New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2018-06-24 “If You Could Read My Mind” Gordon Lightfoot

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer July 12th/July 13th in some places, is a nourishing cup brimming to overflow feeling overwhelmed oppose Pluto Capricorn, bringing up crisis points, fears, instigating power struggles, manipulation, stalking, bullying, paranoia, knee jerk obsessive/compulsiveness (OCD) and controlling, demanding ways to getting needs met. All things Cancer (family, nurturing, home, safety, sense of belonging, caring, emotional, roots) oppose Pluto Capricorn is pointing to transforming and ending old, worn out patterns and replacing with new improved practices.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer oppose Pluto Capricorn is instigating and forcing facing demons, (unconscious, dark side, shadow), bringing to the surface anything buried that needs to be felt, heard, expressed. Eclipses are intersections of time moving us through and around the wheel often triggering crisis.  Crisis pulls out all stops and goes to any extreme or finds balance with a test of character, showing true colors.  Born in any crisis is an opportunity to evolve, grow, learn and to keep moving with the notion that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You often can’t go around but must go through any challenge but there is no need to dwell there.  When you are going through hell, keep going. Don’t stop to take pictures.

With the Solar Eclipse in Cancer oppose Pluto Capricorn, this is a time to really dig in and down deep, grounding into the root of any problem or issue, go into therapy, express deep repressed feelings.  The intensity and magnitude at this time will be cathartic and purging.  Because this is an opposition aspect, projection is common where hidden inner emotions are often played out by someone else, or come out and manifest in other forms.  The more conscious one is of these issues, the more productive and effective are any reactions, response and break through to challenge or difficulty.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer is separating from a water grand trine with Jupiter Scorpio and Neptune Pisces which activated nurturing serenity the last few weeks, in preparation for any battle. Cancer is the internal domestic place of refuge, comfort, familiarity, and if these roots or safe havens are not accessible in a healthy form, often due to some insecurity stemmed from these roots (shaken with divorce, loss of a parent, abandonment, abuse, dysfunction, dependency), there is a build up of pathological defense mechanisms to survive (victim cycle).  Any loss of a sense of safety when developing a secure foundation, will pose difficulty when it’s time to leave the nest, learn to fly and face obstacles on ones own.

Venus in Virgo forms a grand earth trine with Uranus Taurus and Saturn Capricorn helping to fortify the Solar Eclipse with grounding, structure and  form.  Mercury Leo is forming a YOD pattern the next few weeks as it sets into retrograde July 26th until August 19th, making for many adjustments with communications. Mars is retrograde in Aquarius until end of August and fully triggered during the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius July 27th, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius a fruition of any action or intention taken during the Solar Eclipse in Cancer.


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