Full Moon in Capricorn July 2012

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2012Full Moon in Capricorn  July 2012 – “Lunatic Fringe”-Red Rider

The Full Moon in Capricorn joins Pluto in Capricorn and ties into the fulfillment tsquare with Sun Cancer Oppose Moon Pluto Capricorn square Uranus Aries.  It’s a build up we have seen in intense measure the last week as the Sun hits the tight angling to Uranus Pluto with climactic crises-the Colorado fires, extreme storms on the East Coast that had millions lose power, the Supreme Court decision to uphold Obamacare PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), more news of significant relationships ending with Johnny Depp and Vanessa as well as Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes filing for divorce.  Anderson Cooper became public (Capricorn-Saturn) about his homosexuality.  I am anticipating the shoe to drop a few more headlines in the next few days and weeks-perhaps many more stories coming out of the closet and liberating themselves (Uranus).

Capricorn Moons crave solitaire and appreciate the rewards of hard work and understand or live through denial and delays and know what consequence means and in health you see Capricorn/Saturn rules the knees, arthritis, bones, aging, teeth and skin, depression-getting oneself immersed in a dismal head space-or headache-Uranus Aries-I have a doozy migraine – which usually is foreboding something significant-let’s hope not an earthquake. Wherever Capricorn or Saturn is natally or in transit will tell the tale of your current scenario and where you will be having some possible serious or somber feelings, musings or repercussions.

The Capricorn earth Moon is practical and has us reach a place of realistic appraisal- a let down to those wanting to protect their turf and a place of grounding and responsible action for others who see the necessity for strict attention.  Pluto rules over shared resources (settlements), taxes and debt, power-rife for obsession. Looking where Pluto is prominent in your chart can show where the current sting hits.  In the right circumstances with the right practices (best practices)-these tense energies are ripe for progress and accomplishment. Capricorn/Saturn is ambitious and resourceful and relentless with Pluto in the mix for a winning game plan.

Mars enters Libra – the heat is on and will build to a full tsquare to Uranus Pluto by the New Moon in Cancer on July 18th.  Wild raging fires spread out of control in Colorado-declared a disaster the worst the state has ever seen. Mars (fires) in Libra – relationships, financial markets (Venus rules Libra) could be the scene set with more fires or rages exploding.  Libra rules the kidneys and lower back-watch for accidents in this area. Mars is in its detriment in Libra (ruler of Aries) – which can be a blessing in disguise as Libra takes some of the aggressive urge out of the equation.  Mars rules over cars and impulsiveness, impatience, aggression (road rage) -more accidents in this configuration. The good news is Mars will be building into a cradle –diamond formation -trine with Venus Jupiter sextile Mercury retrograde which might help contain some of the frenzied energy.

The Eastern US was hit by harrowing storms/ declared a State of Emergency due to storms cutting off electrical power –millions were without power-powerful storms raged through the eastern US Friday June 29 during the Sun Uranus Pluto square.  As noted with my article on Uranus square Pluto – electrical storms (Uranus) are becoming more rampant with power outage issues.

With Venus and Saturn both turned direct from being in retrograde we often see events as planets changing direction have a releasing point turned direct where all hell can break lose.  Venus in sesquisquare with Saturn has been creating a rift of grumpy stagnation and tightness with relationships, love, finances in the last week and will ease off in this week.

Mercury Leo presently sits in a talent triangle with Venus Gemini and Uranus Aries which aids in communication and easing some of the tensions being flushed out with peaceful negotiations and unique compromises. Whatever contracts/communications you have building will reach a favorable reception. Relationships, finances (Venus) and friendships (Uranus) are also favored this week-especially if you remain flexible (Gemini) and allow some space for open minded, new (Aries), untried, unique, out of the box (Uranus) strategies.

Obamacare. The Full Moon sits over the US chart-US Sun in Cancer.  (Cancer=care, security) with healthcare. This is one change that many are either very or not happy about but  a necessary step forward.  The decision was made on the Sun Uranus Pluto square, just after Venus and Saturn moved direct. Health is ruled by Mercury and Mercury is lined up well with the nodal axis and Jupiter making this a well timed decision.

Eclipses are moving through the US 6th house of health /12th house-merging of healthcare (Universal –nationalized). Venus in Gemini is transiting over the US 7th house cusp. Venus rules health in the US chart and is in Cancer/7thhouse. Venus at 3 degrees Cancer is now being trined by transit Neptune. Neptune rules over the collective and nationalization.  Neptune sits over the MC of the US chart.  This elevated point brings Neptune home-Neptune is connected to Universal/collective values-take care of the people.

To quote Michael Moore who has been a major spokesperson championing the healthcare fight “They know what we all know — that the path of history has been, and will continue to move toward the basic human right that all people are entitled to see a doctor and NOT have to worry about losing their home because they can’t afford to pay the medical bills”.

The US Sun, Mercury and nodal axis are in Cancer in the 8th house – insurance, shared resources.  Sun square Saturn in the US chart is a challenging energy when it comes to sharing (8th house). Sun Saturn is limiting and strict, harsh-profits made (Pluto 2nd) due to someone’s  illness. US Sun square Saturn is going to be particularly hit with the Uranus square Pluto in the next few years-much reform and change where Sun Saturn wants to stick with tradition and the status quo-but Uranus Pluto has other plans and will show with radical turns.

Mercury is the natural ruler of health and oppose Pluto in the 2nd house-power over resources and finance-you can see the strain and pressure of the powers that be to control the profits.  Mercury oppose Pluto is being strained by Saturn Libra as is the Cancer stellium being challenged by Uranus-forcing change.  Mars has been retrograde in the US 9th house – the 9th house of legal is ruled by the Sun-many policies and laws will be challenged and  changing in the coming years as Pluto opposes the US Cancer Sun.

Hollywood is all a buzz with another significant relationship ending- first big news about Johnny Depp and now Tom Cruise adding to the line up of Hollywood love stories unraveling. As I indicated in my Uranus square Pluto post, I had anticipated significant endings will occur at this time-Pluto. It is sad to hear-these guys are two of my favorite, growing together in the early days through the crazy 80’s – Johnny with 21 Jump street and Tom with Risky Business.   Johnny Depp was recently spotted in Ireland buying yellow flowers.  Yellow is the color of Gemini (Johnny). Yellow flowers-signify joy, friendship, lightheartedness-perfect for the current Venus Gemini vibe. I feel like he read my New Moon in Gemini article  or maybe he is peeking at my back porch and sees all my yellow flowers. We Gemini’s like Yellow.

Tom Cruise Sun is in Cancer which is featured over this Full Moon-his birthday July 3rd-he turns 50.   His Sun Cancer is under the current Uranus Pluto storm- a time where obsessive (Pluto) radical (Uranus) incorrigible behaviors and beliefs could become pronounced.  He has much fixed energy (Leo -Taurus) which could make him stubborn.  He is larger than life- I see more of his Leo and hardcore Uranus-which seems to blow away or overpower his softer Cancer nature although he proves to be a strong family man (Cancer) devoted to his children (Leo) making this custody battle a tender spot.

Tom Cruise Mars in Taurus, Venus Uranus Leo is under eclipse lights in November-the south node over his Mars in Taurus which is over Algol, indicating some type of loss.  Both Johnny and Tom are very Uranus types – rebels.  Algol is over both Johnny’s Venus and Tom’s Mars in Taurus which will be stationing this fall-October to December.  Algol is notorious for losing one’s head as some have seen with Tom’s religious devotion to Scientology.  Having such an impetuous energy around Uranus explains this being his 3rd divorce-the number 33 is coming up as all three marriages ended with his partner’s at age 33-3 is the number of Gemini.  Tom has a grand trine in water – Sun Neptune Jupiter-lucky star which can show his religious inclinations (Jupiter) and spirituality (Neptune). Grand trines can at times run amok though as the energy has no challenge or any barriers so it is inclined to over reaching or extending especially in Jupiter Neptune in water.

Katie’s relationship ruler is Uranus-Uranus is not one to bow to any god or tradition-interesting she attracted a strong Uranus type like Tom. Transit Uranus is stressing Katie’s Mars (ruler of her 5th house of children) while Uranus transiting her 9th house of beliefs/legal-reflecting how this divorce-Uranus is nonconforming to any of religious dogma where seeking sole custody could be due to impingement of her beliefs, religion-the 9th house. Uranus is the planet of divorce and is in Libra at 8 degrees in their composite chart-hit by the current transit Uranus square Pluto.

Their romance started during a Neptune transit to Katie’s relationship house. Neptune can show blinders or being deluded by fantasy and romance and rose colored glasses. Her natal Neptune is square Saturn and the recent lunar eclipse activated this square-now hit by the reality of Saturn – the star dust blown from her eyes to see clearly. Her Neptune particularly-in Sagittarius (ruler of religion)-being addressed by the lunar eclipses in Sagittarius both in December 2011 and June 2012 showing some focus on 9th house matters including beliefs.  Katie’s ASC/DESC is at the midpoint of Uranus Pluto- powerful shaker and breaker of bonds.

I have been looking at Vancouver’s chart being we have had crappy weather the last while-more dismal than usual for our “Junuary”. Pluto is in Gemini on the Solar Eclipse degree from last month-(Pluto -eclipse = darkness)  Transit Neptune Pisces over Vancouver Venus Pisces and square Pluto Gemini explains all the extra rain and the floods as well.  Having natal Venus Pisces square Pluto Gemini sure explains the wet coastal ocean (Neptune) weather in general. Thank goodness I chose yellow pot flowers to surround my house this year to keep me cheery through all this dismal dark dreary weather.

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