Jupiter in Aries – Prosperity Consciousness

big planetJupiter-ruler of Sagittarius, Element-Fire, truth, justice, expansion, power of intention, Blue Topaz, Sapphire, Numerology-7.

Jupiter is rushing, gushing and barreling through Aries this April where we had a peek in early Aries last summer. Jupiter is moving rapidly passing over many points this last month and will move through Aries until mid May where it will then reside in Taurus for the next year.  April 6 Jupiter and Sun meet up at 16 degrees Aries giving a push of exuberance and joyful positive revelry.  Much benefit can be honed during this time and will certainly be a time difficult to feel negative noticeable as everyone seems to greet others with smiles and cheerfulness and positive regard.  There is much enthusiastic initiative taken with Jupiter in Aries but foolhardy overreaching and overextending can also be a problem with the impulsiveness and possible obnoxiousness from the heady ego oriented self centered nature of Aries. Mars and Venus will meet up with Jupiter in May giving spring flings their calling.

Everyone is familiar with abundance and the power of positive thinking. The chart is really a guidepost to give you indication of where your most positive and benevolent influences lie- those areas that help to augment the more stressful and dire areas of our life-the place to bring happiness and joy and where we can find our power to manifest  our hopes and wishes  We often learn that when we do our praying and wishing, that the universe will provide. It often takes persistent effort to keep a positive mindset and to get the negative monkey off our back but during times of Jupiter transits, it may come easier than most.  At this time we naturally become open to positive experiences because we genuinely start to feel more positive.  Because Jupiter moves through each sign every year, we can experience the positive glow of Jupiter in all stations of our life, giving us opportunity to have that burst of joy pass along and touch many areas.  One year you may find that much abundance comes via money as Jupiter moves over your Venus or through  your 2nd house and then another time expansion with love or growth in your home with a Jupiter transit through the 7th or 4th house or over the Moon.  Jupiter offers benevolent opportunities to all areas of our lives, we just have to be open and ready for its cycles.

Some of us are more naturally endowed with Jupiter’s gifts of the positive comedy spin of living life joyously and abundantly when they have a natal promise of Jupiter in strong aspect in the natal chart.  Jupiter epitomizes being positive.   Here this part of your life will always feel like your lucky charm where you can count on continuous prosperity, goodwill and spiritual protection.  These are good luck opportunities but then again there are bad luck scenarios as well and this would be Jupiter in stressful contact.  Jupiter expands anything and with a hard aspect with Jupiter-it will just amplify that energy. I hear of people complaining of bad luck and many times it is someone overstepping bounds and not estimating or judging  properly.  Somehow they misfire and have disastrous results which  came from a miscalculation.  Because Jupiter rules judgment and an ability to discern some  influence beyond seeing the forest for the trees, basically a Jupiter axiom , a negative influence of Jupiter is really ones lack of ability to see the “trees for the forest”. Because Jupiter sees the big picture-the process is somehow missing-this is indicative of the fact that Mercury is the opposite of Jupiter and why Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini and Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius where reason, logic and calculation play a strong role in guiding our actions and plans-Jupiter takes a round about trail that avoids the in between of point A -Z  which can be good in many respects and necessary as going in from both directions is the way to go.

In the case of money, those who may have stronger money charts tend to believe and focus their energy here as they do have the ingrained attitude for abundance-they tend to have a strong Jupiter and also a good Saturn for good balancing and moderating.   Jupiter run amok without some structure and reason is more problematic-I have seen countless charts of those with a strong Jupiter without any managing structure and they just destroyed their success quotient.  I know of people who don’t have a very strong money chart and interesting enough, they don’t focus on money or they don’t believe they deserve it-usually Jupiter is weak and Saturn strong (restriction).  Ultimately we can create beliefs even with a weak money chart because the potential is there for all and this is where Jupiter is helpful.   It’s like cultivating and improving on anything that is weak by nature such as embarking on a  fitness regiment to transform our shape or change career or identity.  We can create anything we want to but that desire and motivation has to be manufactured which is more a calculated process where those who have challenging charts, have such ingrained negative patterns that need to be dispelled and reconstructed.  Having Jupiter gives the core impetus to want more and increase and to really believe it will happen-faith.

Jupiter is all about growth, expansion, philosophy, religion, higher education, generosity which when tempered can be vastly enriching however too much of a good thing is a problem such as gains in areas we may not want to see increase such as our weight and debt.  Seeing Jupiter doesn’t always mean a lucky break-Jupiter can bring great losses as well usually because of some foolish overestimation.  The Secret that hit the media in the last few years isn’t really a secret.   Thinking and acting positive is proven to change the molecular cell structure and improve our health.   Jupiter is all about the BIG picture, thinking big. “Go big or go home”!  The power of positive thinking is always a part of my approach in life, but being highly conscious of a positive way of life is a different road altogether.  We all hear it all the time.  Think positive, be positive but in the day in day out of life we get pulled along all the emotional, situational currents that move us away from our positive focus.  We lose our center so it is a conscientious striving to continue with this positive focus even in the most challenging times.   Jupiter is the epitome of the positive and bringing in the big game.

In Astrological terms, Jupiter in the chart is the place to look for opportunity.  I call it opportunity as it is not necessarily something that just pops on your doorstep as many believe although Jupiter somehow puts one on a path of high hopes.  It’s a mindset of  seeing and grasping of some kind of inception and taking it to its fruition, a timing and knowing that something good is about to happen.  A good intention and belief in something bigger, larger and bigger than life and not just wishful thinking but following a dream and making it real.  Jupiter is a strong enabler to help guide the process. It is about channeling this into a particular and positive direction because big things can happen in a negative manner as well.  Pluto in Sagittarius (Jupiter ruled)  proved that (1995-2008) which showed much of this massive destruction with all the hyperbole, dot com technology craze, overzealous lending and financial frenzy in over inflating and the proverbial slide into the financial crisis.  It comes back to carefully guarding the consciousness and our intention-checks and balances.

Most people I meet with strong Jupiter or Sagittarius can’t help but be positive and happy-not much that can drag them down which can be very infectious. I grew up with a few and always remember those with a strong Jupiter-smiles and laughs and jokes were predominant and abundant no matter their losses they always seemed to bounce back on top .  They usually gave a grand presence that represent a larger perspective.  Brutally honest, no holds barred-foot in mouth disease is Jupiter’s forte. Any athlete can attest to the power of positive thinking.  All are trained on the power of its effects to create the win. Being in the business world and knowing the power of thinking that positive spin before a presentation and the power of this to land a deal or contract is timeless.  Just today case in point, I am on a business call and I was given a compliment as a very effective communicator – sure enough transit Jupiter is on my 3rd house (communication) Venus. But always bear in mind that it goes back to your “natal promise”.   I am a Sun Gemini with Mercury in Gemini-communication is supposedly my forte. I have Jupiter in my 1st house (self)  harmonious to my Sun-its a nice torch to carry.









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