Full Moon in Taurus November 2013

Full Moon in Taurus 2013Full Moon in Taurus November 2013 over Algol.  “The bitch is back”.  Elton John

The Full Moon in Taurus is tainted with a dose of the fixed star, Algol, rearing her ugly head.  Algol has a bad rap and notorious reputation for its heinous, raging affects where all hell breaks loose screaming “off with their heads” as heads roll.   Many known figures with Algol prominent in their chart (Johnny Depp, Princess Diana, John Lennon, Steven King, Einstein, Tesla, Picasso, Steven King,  Mick Jagger, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein) who somehow embody the flavor and concoct the character of Algol.

The Algol origin comes from the pit of Taurus jealousy in the myth of Medusa who was ravished and seduced (raped) by Poseidon (Neptune) by his lust which led to Medusa being cursed by Athena’s envy and turned into a hideous gorgon.  The many accounts of Algol over time are too uncanny to ignore and it never fails that a rush of movies on strangulation, hanging and beheading graces my TV  screen during any pass over Algol. This article details the Algol story.

Algol in Taurus is associated with Taurus and the neck and historically shows connections and issues, accidents, executions and problems with the neck and and loosing one’s head.  Anyone who has 26 degrees Taurus prominent (May 16) in their chart probably has some association whether from having a sensitive neck to a tendency to fly off the handle or in its glory bestowing a creative genius or madness, unbridled passion boasting powerful feminine power.

The Full Moon in Taurus over Algol semisquare Uranus, Pluto and Venus brings its wrath to fruition.  Uranus Pluto is always lurking in the background pulled to the forefront with the lunar cycles and outer fixed stars. Venus, ruler of Taurus is accentuating a crisis to Taurus values, security and finances with a fight for survival (Scorpio-Pluto) and shocking upheaval (Uranus).  The surface charm and sweetness of Venus has an underbelly of compulsiveness and rage with any calamity to any threat to stability or harmony.  Change and unforeseen chaos is not something Taurus has a built in readiness for and any shake up rattles their very core.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus where the emotions are calm and placid.   There is an overall tranquility and gentle nature that finds comfort in simple, sensual pleasures of touch, smell, taste and a comfort coming from a sense of material security, domestic harmony and serenity in quiet places.  Venus ruled Taurus thrives in pleasant and beautiful surroundings.

Venus now in Capricorn, ruling Taurus is the focal point as it enters its shadow November 20th  to go retrograde December 21st and stay in Capricorn until March 5th 2014.  Venus joins Pluto heightening the magnetic pull with a snake dance desire.  Venus, through the lense of Capricorn, is a time to assess relationships, finances and earth ruled principles, valuing realistic hard-earned and hard-won  returns with the built in gift of Taurus slow, steady patience, time will tell where Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Taurus is back to pleasure and sweet bliss.  When Venus is strong we put emphasis on pleasure and finding our bliss.  With pleasure in good measure we reap the benefits of the serotonin lifts naturally activating the oxytocin chemical whether through chocolate or sweet embraces to any injection of some sublime substance.  Venus is not akin to the denial of pleasure knowing the inherent benefits of giving and allowing oneself doses of love.

Taurus focus is on values, self worth and self esteem. Taurus and self esteem is finding worth independent of others’ values, approval, opinions or judgements and finding a place that gives a sense of inner gratification and fulfillment. Self worth is a feeling of deserving and an inner belief that all is well and bountiful trusting in being replenished.  Taurus being an earth element, works on the plane of material manifestation naturally.

When Taurus is operating from an afflicted angle or weak, self worth and self esteem is satisfied with a persistent need to be validated and assured of value and self worth through an exterior and superficial means whether through physical appearance, beauty or fame.  Insecurity feeds the urge to acquire as a means to an end, to hold on, hoard and possess where ownership is the direct reflection of self worth.

Outside valuation comes by some type of adoration, praise, worship and adulation parading through finding value in trophy partners or popularity or (I must be special because I have a beautiful, successful partner, many admirers and a nice home, clothes etc.) an every gaping hole that needs to constantly be filled never satisfied hence where greed becomes the beckoning downfall where a nagging envy, jealousy and overcompensation can raise its ugly head when true self esteem is lacking.

The saying nature abhors a vacuum has something to say about holding onto anything.  The universe fills empty spaces and if we crowd,  hold onto the past, etc we aren’t leaving room for the new where one door closes and opens another.  Letting go is a Scorpio notion to share and release whereby you are allowing a space to be filled.

Mercury in Scorpio is up to speed again going direct with all the backlash in communications through the retrograde cycle the last few weeks seen with the Obamacare website launch gone awry, government scandals and other misfortunes with extreme weather, communication foibles, mishaps and disconnects.  Mercury is giving us another chance over the next couple of weeks to make it work, get it right, fix things up and hit the reset button.

Rob Ford, the mayor of our city Toronto has been plastered all over the media for videos showcasing his abhorrent public behavior fitting as his Neptune in Scorpio is accented in this Full Moon/Algol meltdown.  Being a Gemini, ruled by Mercury, Rob has a difficult aspect with his Sun Mercury Gemini oppose Mars in Sagittarius which shows the impetuous, angry, foot in mouth, blunt, rude communication and behavior.  Transit Neptune and Chiron is activating this opposition pointing to the wounding (Chiron), unraveling and drug activity (Neptune).

Rob’s Saturn in Taurus (public, government) oppose Moon in Scorpio is afflicted in his chart showing poor boundaries and the PR fiasco which was affected by the recent Mercury retrograde cycle.   Rob has a fairly difficult configuration of his Virgo stellium (Jupiter Pluto Uranus) over his south node which shows his fall out with excess, poor judgement, rage and living on the edge with lessons around discernment (Virgo) in his public position  keeping locker room behavior from public displays of poor character.

Stephen Harper is a Taurus.  The fall out of the recent Solar Eclipse fell on his Taurus Sun on the south node.  Stephen has a tsquare with Sun Uranus Neptune and a tsquare of Mercury Mars and Saturn.  His Sun Uranus and Neptune is under the Mercury Scorpio retrograde cycle trying to get his story straight on the senate scandal.  His Mercury Mars Saturn tsquare is under the Pluto Uranus radar the next year as his Mercury is on his south node.

With the tense energy around Uranus Pluto, the Philippine Typhoon storm broke out during the water flow burst as Mercury and Neptune both stationed to go direct while both are in water signs showing the storm surge due to the flow of this configuration.   We also still wait as we watch the Fukushima site go through the current delicate process of cleaning up the nuclear destruction which has been kept under wraps and hidden as to the extent of the damage while sitting on an ominous foreboding point with any further threat of another earthquake that could tip a doomsday disaster.  Makes watching the classic movie about nuclear meltdown, “Dr. Strangelove” seem less absurd.

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