Full Moon in Aries 2018

Full Moon in Aries 2018 “The Warrior” Scandal

The Full Moon in Aries (Harvest Moon) upon the Autumn Equinox is on a tight rope balance between (Sun Libra oppose Moon Aries) nice pleasant Venus ruled Libra oppose don’t take no shit Mars ruled Aries and how the pendulum swings between the two poles of duality between light and dark, day and night, masculine and feminine, give and take, war and peace, love and hate…The polarities are ever more distinct, regarding oppositions and divisions as all part of the whole.

The Full Moon in Aries join Chiron Aries square Saturn Capricorn is a warrior moon of survival, fighting through any challenge with the wounding of Chiron and the somber heaviness of Saturn drawing out the karmic clock tick tock. Chiron is in the midst of its shift from martyr Pisces to warrior Aries showing the changing tide of Chiron Pisces wounding (feminine, victimization, martyr, sacrifice, passive) to Chiron Aries wounding (masculine, war, anger, fighting, independence, self love, self acceptance).

The Full Moon in Aries is held in a firm grip in a tense tsquare with Sun Mercury Libra Chiron Aries Saturn Capricorn showing the struggles, strain, hard knocks all beat with true grit. The beauty of difficult Saturn Chiron aspects is the learned endurance and the recall of getting through hardship before, knowing you have the built in discipline to persevere. The downfall of afflicted Saturn is the rule of thumb of paying the price with natural consequences and repercussions once stepping out of line and not toeing the line.

As someone who is ruled by Saturn with a Capricorn rising, Saturn in Capricorn the 1st house, Saturn is my modus operandi.  Saturn rules Capricorn and is in its home, doing what it knows with best practices.  Saturn Capricorn is an anchor with gravity to often help ground through to reality when one gets lost in abstraction.  Depression, melancholy may all be helpful as a dense force  to ground  with nature and the earth, contained, formed as a rock, from being blown and swept off from a swift gust of angry wind or taken down stream, dragged down, capsized by a tidal wave of emotion. With afflictions, health issues Libra lower back, kidneys, Chiron Aries blood, blood clots, blood pressure, iron issues, head issues, Saturn issues with skin, teeth, hair, knees, depression, constipation.

The Full Moon in Aries (ruled by Mars) is making a positive angle to Mars Aquarius up for the brave fight, calling out any bs, armed and dangerous, ready for the battle scars, further fortified with a harmonious angle to the nodal axis helping to propel things forward constructively. The Full Moon in Aries is reignited with fire and air, energized, exercising inner muscles, waking up motion and action, moving full steam ahead out of the challenging last few months with a sense of victory, patting yourself on the back for making it through the storms as a survivor.

The Full Moon in Aries also makes a positive angle to Lilith in Aquarius which joins Mars Aquarius on the south node (past), giving voice to an onslaught of a fire storm raging about reporting sexual abuse and sexual assault.  With Venus in Scorpio, ready to go retrograde (October 5th to November 16th), the deep emotion and rage is finding a place of purging from the past being revisited about feminine (Venus) sexual (Scorpio) abuse and exploitation.

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