Solar Eclipse November 2011

The Sun entered Sagittarius November Abundance23 just as it moved toward the solar eclipse November 25 at 2 degrees Sagittarius.  The eclipses at this time are surrounded by what is called The Great Attractor which is the middle degree of Sagittarius-14 degrees, currently on the north node. This degree point is special being Venus Mercury joined this point November 14 as well.  It is known as a portal and gateway opening an opportunity to envision your goals and realign them with an intention to move toward the future plans of your higher purpose (Jupiter).  This is a time to dream big and allow yourself  indulgent hopes and turn this time into the great manifestor.

This will be a very strongly infused Jupiter eclipse as Jupiter is also in a grand trine with Mars Pluto. Venus will align harmoniously with Neptune as well adding flow and beneficial attraction and possible peaceful resolutions and respite to the current riots and protests.   This will also add further light on our feet, happy, blissful and carefree moments as well as zealous drive to fight for rights and freedoms.  It’s hard pressed to find a somber Sagittarius or Jupiter ruled person.  I grew up around a few Sagittarius spirits who left an indelible mark on my memories that give you back your bounce and joy.  One particularly who had a penchant to put on masks of Trudeau and go merrily preaching the political gospel of the day to our fellow constituents at the beach or local summer swimming hole we were all party of something during our wild and crazy youthful days.  He liked to streak down main street too. It will be hard to be in a bad mood if not for a nice few weeks window.

The energy building at this time is very mutable energy and in this mix is frazzled and irksome as mutable energy is scattered and running in several directions juggling many balls in the air.  With Mercury retrograde in the mix, a nagging monkey brain with persisting thoughts edging in a downward spiral of negativity.  Having Mars Mercury in strain in mutable energy will be rattling and jarring nerves and patience with lots of chatter in several directions where everyone has an opinion and no one agrees. Mars is also building to square the Sun in both the solar eclipse November 25 and lunar eclipse December 10 which will further add aggravation and possible angry outbursts and irritations with knee jerk reactions.  Because Mars will be in Virgo and Mercury and Sun in Sagittarius, much of the tension will probably arise over missed details (Virgo) and exaggerations and overextending poor judgment (Sagittarius).  As Mercury rules movement and motion and Mars action we can expect accidents and anyone with mutable degrees 10 -20 with 14 degree being at a nucleus point on the nodal axis will feel this mutable dance the next month.

The last few weeks in November building up to these eclipses have had an edgy energy with Venus and Mercury in Scorpio built up to a tsquare with Mars Leo and Neptune Aquarius just upon the New Moon in Scorpio.  Mars is associated with machinery, cars and fire and Mercury with accidents during travel.  I experienced its rush just out and about in traffic and came close a few times to a collision. I cut my errands short as the energy seemed too dicey to be out risking a few fender benders.  The building energies before eclipses are usually in a window a few months before and after especially if an eclipse is tight such as a total eclipse whether solar or lunar.  Energies are already amplified.

We had a horrific plane crash here close to the commuter route near a freeway where the plane just missed heavy traffic.  Passengers were pulled out of a burning plane by heroes risking their lives.  It was a belly landing and people on the ground took the heroic measure to run and save these victims.  (Mars Leo-bravery and courage-fire ). Wizard of Oz and the Lion (Leo) courage.  Following that we have another fatal horrific 34 car pileup in England on November 4. I noticed plenty of fog (Neptune) out walking that day after a heavy hail storm.  The accident was caused by smoke from a fire and fog with Mars in the 3rd house in the tsquare with Neptune (fog) oppose Mars (fire) which blocked visibility (Neptune) in turn a crash and fire.  The event chart clearly showed Mars in the 3rd house of accidents with Venus in Sagittarius in the house of entertainment (fireworks).  Venus in Sagittarius shows a fire going out of control.  There was also much bravery around this accident as well as many children were pulled out of the wreckage, again the Mars in Leo bravery and courage.

I went to see The Rum Diary tonight which was timely with journalism and publishing being the current theme with Jupiter Sagittarius and Gemini Mercury ruled agenda.  Johnny Depp is suitably cast, a Gemini, the natural writer and journalist with a slight similar tone to Fear and Loathing in Vegas, where he played a deranged journalist.  It has a cute comedic twist albeit a weak script although it does seriously message against corruption of wealth and depicts the current story on the pulse with the Occupy movement and protests against capitalism favoring the wealthy.  Journalism exploits the power of truth telling in publishing.

The recent trial regarding Michael Jackson’s doctor has brought some closure to the case after he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.  There is much controversy with the Jackson family distressed over the documentary to be aired this week regarding the relationship between Michael and his doctor.  Accountability and judgment where one is held responsible as it becomes a fiduciary duty, the highest standard of care where trust is put toward the expert. You can see the emphasis on drugs with the tsquare of Venus Mars Neptune and Mars oppose Neptune (drugs).  Michael’s chart had a very strong stressful Neptune theme with transits in his chart at the time of his death.  This Mars oppose Neptune is also evident with the raucous and anger getting out of control with the Occupy protesters opposing their plight being thrown into victimization (Neptune) now standing up to being cornered and screwed, deluded and having the rug pulled out from under them.

On November 14, just before we headed  into the solar eclipse orbit,  and following the Full Moon November 10, we built up to a grand trine in earth with Mars moving into Virgo as it trines and harmonizes with  Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn while Venus and Mercury line up to join the north node in Sagittarius.  This energy bridges into the eclipses as a very auspicious time to plan and build practical solutions.  Earth signs are about material substance, security and stability forming and organizing agendas and actions (Mars Virgo) with expansive material and financial gain (Jupiter Taurus) aligned with ambitious execution and powerful will (Pluto Capricorn).  This can demonstrate the solutions and closures with legal matters with a sense of justice (Jupiter).  Jupiter also represents anything around expansion and exposure.  Mercury in Sagittarius on the north node is enhancing this truth speak.

With the Sun in Scorpio/Pluto ruled, there have been many cases of sexual abuse and sexual harassment and shocking skeletons coming out of the closet and ugly scandals  hitting the news in the last few weeks. Wikileaks founder is denied his recent extradition appeal where he will have to return to Sweden to face rape allegations which seem to be very much part of the smear campaign to render him powerless in any further leaks.  Accusations of sexual harassment with a running political candidate, the scandal of past sexual abuse by a former football coach at Penn State, sexual harassment in the RCMP, sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts of America.  This exposure around sexual abuse is seen with Jupiter (publishing) in a grand trine with Pluto (abuse, sexual trauma) where Mars Virgo is about the confrontation (Mars) for airing the dirty laundry and cleaning out the closets (Virgo).

Venus mitigated much of this stressful influence as Venus moved through Sagittarius and harmonized with Saturn mid November and Neptune just upon the November eclipse.  Venus had been moving along with Mercury in Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius is an open and benevolent influence bestowing much joy and happiness around relationships (Venus).  Venus in Sagittarius lightens the heavy dark intensity of its previous station in Scorpio.  Venus Sagittarius is happy go lucky, seeking adventure, exploration and some new horizon in relationships where the grass looks greener.  Cheerful and exuberant, friendly and openhearted, Venus in Sagittarius holds no grudges and looks for honest yet direct frank interaction in relationships. Venus moved into Capricorn the last week of November where the tone moved toward more serious and practical relationships, more focused on security and status with more reserved caution in making connections. Venus will align harmoniously with transit Mars in Virgo further pointing relationships toward practical, grounded, purposeful interaction.

I like to listen to U2 Unforgettable Fire at this time of year.  With the  damp fall sliding into the deep cold of winter,  it’s the time of letting go to the ending of another year and season of growth come to die, flowers freeze, our gardens close down, we shut down and release again  as we turn inward for winter-a natural hibernation.  This time of year the cold nights has me look forward to those warm flannel pj’s fresh out of the dryer-Cosmo Kramer style, a true embodiment of the Jupiter manifesto.  Classic TV like I Love Lucy and Married with Children seem to really align with this silly sardonic slum goofy humor with over the top pushing the boundaries Sagittarius slapshtick style  and the overkill slobber of  “just one more bite…” Monty Python.

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