New Moon Aquarius 2012

New Moon in Aquarius

The Aquarius New Moon is at 2 degrees Aquarius.  The Sabian Symbol degree is “A Deserter from the Navy. This is a symbol of human independence carried to a point of extreme rebellion against things as they are, here emphasized in a disregard of all consequences for the sake of an immediate liberation of the spirit”.  While this message implies the spirit of Aquarius, it is a poignant statement of the Captain’s desertion from the accident of the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia.  This New Moon will square Jupiter and sextile Uranus – open to new unique, surprising, expansive goals-especially networking and growing your social circles (Aquarius).

It’s a great time of any type of growth (Jupiter) and reaching out of your comfort zone or rut.  Aquarius shakes things up and gets you to wipe off the cobwebs.  Uranus ruled Aquarius awakens and charges our batteries- finger in socket.  Aquarius is all encompassing and embracing and engaging the wider audience for the greater good.   A New Moon is ripe for starting anything.  It’s a seeding process that reaches fulfillment at the full moon.  Obama will hold the State of Union address to congress, Tuesday-this New Moon is over his Jupiter and oppose his Leo Sun. I expect his speech will have a buoyant force and take a powerful stand to his opposition.  January 24th just as Mars goes retrograde on his Mars pointing to how his initiatives will progress in the following months before the November election.

It’s the year of the Dragon which points to a year of fierce determination and drive-the dragon is no quitter, always pushing for a win win-ambitious, energetic and strong willed, sharp and hot headed-the dragon is equated with yang energy, the color red and equivalent to the Sun sign Aries.  With Uranus-Aquarius ruler in Aries-we have a year of beginnings and battles pushing for change and new direction.  Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will show where a thrust of new activity should emerge over the next few days.  Aquarius is a fixed, impersonal sign and rules the 11th house, oppose Leo, ruled by the Sun where ego and self interest get pushed aside to tend and engage the larger perspective. In Numerology, 2012 is a 5 year-also a yang, action energy- a time for change and shifting priorities.  With Uranus moving into square Pluto, this year is punch full of movement and momentum.

Any activity around Aquarius and 11th house aims such as groups, friends, companionship, communities, sharing, collective gatherings, freedom, social equality, humanitarianism, fraternities, social media will figure strongly at this time.  The focus of Aquarius is on the greater whole and group as opposed to individual.  Fixed signs tend to be stubborn determined focused which was made very clear this week as the world stood up against SOPA. Loyalty is also a very strong character trait of Aquarius which fits with its natural connection to friendships and camaraderie. The power of social media (Aquarius) helped to fight the passing of the bill with the Aquarius New Moon square Jupiter/Lilith Taurus. Taurus rules values and self worth, here Lilith in her call to fight any curtailing of freedom and censorship (Saturn).

Just before the New Moon, the Sun built up to a strain to Saturn this week adding to the stern attempt of government to take control .  Hello big brother. Fascism anyone? It was also really COLD-Saturn represents cold and it was brittle cold in our part of the world-very unusual.  While it is normal to have colder temperatures while the Sun travels through Capricorn-coldest time of year, our usual winter trek, it was made more noticeable this year with the strain to Saturn.

The current issue with SOPA is raising major agenda with sharing free information and government control. Aquarius Sun rules freedom, collective values, groups here just leaving its square to Saturn (government, control, censorship, restraint) and now aspecting Jupiter and  Uranus Lilith indicating liberation and freedom.  The nodal axis in Sagittarius/Gemini still showing the cry for information sharing semisquare Saturn and the New Moon  and seems this is a further carry over of controlling information sharing such as the wikileaks- Information that everyone should be privy to but with attempts to be pushed again for only a select few to have access to.  Mercury squared Saturn again showing the stifling of information.  It was timely to watch a video about a family saving a whale from being trapped in a net and her show of appreciation for setting her free here demonstrating the Aquarius push and victory for freedom.

Mars retrograde in Virgo also plays a part as Virgo is ruled by Mercury (communications) here showing a barrier put in to expression and the battle/ conflict surrounding it (Mars).  Piracy (theft) is ruled by   Neptune/Mercury- related to Copyright, we still have the nodal axis in Sagittarius (publishing, the law) and attention to copyright infringement where the conflict between free information and free speech (Aquarius) and intellectual property being controlled and policed curtailing information flow.

“We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun”-John Lennon.  Coldplay “Clocks” lyrics of “You are and nothing else compares”.  Aquarius honors how we are all our own unique weird wonderful creation that should be celebrated and no one should be the same no matter how unusual or different.  Cloning and copying or wishing you were like someone else is defeating your purpose literally.

Not much for Hollywood gossip but can’t help being pulled in seeing the stars effected by the stars!   Johnny Depp has that unique appeal and special knack and sparkle for taking on the unique unusual characters – he is truly a Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) character although he is a Gemini.  His chart is actually very Uranus infused with a tsquare of Venus Mercury Taurus square Mars Pluto Uranus square Saturn.  Uranus is the rebel and he will continue to surprise us with his roles.

Rumor has it that Johnny is separating from his long time love Vanessa –the separation shows as Uranus rules his 7th house of relationships and is under stress now.  Uranus is associated with separation so makes sense the potential split however his Saturn in his relationship house in a tsquare with Venus does show his serious nature around relationships and his longstanding committed connection.  Transit Neptune is currently oppose his Uranus (relationships) showing dissolving of bonds-Neptune would have been strain his Venus the last few years explaining the quiet hidden separation already in process but kept secret.  Neptune is also oppose his Mars as well which conjoins with his Uranus-Mars Uranus is the shocker. In June, the transiting nodes and Jupiter will strain his Mars Uranus as well as the eclipse in May showing his relationship changes.

Neptune transits to the love planets can also indicate deception and affairs as Neptune is the siren call in fantasy and secrets. I have to wonder if an affair is playing a part.  Neptune and Chiron is transiting his  house of relationships-showing wounding and possibly some type of deception or delusion or it could just mean shifts and changes and some time apart to grow in other directions.  Uranus indicates having unconventional and open relationships which is the space and freedom that probably has kept them together this long.  His Uranus Mars is experiencing the current Mars retrograde cycle where Mars in Virgo at 3 degrees began its shadow phase last year over his Mars.

Mars will turn direct this April at 3 degrees Virgo over his Mars-I suspect we will learn more as the next few months unfold.  The recent eclipse in December over his 11th house Sun-also impacting his 5th house-house of children and love affairs.  The Sun is his chart ruler-his rising and ASC in Leo. Eclipses are focusing on his career and home in the next few years especially over his Venus, ruler of his career- his Venus is in Taurus over Algol.  November 2012 should be noteworthy for Johnny.

Heather Locklear was rushed to hospital for severe stomach pains- (Mars retrograde in Virgo) –Mars is moving through her 6th house of health-Virgo/Mercury co-rules her health-Virgo is connected to the stomach. Neptune is moving through her 12th house oppose Venus Uranus Pluto in her 6th house of health- hospitalization is associated with the 12th house.   She has some great tension around her tsquare with Libra Mars /Mercury tsquare with Capricorn Saturn Jupiter Aries Moon all in the later cardinal degrees.  The Moon in Aries is in her 1st house-the 1st house is to do with the physical body-the Moon is also connected to the stomach.  My post on Saturn Libra suggests those vulnerable with later degree Cardinal degrees (Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer).  Mercury is to do with the mind so you can see the pressure of her mental health and the rumors around her alcoholism (Neptune) and the repercussions. Transit Uranus is right over her ASC (physical body) oppose her Libra Sun – Uranus shows the shocking sudden incident.


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