Solar Eclipse July 1 2011 Cardinal Cross

Around the New Moon in Cancer July 2011We start our holiday weekend with a  Solar Eclipse July 1 2011 in Cancer which is a partial eclipse so its impact is not as harsh however it still holds much of a crunch of cardinal cross energy seeing many “caught in the cross fire”.  Following the Lunar Eclipse June 15th with the aftermath of the Vancouver riots after the devastating loss of the Stanley Cup to the Boston Bruins I certainly predicted some type of emotional frenzy with the final game on eclipse night and Mars on Algol and am not surprised the mania run amok that ensued!   It is unfortunate to live in such a beautiful and peaceful part of the world and to be ashamed of such vile, idiotic behavior of rebels without a cause, certainly Uranus stirring up the madness.  Mercury entered Cancer and began to move to create a grand cardinal square with its first square with Uranus then oppose Pluto and then square Saturn which will perpetuate all through the next month with the Sun moving into Cancer to join the cross doing the same song and dance through to the Solar Eclipse and on through mid July with Venus moving into Cancer mid July activating  the cross once again and then Mars moving into Cancer mid August with once again the cardinal cross in action . Sigh.  I am tired already.   Anyone with cardinal energy at degrees 4 to 10 will most likely particularly feel the effects of this eclipse.

Cardinal energy is action oriented and creates momentum with resulting tension and possible aggravation.  Cardinal cross energy is typically a time of new development, ambitious energies and drive with the turning of events which has been very apparent in the last few years with our outer planets in cardinal placements (Pluto Capricorn) (Uranus Aries) (Saturn Libra).   It is critical energy that marks a time of direction changing, new beginnings and new horizons.  It’s a beacon of energy that acts as a force field toward some type of crisis whether that’s positive or negative.   This is heightened energy that needs movement and attention and it’s loaded with plans, agenda and potential impatience albeit with a more reflective and passive intention and in Cancer with aims to security .  Cancer is a sensitive sign needing a sense of assurance, sustenance and comfort.   Venus Mars are still busy in Gemini, keeping communication and information moving at the regular Gemini speed.  Cardinal energy is not an energy that will find one relaxing and sitting still very comfortable or restful.   I have noticed the weather already turning odd –rather calm ominous stillness sitting in the air the last couple of days with rapid swirls of wind the next which adds a sense of tension just wondering if it really is a calm before the big storm.

Beginning with the Summer Solstice with the Sun movement into Cancer, on June  21 we have a  build up to a Solar Eclipse (partial) on July 1 with the Sun and Moon in Cancer at 9 degrees square Saturn at 10 degrees square Uranus 4 degrees Lilith at 10 degrees Aries .  What seems to ease this progression are the soft trines and sextiles to Neptune and Chiron and Jupiter at the same time to give some sense of fluidity,  gentleness and flow to our activities as well as healing and calm (Chiron), positive hope (Jupiter) .   After the Lunar Eclipse June 15, Mercury began to trine Neptune and sextile Jupiter before it hit the cardinal angst.  The Sun on the Solstice, June 21 did much of the same.  After the Solar Eclipse July 1, Venus will then move into Cancer into the same configuration and then Mars into Cancer the beginning of August where Mars will again trine Neptune and sextile Jupiter as it gets into the last edgy wrangle with an opposition to Pluto, square to Uranus and Saturn to release soon after mid August.  It’s safe to say after this point as Uranus moves into retrograde once again releasing off the tight close square to Pluto, we might feel some relief as Saturn starts to move on from this harrowing cardinal crunch tango.

You can see the crosses cranking with the recent Canada post lockout and Air Canada strike with the Cancer Solar Eclipse on Canada’s birthday-Canada  feeling the twist of the tight bargaining.   Negotiations will hit a critical mark in these crosses where sharp angling will keep everyone in their corners, gripping tight for any fair deal.  In one corner Saturn (Libra)  for social responsibility and fairness   shaking the Pluto Capricorn structure pulling the government controls corner and Sun Cancer, the nourishment of security corner with Uranus Lilith Aries, the corner of freedom from any restraints and controls to have individual rights and expression gearing toward new principles and policies.  This is all seen very critical now with the austerity measures been taken in Greece due to further strain on their economy with fears of staying afloat and the threat of further cuts to their already shrinking security.  This demonstrates clearly the austere grip of the strain of Saturn where tightening the belt and shrinking resources abound.

Cancer is also ruled by the Moon, showing emotions as running deep now and possibly issues ensuing around anything emotional or security related such as family squabbles, domestic disputes or crabby, cranky moods with Saturn putting the dent on our needs and support systems .  Cancer rules the stomach in health matters so watching what we ingest at this time being mindful of those gut instincts too.  Cancer is the sign of food and dining as well where many may be extra busy in their kitchen.  When they say you are what you eat, Cancer figures in appropriately. Worrying, apprehension, stress and fears surrounding anything unsettling has been known to create ulcers, a typical Cancer ailment.  Cancer is a sentimental sign and no doubt why its associated with family, roots, the past, nostalgia, reminiscing.

I find at this time of year, family always lingers as an afterthought and memories long past.  Cancer rules the home so anything real estate related may come to a climax at this time as well whether in buying or selling.  I have noticed many queries lately about real estate transactions and the associated anxiety.  We may see more incidents with the homeless and those struggling with their homes or those in the middle of a move.  I always seem to notice many moving trucks at this time of year-this year more than usual.  It may be a strong time to just want to stay close to home in solitude and hide in our shell with all the comforts and the security of a fortress or go to Home Depot:)  Cancer is associated with nurturing and motherhood and many may be family planning or focus may come around to our own mothers and caregivers or those who we seek to nurture.

The Cancer Solar Eclipse is in major evidence of the current strain in families with the very public media frenzied Caylee Anthony case regarding the death of toddler Caylee Anthony and the shattered family exposed where the accused mother, Casey faces her verdict.  I also learned of a few other extreme violent domestic/murder cases with family disputes where in one case an entire family was murdered due to a grudge and in another, a spouse brutally assaulted and attacked his wife by gouging out her eyes because she wanted to achieve her higher education as well as another case currently on trial in Quebec regarding a  Doctor who killed his two children due to his recent  marital separation.  These traumatic events all depict the intense energies of this grand cardinal square surrounding the Cancer Solar Eclipse.

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