New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio 2015 “Spirit in the Sky” Norman Greenbaum

The New Moon in Scorpio falls during the scary, spooky season of Halloween, the day of the dead and Samhain when the veil between the living and the dead is thinner, where we acknowledge death and honor ancestors and those gone before us, knowing death is an eventuality for all and a time to embrace inevitable death, even with some fanfare. The darkness during the Scorpio cycle turns to the darkest, longest nights, where darkness draws us into the shadows to the other side, the spiritual side of the physical material side. When close to death, surrounded by death, or death is knocking at the door, life is precious and you appreciate what really matters with a soul sense, much more acute. The New Moon in Scorpio falls on Remembrance Day this year, a time especially significant in honoring those persons who have sacrificed their lives.

The New Moon in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, delves into mysterious, hidden, deep, dark, secret places and what is kept in the dark and going on behind closed doors. Privacy and security are important values to Scorpio to protect any underlying matter from revealing anything naked and exposed. Pluto digs down to those places we don’t often venture to and smokes and cleans out the basement of any waste, garbage, toxins to purge, release and bury as well as regenerate, recycle, reincarnate, resurrect, pass on, as in what you leave behind in inheritance, legacy and wills.

Fear of death is one of the deepest phobias and cause of many obsessions. Fearing death, has one fearing life. Once passed these deep fears, and facing death, Pluto ruled Scorpio is fearless, fueling Scorpio with a magnetic, fixed, hypnotic penetrating, powerful will and survivalist mentality. Pluto ruled Scorpio is also connected to the number 8, the infinite loop that keeps repeating cycle after cycle. Look to the house with Scorpio where you experience the New Moon every year and the most intense, profound and transformational experiences. Create an altar to honor or communicate to someone passed on, fill surroundings with water, drink lots of fluids, submerge in water, burn oils such as cinnamon and sandlewood.

Sabian Symbol: “ A woman drawing two dark curtains aside. This is a symbol of the enduring values which the average individual visualizes behind the outer facade of everyday existence… And of his desire to penetrate to more worthy dimensions of experience. The keyword is daring…”. Scorpio’s quiet presence is anything but superficial and as a water sign, immerses and surrounds a space with a walk silently and carry a big stick.

We have seen Pluto in constructive motion as Pluto connects to plumbing, pipes and the recent decision to deny the Keystone Pipeline, which is part of a major shift in the carbon /fossil fuel economy in the years to come as this is all part of the Uranus square Pluto demand for new and safer means of energy and with it the inevitable destruction and death to outdated means. The recent revealing glimpse of Pluto indicates we are indeed getting deeper and more profound insight into the outer realm of our consciousness, which is essentially what a Pluto mission is.

Scorpio intimacy involves deep emotions, soulful and intense. Intimacy is an investment of trust. Scorpio follows Libra where Libra focus is on relationships and give and take, Scorpio carries through on the deeper values of those connections, such as dependability and support. Like Taurus, Scorpio is a fixed sign, loyal, seeking a secure, dependable connection with deep bonds where betrayal can cut very deep. Scorpio will be careful and guarded before investing in giving their heart and will sever ties to anyone who betrays their trust or loyalty which can bring a stinging vengeful and spiteful response.

As a water sign, Scorpio feels through hate and love or life and death, in spite of indifference or conflict. The saying we hurt the ones we love the most indicates you can’t hurt someone who isn’t invested or who hasn‘t given a deep part of themselves. The loyalty of the fixed nature of Scorpio can get through storms, chaos and crisis with an undying devotion that even if you don’t like someone, you can still love them.

The New Moon in Scorpio this year is a welcome relief of support and positive flow compared to the last few lunar cycles, tense with the eclipse season drilling down, pushing for more evolution. This New Moon is moving in a favorable direction giving off good spirits and feelings as it flows with less adversity or calamity although it does beckon a challenging Full Moon in the next few weeks so it is kind of like the calm before the storm and time to prepare for battle, get batteries recharged, rest, rejuvenate and build strength and fortresses for any upcoming storm.

The New Moon joins Mercury Scorpio and makes a trine to Chiron and sextile to Jupiter which fortifies it with healing, support and a purging, getting rid of toxins along with a potent message. The New Moon also forms a YOD to Uranus which also tends to reinforce a disconnect, separation, alienation, and hits up on a Uranus achilles heel with some adjustment and new direction. The depth of the Scorpio New Moon and practical Jupiter Virgo and is putting Uranus Aries out to pasture and to task to wake up to taking things for granted or not providing the needed support and anchor to Uranus Aries running rough shed, disregarding others investment and values.

Venus Mars is over the nodal axis in Libra with the last Virgo push of Mars in Virgo from the Virgo 3some the last few months. Venus Mars over the nodal axis is a pointer to Libra principles such as beauty, relationships and desire all culminating as the focal point. It has a tone of Libra harmony, pleasantness and diplomacy and further signifies sound and responsible measures with a sextile to Saturn. Venus Mars Virgo had me clean house with a Feng Shui sweep to its now pretty state and a recycling program up to max with no regular garbage for over a month.

Adele released a new song “Hello” that has her reaching major hits on Youtube. As I indicated, Taurus at mid sign would be feeling the luck of the Venus Mars Jupiter Virgo and Pluto Capricorn grand trine this last few weeks. Adele has an extra boost with her Sun in Taurus over Jupiter Taurus, giving her the extra jolt of luck. Jupiter rules her career so you see where she is reaping the benefits.

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