New Moon Aries 2011

April New Moon blossomsThe building to the New Moon Aries 2011 is a burst into spring with blossoms and fresh new air where we start to shake off the cabin fever and get immersed with the outside in all its newness and rebirth.  This New Moon is full of Jupiter verve and buoyancy which while joyous  with everyone springing themselves off the couch and into the fresh air, its wise to heed Saturn and not overstep bounds as I observed with a boys’ first bike trek have a fall on a busy traffic street not carefully guided and observed by his mother who used poor judgment of this potential hazard.

All New Moons are  in the wake of the preceding waning  full moon as it reaches its disseminating  phase to the last square into the darkness of the balsamic phase – the darkest phase of the moon – Dark Side of the Moon . It’s no wonder they call it balsamic vinegar due to its rich darkness in color.  As synchronicity would have it I also had the encounter of a street person rummaging through the garbage with his radio playing “Bad side of the Moon” April Wine/original Elton John.  How fitting as the lyrics ring of life on the dark side of the moon “where the light has never shone and the hermits flock like hummingbirds”.

The Balsamic phase of the moon just before the New Moon is particularly introspective and hibernating-retreat is a natural respite the last week before the New Moon although it can be a place of hidden and often unseen events in its shadow so opens up opportunities for blind spots. This is a time to take the energy accumulated from the New to Full moon and through to incubation.  There is always a blossom and fruit in this resolving period to stew or perfume where the seeding comes to some fruition.

The last square leading to the balsamic phase preceding this New Moon Aries seems to point to the current need to take issue with what was building in the previous cycle, the seed planted is sown now and the action of the first square becomes a social consciousness bearing necessity – all squares are action and crisis oriented-here interesting in a passage from “The Lunation Cycle” Dane Rudhyar- “breaking down of all idols and images… Catabolic forces within the body…born revolutionists-(Lenin, Trotsky) rise on the downward tide, challenging old structures and establishing a demand  for new power” all this evidence with our current political climate  especially on a world scale with Libya, Egypt, Syria, Behran pushing and edging toward the progression of a potential future democratic middle east.

Venus Neptune on Mar 25th is a sweet surrender through the turning in.  Its daydreaming and soft drifting into fantasy and romantic overflow and breeds a perfect time to savor the gifts of Venus (laziness, pleasure, slow moving, gentle, ease, peace without too much guilt and an opportunity to find some forgiveness and compassion with our relationships softening the edges and anger or resentments.  In Aquarius, also an open mindedness, tolerance and friendliness- a nice greeting to the spring season.  Once the haze and solace of Venus Neptune passes on Mar 26th Venus moves into Pisces to join Chiron Pisces and issues around relationship wounds will begin to arise again as the Sun builds to square Pluto creating potential stressful encounters and passionate expressions.

Venus then moves to sextile Pluto purging deep intense feelings around relationships and resources but with a sincere acknowledgment of those pent up emotions and dark thoughts as we move toward the New Moon upon the residue of the waning Super Moon  after affects of the destructive earthquake in Japan. After the pass of the New Moon Venus moves on to start to catch up to Mars Lilith Jupiter Aries which will have us Aries infused through the month of April which spells lots of action and activity.

We also see Mars edging  closer to Uranus and Lilith in Aries while Jupiter opposes Saturn which will come to merge with the New Moon Jupiter Aries oppose  Saturn Libra.  Mars is in its home in Aries so is clear and clean energy in the forefront-decisive, direct, forward and assertive.  Mars Uranus is not an energy that pulls punches.  Add the edge of Lilith and the next few weeks will be eventful with deliberate straight forward action and intention, potential outbursts, sudden release of anger and frustration-anything action oriented that needs movement. Its also heady for accidents and impulsive rash behavior.

Any underlying aggravation or annoyance will get voice as Mercury moves through Aries in its station phase just before going retrograde March 30th.  Once Mars moves to square Pluto up to the 1st week of April, there could be potentially violent, brutal and aggressive actions taken.  The Moon moves to line up with Venus Neptune Chiron in an unusual formation with the semi square to this New Moon Jupiter at the last semi square of this phase which shows the divide between the last square just before the balsamic repose period.  This phase is enriched with stress points for action.  It may be hard to sit still through this week or one may become exhausted from all the underlying stress energy building as all the Aries energy oppose Saturn Libra can entail burnout.

This New Moon is also at its testing time for relationships (Libra) and independence (Aries) and standing ground.  The willful Sun Moon Jupiter Aries pushing its righteous indignation agenda and pointing fingers, and waging its overzealous finger at any stagnation needing overthrow, expansion and growth as Saturn Libra weighs the hold on the status quo and holds firm in tradition and conservative plans with a line in to social propriety and keeping the peace (Libra) while holding the fear card (Saturn) -this really shines a light on our current Canadian political climate and federal campaign and ensuing debate  “a debate between hope and fear” Jupiter (hope) oppose Saturn (fear) classic for oppositions and the coalition issue with Michael Ignatieff playing the Sun Moon Jupiter role and Steven Harper the Saturn role where using fear to keep voters from any radical change during a still shaky economic situation is keeping people at a standstill and stuck at how to move forward and risk change, inherently not trusting the new voice for new beginnings (Aries).  Aside from our political climate we can see these rifts and oppositions in our everyday lives where we see a need to shake something up, fight and speak of justice (Jupiter Aries) with anything stagnant, tired and old based on socially acceptable, keep the peace, emotionally controlled, squelched agendas (Saturn Libra). We also see potential recklessness and head strong overoptimism with Saturn at the opposite end trying to control and halt any overconfidence pushing us toward cautiously optimistic intentions.




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