Cosmic Cycles 2021

Cosmic Cycles 2021 “Have You Ever Seen the Rain” CCR

Saturn Aquarius and Uranus Taurus square (2021-2022). Change and disruption postamble to the preamble of Jupiter Saturn Pluto Capricorn 2020. Saturn and Uranus in stress draws out all the challenges of these energy patterns, especially with Saturn in Aquarius (Aquarius ruled by Uranus),  unexpected, unusual, shock, storms. Saturn and Uranus are both planets emphasizing isolation,  restriction, limits, distance, cold, dry (droughts), difference, uniqueness emphasized by the strain on social distancing, lacking emotional warmth and closeness.

Saturn rules structure and Uranus collapse, change, explaining the spikes in unusual storms, weather, floods, heat waves, tornados and changes in the financial markets. Physically all things teeth, knees, skin (Saturn) and throat, voice, choking (Taurus).   Aquarius and Taurus are fixed energies also testing all things stubborn on being focused, present, grounded, patient, disciplined, listening with all the distraction, anxiety, chaos while Aquarius and Uranus look to more openness to differences and uniqueness in values.

The Saturn Uranus square further strained by Jupiter in Aquarius; the new normal on all things Aquarius and what distancing and isolation created collectively. Uranus ruling Aquarius, with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius and soon Pluto Aquarius in 2023, is highlighting new and unusual ways of social connecting and social groups (social media) (video connections).  All this Uranus and Aquarius energy is escalating a surge in technology and social media and the changing influence on social practices and norms.

Social media has been in the forefront as the way to connect with so little opportunity in real time.  This new normal of digital social connection with expansive digital opportunity is creating other problems; the candy store all driving to distraction with multiple channels of devices all competing for attention.  The irony with so many ways to communicate (texting, Whatsapp, FB, Twitter, Instagram, email, video calls and a plethora of digital tools to help with organizing, scheduling, reminding) yet communication seems more frazzled, disorganized, distracted, misunderstood, misinformed than when we were relying on basic phone connections, pre voice mail and answering machines.

Minority Report (film in 2002) with Its depiction of the future eerily spot on to our current reality of technological advances such as facial recognition, data collection,  constant notifications,  intrusive targeted advertising stalking every google move,  privacy hacked,  facing future nanochip brains and stepford mechanical AI robots. Social Media and technology has reshaped real connections by bringing more attention to who we are with our likes, dislikes, similarities and differences, values, belief.  What we share (and overshare) is making it more apparent of what we don’t have in common (politically, values, interests, tastes).  These differences, polarized to extremes with conspiracy theories running rampant through social influence as people try to make sense and alleviate the unknowns and chaos of these gaping holes of perplexity.

Emotional and mental coping through this is showing more glaring true colors of distraction, self absorbed attention seeking for validation, popularity and the cathartic means to express frustration publically without filters through fact vs fiction and all the friction; conspiracy theory making us weary, forewarned or misinformed, hacking and attacking.

In the midst of this tense configuration with Saturn and Uranus are the Gemini Sagittarius eclipses that started in 2020. Communications, (Gemini–Mercury) travel (Sagittarius-Jupiter) movement, all skewed further with Covid strains.  These eclipses particularly fraught with a square to Neptune Pisces hardest hit for the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces Virgo) particularly the total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Dec 14 2020 and the Gemini Solar Eclipse June 10 2021 strain Neptune Pisces (feeling misunderstood, misinformation, lack of transparency, addiction, messiness, weakness, distraction, uncertainty, poor judgement, communications at risk (hacking), misrepresentation.  Hypocrisy and judgment are skewed, gossip and lack of privacy (exposing private information).

November 2021 starts eclipse season in Taurus/Scorpio continuing into 2022/2023. These Taurus and Scorpio eclipses will be intersecting with the Saturn and Uranus square in Aquarius and Taurus (particularly November 8 2022) which elevates the Saturn Uranus energies to a hilt, escalating shocking, unpredictable, sudden shifts, particularly seen in the weather (climate change crisis), where strategies to offset and reverse climate change are becoming glaringly more critical.


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