New Moon in Taurus 2018

New Moon in Taurus 2018 “Strawberry Fields Forever” The Beatles

The New Moon in Taurus focus is on physical sensation, tactile touch and the here and now.  The energies are serene with a sense of ease and a steady, stable presence.   There is a calm stillness, quiet, reflective and soothing, unhurried and patient.  Venus, ruling Taurus, is all about attraction and receiving.  While Venus counterpart, Mars, is actively chasing rainbows and the next best thing, Venus is content to sit back , reveling and appreciating the moment, allowing desires to be fulfilled with a seductive beckoning. Taurus is highlighted in the spring growth season, during a time to watch your garden grow and to see anything sweetened and refined, as Venus is naturally gifted  with bringing enhancement, beautification and harmony.

This New Moon harmonizes with Mars Capricorn, giving constructive, productive direction, with stamina and vitality. The New Moon has a predominance of earth energies in Taurus and Capricorn giving it a practical, realistic and sensible tone. The New Moon in Taurus is also enhanced with water energies that further moves toward relaxation and rejuvenation.  An emphasis on water and earth puts more attention to the body and emotions and less to cerebral and mental, making it time to savor sensual experiences. The New Moon is separating from an opposition to Jupiter promising more return and bang for your buck as well as over kill, stepping over boundaries and pushing limits.

Uranus makes it’s first dip into Taurus, adding to the line up of slow paced, earthy energy.  Since 2010, Uranus in Aries was moving swiftly and fervently while Uranus Taurus now slows to a standstill, with a wait and see to shifts and changes in a sense of security and stability.  Noteworthy of unpredictable Uranus maverick movement is an asteroid passing close to earth around the time of Uranus ingress into Aries went missing and is now in sight passing through the Moon and Earth.  Mars also about to change into Aquarius, is also making a tense square to Uranus, keeping things quirky, interesting and unusual.

Uranus is in its fall in Taurus as Uranus wants change, excitement and evolution to look ahead and move forward into the future while Taurus is comfortable with the status quo, sameness and familiarity. Uranus Taurus focus on the material and the mundane, may lose touch with a future perspective while being caught up in monetary security which in turn can incite more greed.

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