Full Moon in Aries 2019

Full Moon in Aries 2019 “Dancing with Myself” Billy Idol

Full Moon Aries (Sun Libra oppose Moon Aries) is forceful and full of exertion, with a will power and strength of purpose that is raw and volatile. Aries, ruled by Mars, is a warrior spirit, competitive, instinctive, adventurous and driven, with emotions that are hot and fiery which suits its connection as the annual Hunter Moon.  The opposition between Sun Libra and Moon Aries is challenging the poles between self vs. others, independence vs. relationships, selfishness vs. sharing,  bringing up polarity and balance (Libra) to instigate compromise, cooperation, give and take, fair play, scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Both Venus and Mars figure in strong with the annual Full Moon in Aries.  The ruler of the Full Moon, Mars, is currently in Libra, while the ruler of the Libra Sun, Venus, is in Scorpio, both in their detriment.  In Libra, Mars is conciliatory, sitting on the side lines, posing with passive aggressive intention. Mars is also out of the loop without any major aspects, feeling like the last man out, untouchable, a lone wolf on this Hunter Moon while Venus in Scorpio is desiring deep bonds.

To complicate matters further, both Venus and Mars are not making any aspect to each other and are making a hard aspect to Uranus, adding to a further need to retreat and find space and excitement away from any binding connection. Venus Mars are in mutual reception, which does help strengthen each other, however in detriment the support is minimized.

The Full Moon square the nodal axis (Capricorn/Cancer), Saturn Pluto in Capricorn is a midpoint between eclipses (Moon Wobble), preceding the next eclipse season December 2019/January 2020 when Saturn Pluto join in a one time exact conjunction.   The last New Moon in Aries and Full Moon in Libra (Moon Wobble)  in April 2019 when Saturn came closest to its conjunction to Pluto,  is an indicator of significant patterns and situations unfolding.

The Full Moon in Aries square to Saturn Pluto at a crossroad, draws out serious, intense triggers when either of these poles is emphasized, stressed and tense from challenging transits.  A harshness can instigate the darker side of Aries (selfishness, self interest, impulsiveness, aggression, impatience, domination and further OCD, PTSD).

The Full Moon also makes a tight sextile to Jupiter and Mercury Scorpio aligns positively to Saturn Pluto which offsets some of the harshness of the square and gives it a sense of optimism, joy, exuberance, spontaneity, living in the moment with a sensitive flow to any communications, contracts, negotiation.  The Full Moon is also supported with all the planets in a balance in an even mix of air, fire, earth and water.

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