New Moon in Libra 2018

New Moon in Libra 2018 “Something” Beatles

The New Moon in Libra (ruled by Venus) is a time of focus on relationships, partnerships, balance, equality, compromise, fairness, harmony, peace, beauty and justice. With the Libra scales, it’s all in good measure teeter tottering, tit for tat, weighing both sides, finding reciprocal give and take, meeting in the middle and balancing the scales of justice.  Venus ruled Libra is connected to the heart chakra as a center point of balance between poles, giving attention to all parts and finding a pleasant equilibrium.

Venus (ruler of the New Moon) is currently in retrograde in Scorpio. Venus retrograde in Scorpio is a time to reassess relationships and to delve deeper below the surface and expose and uncover what lies beneath. Scorpio has to do with trust, holding to some mystery to protect privacy, bearing all to only a close circle. This has all become apparent with sexual assault survivors either recalling or coming forward with past traumas. Venus is in its detriment in Scorpio, where Venus relating and values can turn to obsessive, compulsive, intense emotions. Deep intimacy can turn into betrayal, border on possessive, desperate demands and jealous, spiteful revenge tactics.

The New Moon in Libra is applying to square Pluto Capricorn showing the wheels of justice take a tattered and tainted turn with a grasping hold.  Libra is a social sign and looks to keep up appearances, social etiquette, guarding peace while the destructiveness of Pluto rears its ugly head of any uncomfortable, unpleasant truths. Akin to putting lipstick on a pig, co-dependency and enabling become markers to keep the surface harmonious, looking pretty while underlying hidden truths of Pluto won’t go unnoticed.

The New Moon in Libra also makes an inconjunct to Neptune Pisces which entails some type of uncomfortable adjustment, sacrifice and shift within a relationship that may come from or create a distorted and confused perspective that may not get clarity or closure.  Inconjuncts typically point to health issues which may bring up all Libra ailments (kidney, lumbar, diabetes), and Pisces (feet, insomnia, weakness).

Venus Scorpio is square Mars Aquarius accentuating the battle of the sexes with conflict, disagreements, differences, and aggravation. Both Venus Mars are in fixed signs showing stubborn and immovable restraint, holding fast to stand strong in the face of adversity, not giving in or caving to outside pressure.

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