Lunar Eclipse in Gemini December 2011

Lunar Eclipse December 2011Following the eclipses in June, we continue in November with a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse December 2011 centered around Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and Mercury ruled Gemini.  Sagittarius is the archer, holding the bow with an arrow aimed directly at its target with full velocity-the straight shooter.  Sagittarius has the body half man half centaur.  We think of Jupiter when we get on our high horse or get back on the horse.  Sagittarius is on the north node during the eclipses which is the highlight-publishing, legal, news, beliefs, principles, freedom, higher learning, luck, idealism, fortune, inspiration, ethics, long distant travel, foreign lands, culture, religion, philosophy, abundance, and the south node Mercury-communications, the media,  accidents, siblings, neighbors, writing which will become much more pronounced at this time again with the eclipses.

Mercury went retrograde just before the solar eclipse on November 24th or 25th (depending on what part of the world you are in) and goes direct once again on December 14 just after the lunar eclipse adding another wrench to events. Mercury has already been in its shadow since November 5th where communication glitches would already be in motion.  Mercury retrograde is a time to review and check your details especially now as Mercury in Sagittarius, in its detriment, will further Sagittarius aims which can gloss over details and miss valid points.  Mercury in Sagittarius is like an oxymoron in a position opposite to where its ruled in Gemini which is connected to rationality, impartial detachment and critical thinking with the necessary sorting of data and detail.

With Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius close to the eclipse degree it may be good to steer clear of overzealous plans and expenditures, being mindful of communications and scrutinizing what and how you express yourself.  A Black Friday fiasco  on November 25th upon Mercury  just turned retrograde-expect Mercury returns. Mercury in Sagittarius (long distance travel) points to potential issues around travel, especially long distant travel seen and heard with all the recent air rage incidents with RIM and Alec Baldwin gone viral! Or just massive blow ups and collisions with very expensive foreign cars.

There is no holds barred with Mercury in Sagittarius- communication is direct, forthright and honest always hinging on the truth and justice.   Over doing, over reaction, inflation, overestimating and exaggeration are also the attributes of Sagittarius with high hopes and aspirations to “ boldly go where no man has gone before”…Star Trek interlude.  Sagittarius is known as well to push limits and boundaries. With Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, everything is about more and Mercury is motion so going faster and speeding becomes an issue.  Sagittarius is a fire sign that needs to grow and expand and often acts before thinks.

Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs and the liver. It’s no wonder Jupiter is associated with the liver. Alcoholics often perish from liver disease from indulgence and excess lead to toxicity where the liver is overworked in purging the poisons.  You also see the issues with laziness, weight gain and obesity.  A member of our clan passed in the last few weeks due to complications with a broken hip. With Jupiter in my 1st house rising, I gravitate to that Jupiter jovial, open, benevolent nature that has me always laughing and seeing the humor in everything.

Jupiter also points to the big picture where we learn to not sweat the small stuff and grill over miniscule or petty details or any negativity or pessimism. Jupiter is always about the little train that could. Jupiter Sagittarius is tolerant, optimistic, enthusiastic, broad minded with far reaching idealism. As we move into the Christmas/Holiday season with the jovial Santa Claus nature and all the bright lights, we experience the cornucopia of Jupiter, the horn of plenty and abundance for believers and non believers alike.

Sagittarius on the darker side is notorious for blunt (foot in mouth disease), boisterous, loud and forward communication and actions and lacking impartial rationality and objectivity.  Sagittarius is more subjective and righteous around moral principles and belief systems, immersed in a cause.  Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is also known to promise more than it can deliver.  Here we may get caught up with preaching and moral finger wagging and monologue sermons on the mount  boasting lofty ideals and making big plans but failing to follow through.  In its most negative ramifications rude, obnoxious and tactless with the classic bout of TMI-too much information where some things are better left unsaid. While Mercury will go retrograde in Sagittarius, it will begin a strenuous aspect with transit Mars in Virgo just as Mars Virgo is in its shadow phase moving toward going retrograde in the next few months. Perfect example of letting the sh**t l fly was the uproar in the House of Commons with slinging obscenities.

Jupiter rules publishing and here we see the massive explosion of self publishing and the exponential growth of every single person having a voice.  The internet has enabled our ability to have transparency into everything.  With social media there is nowhere to hide.  Squeaky clean PR rules the moment made very clear (or not so clear!) in the last few weeks in the presidential debate with presidential candidate Rick Perry’s blunder and memory relapse on November 10 just as Mercury goes into its retrograde shadow.  His PR recovery on David Letterman was pristine as he certainly seemed to be able to contain the incident with humor (Sagittarius).  His chart shows his Sun oppose Saturn clearly under the strain of transit Mercury and the upcoming eclipses. It will be interesting to see how he manages damage control for his running.

The lunar eclipse December 10th is at 18 degrees with the Moon in Gemini.  The first week of December will be very busy with the degree energy in close range as the Sun will square Mars as the Lunar Eclipse builds to full force.  Uranus will also turn direct which may add shocking, unexpected and sudden upsets.  Jupiter will semi square the nodal axis just as it turns direct in the next week which will add some boisterous burst of enthusiasm over the weekend.  These are north node driven eclipses which unlike the eclipses in June, which centered around the south node in Gemini, will focus on the north node in Sagittarius.

The solar eclipse  in November was a partial eclipse which hasn’t the full potential as this total lunar eclipse  more potent in its energy manifestation. North node eclipses are known traditionally to be more auspicious and growth oriented here especially in Sagittarius with full momentum and fiery missions to search for meaning and expand horizons.   This does point to positive, elevating and expansive opportunity with much being expressed regarding an emotion, messages, communication, ideas from the past (Moon in Gemini south node).  A time where we feel a restless yearning for something bigger, better feeling we need to venture out of our familiar everyday matters.

Venus will square Saturn mid December which might bring a few days of stringent and hard nosed principles and reality checks necessary-here pointing to the strain with the future of the Euro under pressure (Venus ruling money, Saturn-budgets).  The optimism in the Euro is fading due to the building opposition of Jupiter (optimism) to Saturn (pessimism). By the end of December,  Saturn is building up to oppose Jupiter however will not completely do a dance so a time of come hither go away hurry up wait up down start stop.  This adds a bipolar head spin of contraction and protraction. Saturn then builds up and trines Neptune into late December 2011 moving into the NY.  Saturn steady as she goes balancing and formatting has a flow with Neptune.  Its a smoother path to discipline. Takes off some of the edge but keeps us in line and in tune which gives the holiday season 2011 a time of restoration and regulation with an eye still on some productivity.

Venus will continue to move through Capricorn until just before Christmas with further development of responsible and conservative approaches to relationships.   Just before Christmas,  the Sun in Sagittarius lines up beautifully with Saturn Neptune  adding plenty of joy and peace with an air of giving back and taking responsibility.  The Sun then moves into Capricorn and trines Jupiter with the New Moon on Christmas eve and also square Uranus making Christmas this year exciting, filled with generosity (Jupiter) and surprises (Uranus) with a twist of the unusual and “far out”.

An asteroid the size of a jet almost missed us which came on suddenly.  NASA claims they always see these asteroids well in advance so you have to wonder about this close call.  The last close hit such as this was in 1976. This is a Jupiter/Uranus event as Uranus stationed retrograde  in a critical degree just before it moves direct mid December-come on fast with no warning.  Neptune has just moved direct and will move into its ruler Pisces early next year.  Jupiter will also move direct in mid December.

I can’t help feel this is a sign of more hidden celestial activity making itself known in the near coming years with job postings to be a Rocket Man. Sure enough the first week of December we learn through NASA about a newly discovered planet Kepler-22b apparently earth like and habitable with temperature right for life. There seems to be an inordinate amount of space ship and alien movies lately watching old (aging myself) shows of Lost in Space and  Twilight Zone, Star Trek-more reruns of a retrograde Mercury Sagittarius kind.


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