New Moon in Aquarius January 2014

New Moon in Aquarius January 2014

New Moon in Aquarius January 2014

New Moon in Aquarius January 2014

The lunar cycles are setting up a unique cycle for 2014 with the first New Moon in January on New Years Day and a rare 2nd New Moon in the same calendar month.  Having  two Full Moons in a month are called Blue Moons while having two New Moons in one month are called Black Moons, according to WICCA where a magical window of opportunity is close at hand.  New Moons in general are for clearing out and starting fresh making this New Moon in Aquarius powerful in banishing anything out of your psyche and releasing any blocks, obstacles or hindrances.

When the Moon is at its most darkest hour, it is the time to prepare and create your rituals.  During this time, all negativity, darkness and emotional turmoil can be re-channeled and redirected.  The New Moon phase typically brings all these dark emotions to the surface and because this is a second New Moon, it rings up even more extensive hidden debris from the unconscious ready to let go, opening a clear space to reset with purer intention.

The Aquarius New Moon is ripe to lighten the load, drop the baggage and fly free unencumbered.  The best ritual during this Black New Moon in Aquarius as an air sign would be anything to do with air, getting fresh air, blowing air out of your lungs, deep breathing, inhaling and exhaling.  Take the opportunity to blow out any negative thought once entering your mind and let it float away in a balloon.  The ritual is best done at the darkest hour (midnight and/or at bedtime).  Breathe in deeply with a positive and breathe out the negative.  I breathe in peace, I breathe out anxiety, I breathe in health, I breathe out stress, I breathe in constructive relationships, I release and breathe out toxic relationships.  The breath of fire (kundalini yoga practice) is particularly effective now.

The New Moon falls during the start of the Chinese New Year, year of the Horse.  It’s a perfect time to shed the skin of the snake of 2013 and let the horse take stride and gallop forward into 2014.  The horse is naturally tuned to Jupiter, forthright in the current planetary line up, extending reach creating momentum and ardent enthusiasm.  The New Moon makes an inconjunct with Jupiter calling for adjustments and compromise between something emotional and sensitive (Cancer) and something related to friends, groups, teams and more impersonal (Aquarius).

Quirky, anything goes under the Aquarius beam is charged with lightening speed shifts and changes that  flip on a dime and keep us on our toes.  No expectations and you never know or never say never wacky weather (snow in the south) when in the realm of Aquarius ruled by Uranus.  It’s crazy making zany absurd here one minute gone the next,  things shift with a drop of a hat slicing through any red tape.  The New Moon harmonizes with Uranus kicking up a notch the need to break free and run wild (Uranus Aries).

Venus Pluto Capricorn oppose Jupiter Cancer highlights this New Moon with protests, publishing, legal affairs,  long distant travel, judgement, religion (Jupiter), obsessiveness, intense sexual love affairs, cunning, manipulation (Venus Pluto) with drains, pipes, elimination, reproductive organs (Pluto).  Jupiter in opposition often brings up exaggeration, alarming energy patterns, poor judgment and stretching boundaries feeling a need for expansion.  Jupiter rules over exposure, truth and propaganda while Capricorn is public information and Pluto ruling over fears.

News and media coverage has literally been a black out about Fukushima being both controversial and confusing with scarce and almost nonexistent communication,  education,  public information and scant  media coverage whether its over hyped, under hyped, or tainted as crazy talking instilling unnecessary fear or whitewashing and avoiding the ugly truth.

News was released indicating devastating disasters upon us and the inevitability of having to clear and evacuate the west coast and then reneging going back on (retrogrades) eating words trying to save face (Venus Capricorn ) that what was said was just a myth (Jupiter – stretching the truth).  I suspect more revealing insight will become very public during the next few months with Uranus over the south node in eclipses during the fall in October

Jupiter Cancer oppose Pluto Capricorn hits the exact point during this New Moon further accentuating the blackness and any overwhelming conditions such as corruption with power (Pluto)  gone awry and out of control oppose Jupiter with intolerance, stalking, bullying, rage, harassment, revenge, pushing boundaries with some extreme and excess emotion (Cancer).

Venus turns direct on January 31st  as Venus sits on Pluto and the black widow has come out of the cracks as I had predicted in my Venus Capricorn retrograde article with the black widow terrorist suicide bombers threat emerging at the Sochi Olympics pumping up the Jupiter Uranus fanatic radicalism,  Jupiter ruling religion and foreign places and in Cancer security.  Venus Pluto also brings out manipulative, controlling and baiting strategy to garner some return typically subtle and subversive such as making claims to have some special power, threat or ability in order to get attention.

Jupiter rules over foreign and  cultural diversity that points to Venus relationships  affected by cultural values where we have to open ourselves to the expanded network and integration of very unique and often misunderstood beliefs around relationships and how we form them, sustain them (arranged marriages, women covered in Hijab in Muslim).

Venus Pluto putting on the charms painting some pretty Venus picture or story into some twisted tale with Venus just out of her shadow retrograde and Jupiter retrograde still with much seething and silent treatment kept behind closed doors with a hidden agenda. Venus rules pleasure and sweetness and oppose Jupiter indulgence and excess, suffice to say a brimming of delights as Venus Pluto in Capricorn oppose Jupiter pushes sensuality, seduction and sensation over the top.

The New Moon in Aquarius gets us ready for the Full Moon in Leo over Valentines Day this year,  celebrating love as Venus still in her shadow in Capricorn gains momentum after pondering and thinking deeply and seriously of what  your relationship values mean to you and how to harness your best love remedy to begin to execute those well made plans.  How you treat the word love whether as an action verb of where’s the love or as a passive love is noun including how you love, value and treat yourself is a direct reflection of the love and value you wish to attract and expect from others.

Venus naturally rules over receiving, attracting and allowing and is the main energy manifestation in drawing to you what you want and need however with all the retrogrades still in a holding pattern along with the smoldering passion of Venus Pluto Capricorn oppose Jupiter, hard pressed to restrain affection, relationships are getting to feel really hot and bothered, riddled with plenty of complications putting out fires with Mars Libra grinding to a halt to begin its retrograde cycle early March giving new meaning to taking things slowly.

Mercury in Aquarius is in its shadow to go retrograde in Pisces Feb 6th.  The spotlight seems to be on my neck of the woods with a thorn in my hometown side as homeboys Bieber and Rob Ford create such a ruckus.  Bieber is a Pisces and retrograde Mercury is making its turn around over his Mercury Mars Aquarius and Saturn Pisces in the 3rd house of travel and cars pointing to repercussions and limits to his poor judgment and boundaries with his short trips.  Saturn is moving through his 12th house of self undoing stressing his 3rd house,  a time to “face the music” (Pisces) and some consequences (Saturn).  Pluto over his ASC gives him the magnetic power and popularity with his self proclaimed antics and with Sun Venus trine lucky Jupiter, an easy appeal to the masses.

And if it isn’t enough with the Black New Moon offering up a big bad black hole (the universe’s garbage disposal)  to heave our junk pile and nasty heap of minangled toxic debris into,  we now learn a new theory on black holes so we may have to find another dumpster somewhere else to jump into or another hole to suck it up.

Get yourself prepared with an astrology reading on how the New Moon in Aquarius will help get you started in a new direction this month.




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