Full Moon in Libra 2018

Full Moon in Libra 2018 “Drive” Incubus

The Full Moon In Libra sees spring in bloom, focus on airing out any stagnation and evening things out toward balance, fairness with a give and take that keeps relations intact while regarding self preservation.  Libra’s intention is to move toward cooperation, cohabitation, collaboration and building bridges although these Libra traits are teeter tottering, topsy-turvy on a balance beam heading for a drop off a burning bridge. Equilibrium, poise, grace, people pleasing and wanting to be liked at the expense of being taken advantage of are raising a funk of emotions and off kilter mood swings,  giving new meaning to no more Mr. Nice Guy.

The Full Moon in Libra is challenged as it forms a tsquare oppose Mercury Aries retrograde, separating from a square to Mars Saturn Capricorn. Mars Saturn is a slow burn, push pull, hurry up (Mars) and wait (Saturn) driving with one foot on the brake.  Mars (burns, bruises, inflammation cuts, headaches, muscle strain, sharp objects, rash action, impulsive, Saturn (frustration, delays, cold slowed pace, arthritis, dry, dense, heavy, strict, serious).

Mercury retrograde in Aries tied up in this tangle is a potent instigator of trouble and rabble rousing rubble on high alert particularly with communications gone awry, over thinking, forceful, demanding, impatient, impulsive, fast talking, poor listening skills.  Mercury retrograde typically hashes out golden nuggets of scams, news, whistle blowing with Mercury Aries taking back control, move toward independence, take the lead, don’t follow, be yourself. Mercury is connected to communications and data and the data mining in the US election is brought forward and exposed. Retrogrades are great planning times, to go back and fix, finish and fine tune.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn along with Saturn ruling Capricorn. Energies and movements are calculated, careful, constructive, deliberate with focused drive with a potential to make solid decisions, get things done, strategic long term planning with disciplined, structured, controlled output.  Venus, the ruler of the Full Moon, moves into Taurus (where it’s at home),  helping to calm the ravage of the savage beast, settling and leveling things out. Venus Taurus forms a solid connection with Mars Saturn into the next few weeks strengthening relationships and enduring bonds.


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