that isn’t forced or expected.  The cool, detached, practical, sensible tone to emotions and relationships from Moon Uranus Taurus is going against percolating, festering Sun Venus Scorpio feelings,  bringing to the surface deeply buried raw anguish, helping to dispel, release and resolve past resentments.

Venus looks to fulfilling desires and wants while the Moon looks to getting needs met.   A balanced Venus emits desire, beauty and finds pleasure in good measure.  With Venus afflicted, pleasure can turn to indulgence, where it is no longer about pleasure for its own sake but to ease pain, avoid or escape some reality. Beauty becomes splintered with superficial outer beauty masking a lack of appreciation for inner beauty.  Relations become imbalanced with neglect, selfishness and disregard.

The Full Moon in Taurus also semi-squares Neptune Pisces where deception can cloud and confuse with smoke and mirrors, making a case of not knowing where you stand, or not having a leg to stand on, feeling left out in the cold, with discord and disconnection, withholding affections and support with misplaced boundaries, uncertainty with earnings, income.

The Full Moon in Taurus and Venus align positively with Saturn Capricorn helping to offset the Uranus upset with responsible, steady, committed aims getting relations back on track to a responsible, respectable, realistic level of relating with healthy boundaries intact.



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