New Moon in Capricorn January 2013

New Moon in Capricorn January 2013New Moon in Capricorn January 2013.  A New Moon for a New Year. The highlights for the year ahead.

The Capricorn New Moon brings in the New Year with a fresh new start and direction.  Capricorn rules over career and striving for your mission that gets you out of bed in the morning.  Capricorn, ruled by Saturn looks to long term planning taking responsible actions that garners results with no short term fixes aiming for what really counts.  Capricorn is no quitter. The saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again” is certainly a Capricorn motto. The proverbial tried and true who becomes successful from never giving up.  The one who will jump through hoops and over any hurdle to win the race due to sheer endurance while others drop out.

The mission is set to achieve and celebrate our accomplishments and to prosper in order to sustain a certain standing and reputation.  Capricorn/Saturn rules over the 10th house of public attention and reaching the top or peak of the mountain.  This is a good time to focus on your purpose, progress and higher calling helping you along to follow your dream and get out of the trap of slogging in the day job. Capricorn rules over the government and authority, tradition, structure and old age.  The Hermit in the Tarot depicts the Saturn Capricorn virtue of respecting those who have gone before you-honoring maturity and age old wisdom.

Mercury joins the New Moon and sextiles the nodal axis making this a productive, thoughtful and conscientious time to get your life in order with New Year’s resolutions that stick longer than their usual few week fizzle out phase.   The Scorpio Capricorn water earth focus adds to maudlin attention with heavy hearts and minds lacking the initiative and inspiration fire that motivates and takes action. Actions are calculated and slow moving, reserved and cautious with a sense of drudging and dragging our feet through the mud.  The upside of this energy is it gives us an opportunity to go with the flow and pace ourselves without hasty or reckless reaction.

The New Moon cycles lately have and continue to be rather isolating sitting at 21 degrees December, January, February, March  mostly without any major aspects leaving us with a sense of going it alone pushing for self reliance and finding our own rhythm, walking our path of solitaire without outside influence, our fall back being our self.   All these New Moons  have a connection to the nodal axis wrapping these Lunar cycles around a larger wave pattern with a sense of destiny.  This all shifts with April’s New Moon in Aries as a game changer combust with a heavy Aries influence where energies and motivation will be ramping up full speed. Pay attention to any degree point in the vicinity of 20 degrees which should demonstrate a special type of new beginning in these areas the next few months.

The New Moon semisquares Chiron in Pisces-Jupiter Gemini (sesquisquares the New Moon) as it sits in a station motion 6 degrees for the next month adding a sense of wounding and healing with anything to do with our ambitions, responsibilities, higher purpose and calling or career path.  Physically and health wounds and pain with Gemini related arms, hands, shoulders, senses, nerves (pinched), carpal tunnel. Capricorn skin, bones, teeth, depression and arthritis flare ups.   Chiron Pisces-sacrifice, suffering, weakness, loss, immune issues with the flu. The movie ” The Piano”  was on during this New Moon quite timely.

Chiron squares Jupiter further amplifying any wounding or pain (persistent resistant viruses) -old pains resurface (Chiron Pisces) with an open expression perhaps tears or words-any way to process whether writing and burning or journaling.  Chiron Pisces adds an opportunity for compassion and surrender and to be easy on yourself. The heady rush in and tumble of fire martial energy is at a slow steady pace without the usual verve although Jupiter’s sesquisquare adds a pinch of zealous acceleration to the staid Capricorn stealth and self control. Sesquisquares tend to be frustrating and irritating similar to a square but with a more indirect blockage without easy resolution that leaves one at an ever pitched sense of urgency with Jupiter overdoing, over thinking, over sharing information (Gemini),  excess growth, over reaching, over extending unhinging some of Saturn Capricorn’s moderation.

Saturn and Pluto continue in a Mutual Reception and will line up again end of March 2013 when Jupiter Gemini once again activates the YOD which began in December 2012, this time at 11 degrees sensitive.  Saturn and Pluto will also create a talent triangle with Chiron in April which will offset some of the tension of the YOD with a powerful regenerating healing opportunity.  Great timing for the combustible Libra Full Moon with the cluster of Aries planets as we meet up once again with Uranus square Pluto which will ride close together once again until the end of 2013. The YOD with Jupiter at the apex continues to bring about legal issues in the name of justice.  The Mutual Reception has proven to abide by responsible long term measures to stave off short term quick fixes.

Saturn is like glue and in Scorpio, a fixed water sign, sometimes a tar pit forcing one to take the time to stick to and focus on what its front of you. The last week Mars Aquarius squared Saturn exasperating this even further feeling of being stuck and held back-hurry up and wait.  Mars and Saturn are not happy bedfellows akin to a chewing on glass grit in a pressure cooker  forcing responsible action to bolster results. Capricorn Saturn energy is in droves where Saturn ruled Capricorn rules the day.  Saturn gets you to toe the line and is clear cut.  If you have done your work, you will be rewarded also seeing the consequences if you don’t.  Jupiter trined Mars helped to bring the best possible outcome.

Mars in Aquarius keeps marching on to its own beat. Aquarius traditional ruler is Saturn keeping an eye on being in line with actions and drives taking on a life of their own in true Aquarius style.  Mars is especially rebellious in Aquarius and doesn’t hear the word don’t.  Mars will strain the nodal axis just before the Full Moon in Leo just as we move into Solar Aquarius January 20th.  Expect the unexpected and unusual with some cross purpose and snags along the way-watch tempers, burns, anger, impatience and impulsiveness. If you want to zig you may have to zag.  All in all, be open minded to change direction at the drop of a hat.

Venus entered Capricorn on January 9th settled in to responsible and realistic relationships and agreements shown with the recent NHL agreement.  Venus aspects Neptune Pisces and then moves to strain Uranus into the weekend giving the weekend a time of surprising twists and turns in relationships. Venus then joins Pluto and sextile Saturn adding to a period of calculated and principled bare bones solidity with deep commitments. Venus joins the New Moon degree just before the Full Moon January 26th bringing cohesion and sustained attention to traditional, classical values that foster security and status. Venus in Capricorn is practical and steadfast  in matters of love and money, ambitious for success and accomplishment where appearances count.

Jupiter moves into Cancer end of June and ties into a very fortunate opportunity as Jupiter  forms a grand trine with Saturn Scorpio and Neptune Pisces mid July 2013.  This will ease off the Uranus Pluto strain although it can also potentially create an avalanche of trouble as the river flows through without any resistance and Jupiter expands although Saturn adds necessary limits and restraint, steady and disciplined.  Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and July is an especially mixed bag month of auspicious and antagonistic with many configurations such as a grand trine, star of david, a tsquare with Mars Jupiter Uranus Pluto all wrapping up toward a powerful  Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in November, once again, very heady and pronounced with much energy around all the water signs-Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

Water energy in this configuration gives the opportunity for a flow that doesn’t resist, yet moves toward inevitable destinations.  Not much can deter water-its problematic issues with escaping and addiction can become dangerous with this as can issues with flooding, tsunamis and water overflow.

The journey forward into our new cycle as the Mayans were predicting and everyone else that follows the theories of the New Age, Age of Aquarius has been sitting on its cusp since the 1960’s.  A cycle shifting always brings on climactic and crisis changes, the major cycles that much more hence the uproar about the Mayan’s which was somewhat lost in translation. Christianity, Religion and the Age of Pisces had us give our power away and see fated events, knee jerk response to good and evil.  Satan and God outside of ourselves where now we see that it is in ourselves-god or devil, good or bad/evil, the conscious attention we have or don’t-unconscious. We create our own hell or heaven by our choices and our responses and reactions.

The year 2013 is a 6 year cycle in numerology – the 6 in the tarot is the Lovers card of balance, peace, harmony and love.  The planet Venus represents 6 and the Lovers. The other side of the card, the darkside of Venus is the Devil card – also a 6 value. The devil is the card of temptation and living by the poison of the lower instinctual animal urges:  greed, lust, wrath, envy, pride, fear, sloth, gluttony otherwise known as the 7 deadly sins.  These principles will surely be tested with the building up of the Uranus Pluto square once again in May 2013 just after a Solar Eclipse in Taurus May 9 2013.  The number of balance always calls one to look at options and choices and to find a happy median between the high road or the low road.  2013 is also the year of the Snake in Chinese astrology that aligns with Saturn and the nodal axis in Scorpio and the temptation around desire that pulses through our blood and drives our motivation.


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