Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio April 2013

Lunar EclipseLunar Eclipse in Scorpio April 2013

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is a time where the Sun in Taurus (ruled by Venus) diverts from war (Mars ruling Aries) to love (Venus ruling Taurus,).  With Venus in Taurus and Mars now in Taurus, the tone is shifted to soften the edge of Mars and instill a gentle, peaceful path and pause of Taurus.   Being motivated by love makes for better outcomes-make love not war. Even though Taurus is next to Aries, they are at opposite poles. While Aries takes action with speed, Taurus attracts and receives tending to take time to smell the flowers and bask in the pleasure principle, relishing taking time off and taking it easy.  Calm the storm, ease tensions, go slow and move at a snails pace. Venus charms gets you to drop your arms.

There is a double edged sword to this Lunar Eclipse.  Sun Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune Pisces and builds to trine Pluto.  The Sun’s placement in a positive aspect always seems to shine some good omen and weather.  I often watch the stars as my own weather network to gauge for my travel plans, good hair days or why on a water Moon phase I like to make soup.  Sure enough with the trines you often see pleasant weather (especially benefic planets such as Venus and Jupiter).

The weather is usually very unpredictable during Eclipse season though sure to show storms with difficult challenging aspects as seen in the inclement weather (for many no spring) and the critical incidents last week during the Quarter Moon with the stressful Mars aspects. Saturn and Mars are considered malefic so difficult aspects between them heighten the tension. The building Taurus stellium (especially Mars) oppose Saturn in Scorpio is showing the repercussions, somber mood and wreckage of the last week making Saturn Scorpio a focal point of this eclipse. Saturn brings up tests to see how far you can push your limits and break through barriers. Saturn pressed can bring up bitterness, rigidity and hardness taking their toll.

Mars Saturn in fixed signs is a frustrating, stubborn, seething build up of pressure as Saturn puts up walls and stops any forward motion of Mars. Saturn rules over authority, responsibility and career where the pressure points may be seen instigating hard work, head to the grind stone with no let up working it to the bone.  Saturn rules bones, knees and skin where the body responds to the stress.  The Full Moon lunar cycle is usually a high water mark and flooding is showing up again as well as earthquakes. Saturn depicts cold and is showing how winter is persisting for many in North America in its close aspects the last few months. Saturn rules age where many may just feel very tired and worn out with Saturn’s relentless task master at the whipping post.

The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is a partial (penumbral) eclipse preceding a total Solar Eclipse in Taurus in May. The Scorpio Moon, Saturn  and nodal axis brings up the underbelly of destruction and corruption of power, manipulation and the festering dark side of limits and restrictions and the harsh hand of Scorpio Saturn’s reality that gets played out from the shadows. As Uranus and Pluto edge ever closer in aspect again, we see the burst of fury come forth in the collective explosions whether man made or by nature pointing around Scorpio and Taurus themes.

The bombs in Boston and the explosion in Waco occurred as the Sun and Mars Aries were building to (Cazimi), the conjunction semisquare Chiron and Jupiter adding to the wounding and the extremely challenging circumstances.  Fertilizer is earth, the issue indicative of the south node in Taurus (earth)-the south node being the fallout point in eclipses.   The Sun Mars cycle tells much about your assertion, constructive action and strength of conviction.  Every 2 years the Sun Mars meet and tells the story about the initiative, action and where the energy will give you a surge of force and challenge you in the next 2 year cycle.

This Sun Mars cycle is a true Mars return in its own sign and with the Sun exalted in Aries, this conjunction will have lasting effects. Sun Mars meeting in Aries happens only a few times every 100 years.   This year it fell on a critical degree of Sun Mars just changing signs moving from Aries to Taurus. The Mars heroes were alive and kicking with the police stepping it up to protect and serve in their successful efforts in hunting down the bombing suspects.  Both captured perpetrators had their Solar Sun degree impacted by the Sun Mars conjunction-Sun Cancer and Sun Libra.

The US chart is telling as natal Mercury in Cancer is in a tsquare  with Pluto  at 27 degrees Capricorn and Chiron Aries which the Sun Mars conjunction activated, a very sensitive trigger point.  There is a pattern of destruction at this time of year which reflects the solar square to the US Pluto including the Virginia tech massacre, the suicide bombing of US Embassy, Oklahoma bombing, Columbine high school massacre, the Waco siege to name a few. The US chart Sun square Saturn is under pressure from the Uranus square Pluto transit the next couple of years (particularly 2014-2015) as eclipses will draw this energy out.

Scorpio rules over investments and taxes. There has been much in the news around smoking out and uncovering information regarding offshore banking and safe havens where billions of dollars go unaccounted for.  Taurus values of Venus beauty, riches and luxury,  creature comforts whether a cushy home, familiar community and fat bank account. The dark side value by superficial means and how much something costs, expensive cars, homes, clothes (designer labels)-the exterior value.  Greed, hoarding and stinginess is the most extreme negative reaction of Taurus operating from a place of insecurity.

Taurus/Scorpio rules over banks, with the banks showing an HR disaster outsourcing jobs to foreign companies taking jobs away from our own.   HR standards is you take care of your own employees as partners who provide a valuable service and are more than slaves, numbers or a commodity cheaper by the dozen.  HR also taught me diversity is the right thing to do, equality in the work place and workforce.

Most companies outsource to cut costs but the banks (Canadian) recently announced record breaking profits (billions) so there you see the ugly side of greed which is indicative of the south node in Taurus-the lowest common denominator that Taurus in its dark corner will resort to in the name of security and Scorpio, the manipulative measures to keep power and dominance and some type of competitive edge. Cutting costs and cheaping out-you get what you pay for as this action has spurred a wave of disgruntled bank customers dropping off in droves.  Loyalty is a fixed Scorpio trait and this betrayal has shattered trust.

The recent passing of Margaret Thatcher brought up much emotional contagion surfacing discord around a time of upheaval that created much havoc during her leadership. Her chart has a Saturn Scorpio (her 3rd Saturn return) over her ASC which really epitomizes the “iron lady” persona which depicts a strong interest in a political life.  Moon Neptune Leo over her MC seemed to help her hold her power despite public outcry.

Her long life is attributed to her chart ruler, Pluto in the 8th house in good aspect to Saturn over her ASC. Her Libra Sun Mercury showed a surface effort to attain diplomacy but somehow mired with the square to Pluto (her chart ruler), the Pluto in Cancer generation that fought to keep security but at what costs as many see this time during Reaganomics and Thatcherism as the real beginning to the great divide between the haves and the have nots which showed  the greed and selfishness pursing and sweeping through the survival of the fittest mentality.

Our own Canadian song star, Rita MacNeil and her notorious famous voice passed suddenly.  Her Mercury in Taurus was very stressed natally and will be under the eclipses the next few months. She had Venus in Taurus (Venus rules the throat and the voice) showing her powerful bellowing voice. Her stage presence, although shy shone through with her Moon Jupiter in Leo.  Jupiter often shows weight issues where she may have carried herself with her weight as a protection and covering of her internal very sensitive emotional state-Cancer nodal axis. The recent Aries stellium stressed her nodal axis in Cancer bringing up acute issues with her infection (Mars) that caused her demise.

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