New Moon in Libra 2015

New Moon In Libra 2015 “Stormy” The Classics

The New Moon in Libra, ruled by Venus, focus is on give and take, and finding an equilibrium. The major lesson of Libra is learning how to balance the you with the we, and how much to consider others wants, ideas and points of view for the sake of a relationship and how much of the self to conserve or preserve. Venus ruled Libra is different than Venus ruled Taurus where Venus Libra, an air sign is light and airy with a keep calm, pleasant reciprocation.

The New Moon makes an exact opposition to Uranus Aries, giving it a radical, polarized edginess where abrupt winds of change with stormy weather, wavering and tipping the scales is getting off balance on the side of ugly to all the beauty, balance and bargaining of Libra telling us there is a need to turn over a new leaf and get out of the box. Expect the unexpected, abrupt turns of events, surprising, exciting, unpredictable, experimental and risky going out on a limb.

Libra, known as the sign of peace and balance, hit up by an affliction from Uranus Aries is confronted by selfish, reckless and impatient aims. Uranus Aries has been opposing Libra the last few years and will continue to until 2018 with rebellious energy that can affect sleep, create anxiety, ants in the pants, issues with the lower back, conflict in relationships, breaking the rules all pushing for change. Uranus mission is all about a change of weather away from any constant, craving something different.

Libra balances with fairness and equality in mind. Diplomacy gets keen attention with Libra grace under pressure again, amplified and afflicted with collaboration, compromise, cooperation and conviction turned into crippling indecision, waffling, bickering and arguing seen with the current Canadian Election. The Libra veneer while trying to keep everyone happy, being politically correct or playing politics finding peaceful resolutions is cracking commotion. Heated debates, controversy, contrast, agree to disagree contrary oppositions, divided, competitive, putting on the red light red alert to get a point across seeing clearly in the increasing Canada Election as voters make their way in hopes of new direction and fresh change.

Mercury Libra, just turned direct from its retrograde cycle, is adding to the Libra this way or that, this or that with a message that is getting louder and clearer, no longer sitting on the fence although Libra indecisiveness is still getting lost in choices, options and which way to go as Mercury Libra at its turnaround stationing is moving very slow to pick up speed and pick up the pace, sitting at pause and stand still.

With Venus in Virgo, leaving the Venus Leo retrograde cycle and Mercury direct, the decks are clear to move forward and get on with business as usual once again. Venus ruling the New Moon in Libra is passing a square to Saturn, feeling the pinch, pushing up against a tide. While Venus in Leo was happy to shine in the spotlight, make demands and be seen, Venus Virgo is more inclined to shy away from the limelight. Venus Leo fun and games is now turned to get back to work. Venus is in its fall in Virgo, essentially where anything around beauty and finances gets put through the wringer, dissected and drilled down taking out some of the charm and grace, withering down to practical concerns, pesky details and fix it to perfection fussiness.

Venus Mars and Jupiter all are in Virgo the next month where everything relational and financial merge into the Virgo message for all intents and purposes or all intense purposes with work, pets, health, cleaning, culling, efficiency, head down into the grind and all earth related matters, digging up the dirt. Mars just finished an opposition to Neptune this last week with Venus following close behind with rain, fog, mist, slippery with the flooding crisis in the South Carolina area and other deceptive tactics including all kinds of propaganda in the current election.

Venus Mars and Jupiter are all lined up to make a trine to Pluto with an earth prominence and promise taking hold. All Taurus born in the first decan or who have planets at 13 to 17 degrees Taurus as well as anyone with earth signs at these degrees (Virgo, Capricorn) will likely feel some blessings, abundance and joy the next year. Overall it’s a pleasure sensation of earth shades, scents, coloring the back drop setting the tone with plenty of grounding, productivity, organization and an added abundant cornucopia for Canadian Thanksgiving, with the passing thought, if turkeys could fly.

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