Pluto Neptune Uranus

Pluto Neptune Uranus “Sun Rise Sun Set”

The last few years of soul searching, existential crisis, is moving out of orb into more flow and ease. The outer 3 planets (Pluto Neptune Uranus) all angle toward a congenial energy pattern.  In 2024, the outer planets began to line up harmoniously in water and earth (Saturn Pisces -water, Uranus Taurus-earth, Neptune Pisces-water, Pluto Capricorn-earth). This energy is ideal for healing, restoring and rejuvenation after many years of strife.

After many years of the outer planets in earth and water, these outer planets are setting a new stage to move into Air Fire. Pluto starts to break into a new cycle with a major change as it moves into Aquarius out of Capricorn (2024), next Neptune from Pisces into Aries (2025) and Uranus in Taurus moving into Gemini (2025). Pluto Aquarius (air) Uranus Gemini (air) and Neptune Aries (fire) are all action and movement signs-air thinking, fire action.  This energy is expressive, progressive and forward; light, free and liberating.  Less focus on the past, emotion, sitting things out or daydreaming.

These outer planets in harmony are playing nice with each other as the energies support each other and provide balance. This refreshing shift is a welcome movement out of years of the challenging heavy  influence of Pluto Neptune and Uranus. These past several years showcased emotional, digging into deep earth roots and residue from the past.  The Pluto Saturn Jupiter stellium in Capricorn in 2020 along with Uranus Taurus and Neptune Pisces through the pandemic, literally stopped us in our tracks, frozen in time having to bear the consequences of destructive forces.

Saturn ruled Capricorn will always somehow bring on restrictions, consequences and reality tests from  crisis management where long term planned solutions are overshadowed by short term fixes and bandages. If you look back between 2007 and 2020 hard outer planet aspects cascaded continually from the start of Saturn oppose Uranus then Saturn oppose Neptune (2008 financial crisis) then the major tsquare Pluto, Uranus and Saturn (2010) and continued with Uranus square Pluto to 2016 (terrorism, political upheaval, riots) to Saturn and Pluto joining as the climactic event around the pandemic chopping block (consequence Saturn coming home to roost with  Pluto death and destruction.

2024 is quite the shift from years of a slog with so much intense earth and water energy sludging along.   Everyone has had their experience of the pandemic and version as either an existential crisis and/or a quantum shift in perspective; for me with a chain of events from major surgery, and other major health issues (frozen shoulder) major loss (both parents, other family, cat of 20 years and a breakdown of technology over my website) all which had so much impact in those years, very dismal and disheartening and mostly physical body manifesting the impact of the stress (all the Capricorn Aquarius energy in my 1st house of physical body) which had me step back and stop writing or doing readings; feeling overwhelmed and frozen with any foreboding information; too much to bear especially after seeing Saturn Pluto turn into this pandemic, watching my aging parents/family/pet have to navigate their last years, end of life through this time.

The surge in mental illness, anxieties  and health seem ever more prevalent, never before seeing so much OCD, autism, ADHD, Narcissism, with social media fueling further with conspiracies, wokism, polarization, extremism, spawned from so much deep internal uncertainty, powerlessness and unrest grasping for any explanation or reason or truth to feel in control.

Religion and beliefs or conspiracies play a role to calm and provide explanation. Astrologers also help those looking at the stars for solace or answers, for something to rely on to give a sense of certainty or a reason something happens to keep away from the chaotic random shifts that leave one in a state of fear, feeling lost, confused and deregulated.

These outer planets movements are key as they move slow and are generational. They look at social, political and global shifts as they also impact individual growth.   Pluto Aquarius is a bit of an oxymoron as Pluto destructiveness and intensity in Aquarius, a sign that is progressive and open, insists change is now the new order, the devil’s advocate; that doesn’t hold or harbor groupthink.

Aquarius ruled by Uranus, though community based, still beats to their own drum, not a follower or sheep. Pluto Aquarius will see the strange unexpected twist of a wild card, still open to differences and uniqueness in all shapes and form, though with the capacity to support, offset and redirect with factual, credible accuracy or truth and steer away from extreme polarization, ideologies, beliefs and brainwashing that conspiracy theories and any information validated and influenced by popularity.

Pluto Neptune and Uranus (as well as Saturn) were in harmony in air and fire signs last in 1942-45 which is telling as this was during the second half of World War 2 that lead to the defeat of Germany (lots of air fighter jets – wings (Saturn Gemini, Uranus Gemini, Neptune Libra).  Post war, 1945 into 1946, Saturn Leo, Uranus Gemini, Neptune Libra, Pluto Leo , the restorative years after the war.

The start of World War 2 was during Saturn Taurus square to Pluto Leo, then Saturn joined Uranus in Taurus with the outer planets still in earth, water (harboring territory and ethnic divide, similar to the current climate with Ukraine and Gaza). We can only imagine how this energy could unfold this time around, hopefully as a strategy and solution out of the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza.  We may also see this energy escalate solutions for climate change with all the ill effects and impact of the building of tensions, driving the urgency to morph into rapid, necessary actions to restore and fix.

Recently with a power outage and then watching a movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” 1951 of an alien coming to earth warning of nuclear war, where the alien turned off power globally to have the human race stop and ponder their fate.  I sat for that time during a power outage too and wondered what would happen with an ongoing black out, let alone a nuclear war.

Air and fire in this harmonious alignment may seem like shifts, cycles are moving faster in exponential growth and technology may see leaps in development. Technological advances getting past obstacles, rising above. We can only hope these strategic air and fire signs will help foster better visions, solutions, action (fire)and movement (air) and plans (thinking-air) for future generations to offset further chaos, conflict, climate change and cost of living.

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