Saturn in Scorpio and the Scorpio North node

Saturn in ScorpioSaturn in Scorpio and the Scorpio North Node.  “Don’t fear the Reaper” Blue Oyster Cult

Saturn entered Scorpio October 5 2012 and will reside in Scorpio until September 2015. Saturn Scorpio is joined by the transiting nodal axis in Scorpio/Taurus until February 2014 bringing Scorpio principles up to Saturn standards and practices.  The North Node is a focal point that points to the collective direction. The last cycle of Saturn in Scorpio was in 1984 to 1986 where similar patterns may emerge at this time. Saturn will join the nodal axis in September 2013 reaching a climax and resolution around the Solar Eclipse November 3 2013.

Saturn Scorpio equates with big money (Scorpio) and politics (Saturn).  Saturn rules over responsibility, limits, cold, boundaries, authority, career, tests, lessons, restrictions, longevity, old age, reality, material structure, government.  Reality bites as seen very evident in the US election democratic victory with lots of eating crow and humble pie for the Republicans.

Pluto ruled Scorpio resides over power, debt, taxes, sex, death, inheritance, big business, corporations, insurance, deep fears, research, privacy, mystery, betrayal, intimacy and deep bonding, substance, trust, mergers, manipulation, exploitation, shared resources and joint ventures.  The last cycle of Saturn in 1984 was joined with Pluto in Scorpio with the onset of AIDS. Scorpio, Pluto rules over the sex organs and sexually transmitted diseases.

Saturn’s journey through Scorpio starts with much support and stability, unlike Saturn’s run the last few years (2006 – 2011) as it created a tsquare with the outer planets Uranus and Pluto with much crisis and restructure.  Saturn started its journey through Scorpio in a trine with Neptune in Pisces which draws out the emotional and active, deeply penetrating dream states with the water emphasis the first few weeks of October 2012.  Saturn then begins to form a trine with Chiron in Pisces in November and then a mutable reception sextile with Pluto in Capricorn later in December 2012.

The Saturn Pluto theme becomes more pronounced with the mutual reception (Saturn in Scorpio ruled by Pluto and Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn) which will carry through 2013. As soon as Saturn first moved into MR with Pluto in December 2012, the tragic Newtown School shooting occured. The next join up is in March and September 2013. The MR forms an alliance that will forge or break deep bonds (Scorpio) and lasting commitments (Saturn).   The Saturn Pluto MR focuses on building from a solid ground and foundation. Saturn and Pluto MR herald in stricter (Saturn Scorpio) gun control and violence (Pluto Capricorn).

Saturn turns retrograde end of February 2013 and will again trine Chiron Pisces by March and Neptune Pisces by June 2013 to help mitigate the impact of Uranus square Pluto as it makes the next impasse in May 2013.  In July 2013,  Jupiter in Cancer joins in for a grand trine in water.   Saturn again moves into a grand trine in the spring of 2014 with Jupiter and Chiron at 16-19 degrees.

Saturn Scorpio came during a critical juncture with the US Election in November 2012 just before a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio which highlighted Scorpio matters.  The media had a strong hold on manipulating public opinion. Saturn in Scorpio makes it key to trust your own guidance and inner compass through the maze of opinion that influences and manipulates and exploits to gain an upper hand.

Saturn in Scorpio is responsibility and serious involvement with financial affairs as they relate to collective corporate shared resources, investments, taxes, inheritances, insurance and pensions.  We are seeing the real first influx of baby boomers tap into their retirement funds which will start reflecting the impact of the growing demand on retirement funds going into the next cycle.

The baby boomer cycle starts at 1946 to 1964 and are the largest group to move into retirement, a demographic that will have far reaching impact not just for collective funds but the job market.  Saturn represents careers and the growing need to replenish the system with replacements for those retired,  hence long term planning becomes critical at this time.

Saturn in Scorpio can indicate limits and heavy responsibility and losses through joint finances. Mitt Romney demonstrated the typical severe austere stance of Saturn Scorpio with reference to shared resources in his expression of the 47% who pay no taxes and depend on government support and his proposal of restrictive measures for gaining collective support.

Saturn Scorpio ruled by Pluto deals with deep emotional intimacy and bonding, purging, exposure, deep base fears, psychology, investigation, mystery, betrayal, revenge, survival and sharing resources.  Turbulence in emotions and crises may bring up buried fears and Saturn means limitations which may show a time for restrictions in intimacy and deep bonds.  This can be a time of severe endings where those that may have held out during the Saturn Libra stage are finally reaching a harsh breaking point.

Pluto ruled Scorpio rules over smoking out, uncovering and revealing anything underlying, hidden or obscured.  A few instances are the Lance Armstrong case coming to light and the serious repercussions (Saturn) around bullying, sexual abuse (Pluto) coming to attention.  Saturn seeks necessary division however Saturn Scorpio can also build and celebrate enduring, responsible, secure and supportive long term bonds and commitments.

Saturn in Scorpio is a fixed sign and less inclined to flexibility and compromise where stubborn reactions and rigid constraints may create closed hearts and blocked attitudes to engagement.  Scorpio puts up protective barriers and is guarded, slow to embrace, cautious and in control with strict boundaries.  This is a time to take those measures to ensure the bonds created are sustaining and trustworthy.

Trust and betrayal are the pinnacle markers of Scorpio where one takes the time to earn trust in order to avoid potential betrayal.  Saturn is serious business in Scorpio.  Saturn concerns consequence and in Scorpio, long standing, deep regrets or consequences to any action taken. Heeding Saturn’s call during this time to take the high road in order to deter future repercussions.

Wearing the dead albatross is a term for a psychological burden and curse typical of Saturn consequence more so with Saturn in Scorpio ruled by Pluto and the nodal axis-south node in Taurus. Albatross is a large seabird that follows ships and if killed thought to bring a curse of having to bear its weight around one’s neck-Taurus.  The heavy weight and burden of Saturn is wrought with serious life and death consequences with Saturn in Scorpio making us reap and pay our dues for our choices in extremes whether for gain or loss.  The planet Charon, a dwarf planet of Pluto depicts the ferry man in Greek mythology who carries souls over the river Styx, the dividing line we cross over between the living and the dead.

Saturn connected to Scorpio also shows where support and assistance from others can be lean and mean.  This will be a time where serious consideration will be taken in reference to relationships and the merging of assets which can take on severe repercussions.  Inheritance, heirlooms, taxes, bankruptcy, loans, trusts, shared estates, insurance, partner’s assets all figure prominently during Scorpio Saturn.  Karmic conditions will show where your just deserts and what you deserve will show themselves.

Saturn rules over old age, dry, cold brittle conditions.  Saturn in Scorpio is the realization and the sense of futility to mortality with Pluto ruled Scorpio ruling over death.  Saturn Scorpio brings home the reality around the cycle of life and death. I read a touching story about aging and moving into a home leaving behind all the remnants collected over the years with just the memories to take along.  Many are worrying about their retirement and whether they will have enough to survive into old age.

There is no dalliance of light feather walks in the park as emotions, damage, loss and pain during a Saturn Scorpio transit can persist deep in memory.  Water signs work toward acceptance and allowing, open and fluid with feeling. Pluto ruled Scorpio Saturn is a water sign that forces letting go. Saturn in Scorpio can be indicative of deep loss through death, or major endings (Scorpio) where one may grieve and mourn for long extended times.  The depth of emotion in Scorpio can’t be more penetrated than with the deep conviction and attention of Saturn.  Saturn in Scorpio may mean that much more to lose, the placement is akin to the extremes of life and death and a time where you are forced to release control.

Saturn will square the Pluto in Leo Generation, pre baby boomers born 1940 to 1958 who will feel the turn in the cycle with crises, forcing a shift. Saturn will sextile the Pluto in Virgo Generation, those born early 1960 to 1969 who will find the next few years giving a sense of empowerment and realistic goal setting, getting firmly entrenched in long term planning.  Saturn will join the Pluto in Scorpio generation, those who also have been going through their Saturn return born mid 1984 who will experience their first cycle of Saturn Pluto.

With the North Node in Scorpio, the south node is in Taurus. Taurus rules over possessions, self worth, values, income. The south node is the harbinger of releasing and Taurus in affliction is reactionary, defensive to any threat to ownership.  Poverty consciousness is becoming more prevalent with the ever widening gaping hole between the haves and have nots with values and self worth ever pressing on self esteem, fighting the old axiom from “I am not worthy” to seeing personal value and expecting to be rewarded for it.

The saying, “don’t cast pearls to swine” meaning don’t sell yourself short fits this Scorpio/Taurus theme. Your value is anything you feel you deserve.  And what you deserve is a direct reflection of what you perceive your worth as.  Time for a self appraisal of that value. Hoarding has become more insidious, holding on tightly to worldly possessions and to “what’s mine” with fear of losing resources and becoming a bag lady, picturesque  of those who hold their worldly possessions in a shopping cart.  Issues with the neck, throat, voice, thyroid and other Venus ruled Taurus issues will be pressing as well.

This axis of Scorpio/Taurus is money related and with it, all the connection to security, stability, possessions and negatively greed, envy.  Scorpio is about letting go, sharing and pooling resources for the greater good. Values are in crisis where determining policy stems from very diverse and divisive values. Financial flow and wrestling with the money issue and security is a Taurus on the south node concern and how we sabotage by worry, negative thoughts and frustrations.  Someone who is continually stressed or challenged in these areas has the ever need to keep away from that perpetual nagging pestery voice that says, “I can’t afford that..I better not buy that”.

Cash flow takes on its real meaning where we can insert our card for payment releasing any fear around not having enough thinking negative with chatter…”I could get this cheaper somewhere else”, “I don’t need this”… and changing it to abundant thoughts of money. I read through the law of attraction that putting a certain amount of cash in your wallet and leaving it there is always a signal of abundance and having enough.  Not to say you can’t still be frugal and shop at the Salvation Army where abundance can still be found with Armani, Guess and Prada splurging for only a few dollars.

Anyone with fixed signs Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius will mostly be feeling this weight on their shoulders especially personal planets such as Sun Moon Venus Mercury Mars in Leo Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio which will be under Saturn tests and scrutiny in the next couple of years when Saturn leaves Scorpio late 2015.

The Saturn return in Scorpio is particularly special for those with Saturn in Scorpio (mid 1950 and mid 1980) as the nodal axis is riding along side in Scorpio.  The Saturn return occurs every 28-30 years.  It is a significant milestone of responsibility, maturity and authority.  Saturn moves in 7 year cycles, hence the 7 year itch where things can get stuck or stagnant, same old, some know it with the coined “the old lady or old man”.  Those who began relationships, careers or anything major around 7 years ago may find this time a serious relook at commitments, obligations and responsibilities.


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