Venus Gemini Retrograde 2012

Venus in Gemini-cupid callingVenus (ruler of Taurus, Libra)- love, relationships, balance,  fairness, values, possessions, pleasure, beauty, self worth, finance,  marriage, partnership.  Heart Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Numerology – 6. Gemstones-Pink and Watermelon Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Jade.

Venus is now in Gemini where it’s flirty, lighthearted, fun, crafty, restless, frivolous, curious and chatty with Gemini’s gift of gab and spinning with words.  Venus is the planet of love and cupid with his playful antics is shooting his love arrows.  Geminis are the thinkers who like to ask questions and learn.  The terrible 2`s of saying NO and defining boundaries is now the persistent and pestery 3 year old with the perpetual question of why? The forever student that has their hand up with a million questions.

Gemini is the sign of the twins and everything double or in pairs or multiples is better than one where duality is the name of the game. Double talk and the double entrendre, and a play on words, babbling, innuendo, puzzling, ambiguous communication and talking nonsense simply for the pure pleasure of poking fun and silliness is a Gemini forte-tricks aren’t just for kids. The mischievous “Puck” and the prankster love frolicks in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream” is a Venus Gemini story.

Gemini is the multitasker and one to juggle many balls in the air.  Gemini (Mercury ruled) over the nervous system and communication where jumpy nerves with all the scattered forces and distractions -the radio, TV, computer, cell phone, Iphone…communication channels maxed out running on all cylinders with burn out just around the corner.  Health issues of a Gemini nature are chest, arm and shoulder ailments. I almost lost my voice (Venus rules the throat and the voice)  the other day while at a speed networking event –very Venus Gemini where you flutter from one contact to the next, talking and pitching at ramped high velocity.  Allergies, asthma are also culprits of Gemini or any lung stress.

Venus moved into Gemini the beginning of April and will be in Gemini  longer than usual as Venus will go retrograde May 15 and remain in Gemini until the first week of August (Venus usually cycles through the next sign every month). Venus will be stationing at 23 degrees in Gemini for 2 weeks May 8 to May 22.   Venus will turn direct June 27 and be stationing at 7 degrees Gemini until the beginning of July and return to its shadow degree Gemini 23  the beginning of August.  With both Venus and Saturn stationing direct end of June and in a tense aspect-there will be a holding pattern that will activate a sense of hesitancy, seriousness, sluggishness and turning away in our relationships and finances especially for those with planets around this degree.

With the Sun in Taurus, Venus Gemini is tamed some but once we reach the eclipse in Gemini May 20 – the Sun in Gemini will bring Venus Gemini up to speed. Venus will move to almost harmonize with Saturn Libra May 15 just as Venus turns retrograde which will bring up the responsible and settled place we strive to reach and the critical factor about relationships being Saturn is in Libra. However with Libra ruled by Venus- everything to do with obligations, austerity, boundaries and the serious repercussions and commitments with what has been developing in our relationships, finances and sense of self worth and values as of late will be re examined in the next few months. Cold feet, infidelity, second thoughts and trying to have your cake and eat it too might be on the menu.

After Venus does a hard tango retake with Mars beginning of June (very charged), a delightful dalliance with Uranus late June (great for friendships and exciting romances) Venus will then resolve itself as it meets up with Saturn once again end of July where we can get our relationships and financial circumstances back into gear. Venus will also strain Chiron during its stationary period end of June/early July as it moves direct which could bring up heartbreak and painful sore spots in relationships.

With Venus Gemini and Gemini being the messenger – the news and information in the media may be particularly eventful the next while, noted with News of The World and further investigation around the scandal with Rupert Murdoch where British lawmakers are now seeing Rupert unfit to run a major firm.  Good time to watch a classic – Citizen Kane. We are entering  a Gemini eclipse and the onslaught of Uranus square Pluto in May/June. Gemini rules writing, thinking and speaking which may also bring up writers block as well as much emphasis on communications-watch what you say and how you say it as it will be remembered-old  ideas especially something discarded may be reignited bringing back further depth into a project.

I have studied the Sabian Symbols-one of the first books I picked up at age 12-you always look at the next degree point when reviewing a degree. The stationing degrees are key. The Sabian Symbol for Gemini 24 degrees is “Children skating on ice” showing the joyful playfulness still intact even with cold limiting circumstances or discouragements. As we mature we forget to find fun as children do even in the midst of external barriers or denials.  Children don’t resent or harbor hurts or are held back by being left out.  Through these temporary setbacks,  we develop resilience, persistence and resolve to keep going and fine tuning, letting the creative sparks flow with “fun” despite the restrictions when things get stuck or we hit hard times or cold walls.

The Sabian Symbol for Gemini 8 degrees is “An industrial Strike. This is the symbol of the necessity that man act in his own interest whenever his general situation fails to provide him with the creative outlet he needs or proves inadequate for his relations with his fellows…”  The meaning of the symbol is to forge ahead and rely on the self where others fail to stimulate growth or provide support.  An underlying message is we tend to rely on others and relationships to support and fulfill our needs where dependency and peace making efforts can cripple our independent spirit to stand up for our individual rights.  Another message is learning to love yourself first before you can welcome in healthy love from others.

Whenever we have Venus retrograde we revisit and re-examine our relationships, beauty, attraction, finances and possessions.  We may have a retake and re look at our relationships or lack thereof and reassess our relationship values and have another chance to make things right that could go sideways with communication breakdown and reversals in relationships with “no love for you”.  We might redo our look or hairstyle, update our wardrobe or get a facial.  Rethink any major purchases, buying or changes to your look (like a major haircut) at this time as you might feel disappointed later.

With Venus in Gemini retrograde, relationships from the past may be rekindled and any unresolved issues pent up may re emerge with neighbors, childhood, siblings. Gemini rules words, so old songs and lyrics may come back especially old love songs long forgotten – words then recalled and remembered again-remakes of old tunes that brings the past up to the present. Relationship breakups and anything around recent break ups will be more prominent.

Venus Gemini retrograde is a great time to sit down and have those heart to heart talks with loved ones and in relationships-to hash out any unfinished business. Gemini rules communications and Gemini is a rational and objective sign where those discussions can remain impartial and detached from overly emotional agendas and hair triggers reactions while keeping a level head and even playing field.  Think Spock and keeping things logical regarding any “troubles in paradise”.

Venus also rules over income,  resources, values and finance.  Venus Gemini pertains to partnerships and business relationships as well-Issues pertaining to contracts (Gemini) may also come to the forefront. Gemini relates to commerce which is being halted by the current economic condition in Europe made very clear with the threat of Greece being pushed out of the EU as the economic crisis continues in Europe. Venus in Gemini is anti anything possessive, possessed, owned or controlled. Gemini is the butterfly of the zodiac and needs to fly free, wanting to experiment and try everything, always learning something new where material acquisitions become more about an exchange (think currency) than a means to an end.

Gemini are the epitome of intertwining souls-the twins are the pair who join to a collective of two. The Lovers in the Tarot are the twins-two individual different beings unified. In relationships, the needing of space and independence is always a fine line and delicate balance with dependence, attachments,  closeness, sharing and intimacy.  The lessons that may come up are how much me time do I get and where do I cross the line to compromise.  Many enter relationships with the intention of merging where their individual needs get sacrificed however two halves do not make a whole. Interdependence becomes key in respecting differences and bridging gaps.  Venus keep things in check and harmonizes the flow.

In Gemini, superficial attempts to keep the peace and save face if only to smooth any rough edges as Venus Gemini is flexible and open minded with a light touch to keep everyone happy.  Venus meeting up with Jupiter in Gemini in June will really amplify the flirty social scene for the early summer June July which will bring some romantic and relationship focus.  Every year Venus meets up with the Sun (called an inferior conjunction) where it is closest to the earth–this year Sun combust Venus lines up in Gemini as Venus is in retrograde accentuating the solar and love force joining in multifaceted Gemini.

This year, June 4 is a particularly intense line up where during a Full Moon (lunar eclipse) Venus Sun Gemini will be in a tense angle with Mars and the Moon which will heighten emotional issues. This may bring up issues with inconsistent, scattered fickleness where variety is the spice of life with scandalous affairs brewing around the corner.  Gemini equates with the number 3 so triangles and 3somes may bring up some painful romantic stings.  Sharp tongued Mars in Virgo with Venus Gemini ingenue, charming and persuasive, refined – a smooth talker all call for a recipe of fussy arguments or passionate lively animated exchanges frazzling and frying the nerves.  Anyone born June 4, Sept 4, Dec 4 or Mar 4 or have planets near will feel this June 4th.

Venus in Gemini is the perfect sweet talker and writer of love letters and poems and witty verse as Gemini is in its element to speak and write. Venus Gemini is a great time to get your messaging and communications into a sweet spot. Venus, the planet of love in Gemini is romance with the sexy librarian or the hot for teacher or crush on the professor and a date with the discovery channel or knowledge network.  Falling in love with someone’s mind as Gemini ruled by Mercury is turned on by brains more than brawn.

Venus Gemini wrote the book on the games we play in love.  Talk is cheap, especially the sexy naughty kind of whispering sweet nothings in your ear as long as it isn’t vulgar and has panache. Old lovers may return at this time as well especially if Venus retrograde aspects your love zone.  Again as in any retrograde period, it isn’t the optimal time to start anything-so beginning relationships during Venus retrograde is not the best timing although you can do a little dance around spinning anything moving forward with some good cat and mouse games to stall anything “officially”…flirt it up and use delay tactics until Venus moves direct in June and out of her shadow end of July.

The cafes will be busy buzzing away with lively banter-moving about in your neighborhoods (Gemini) exploring your own backyard appreciating the beauty (Venus) of your immediate surroundings. Plenty of Mercury ruled Gemini energy so great for learning, increasing knowledge and reading too so don’t forget about the library. Mercury rules short trips also so expect lots of activity doing your rounds. Venus also represents sweets/ruling Libra-diabetes is a growing concern with all the sugar in our diets but more concerning are the derivatives of sugar (fructose, modified corn syrup, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners) which are proving to cause havoc with our health.  Geminis rules over lightness, slimming and lifting- a good time to slim down, cut back or rearrange our diets.

Venus rules beauty and Gemini the 3rd house of neighbors, siblings, short trips, neighborhoods-lots of coming and going roaming about – for those single, a neighbor may appeal and or someone just out your backdoor. It’s a good time to be “out and about”. Take your dogs for a walk, keep busy, stimulated and get “out there”, write someone a letter or chat someone up over a cocktail. Go for a nice drive or stroll around the neighborhood city-short trips are a Gemini domain.  In reflection reminds me of a fumble of being a bratty menace as a kid in the backseat of the car where my dad became fed up saying, “stop behaving” when he meant to say “start behaving”-this was never lived down.

Venus Gemini took a nose dive with a guest of my neighbor speaking loudly about how she was drinking and driving and escaped getting pulled over the night before while explicitly going over her sexual escapades in some grave detail with all the nasty language with a continuing meltdown rant tightly wound venting all the hateful digs about all the people she despised all the while getting ready for another road trip while presently dowsing herself with copious cups of alcohol with her pitch inching ever more over the twitchy slope…. flirting in full force getting knocked over by explosions of potions of the perfumed marinated kind with cleavage over exposure Venus vanity faux pas on the prowl.

Venus Gemini has a dark side of trash talk and notorious gossip flirting with disaster. This is a Venus Gemini overkill and (TMI)-too much information, over thinking, living in your head and spinning tales of woe ad nauseam.  Venus slowing the pace through its passage once again retrograde-a time to still (Venus) the busy mind (Gemini) of racing thoughts, turn off the plethora of information overload and negative feedback and be in the moment of mindfulness. With Gemini ruling over our nervous system and neural pathways (the brain’s messenger pathways), we have the opportunity now to reprogram those thought patterns to healthy ones that support us.


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