Full Moon in Pisces 2018

Full Moon in Pisces 2018  “Dear Mr Fantasy” Traffic

The Full Moon in Pisces is a welcome relief from the up and down, spinning round celestial storms the last few months.  Mercury is direct from its retrograde cycle and Mars retrograde is about to go direct (August 27th) sitting at a station point, allowing a time to savor the stillness of moments.  The Full Moon in Pisces is a river flow nurturing a healing glow, grounding in time a feeling of sublime, with opportunity and momentum for a flow of intuition and relaxation. An abundance of water and earth energies focuses on grounding and sensing, with less of the mental and the cerebral, quieting the mind from distracting constant thoughts.

The Full Moon in Pisces forms a kite pattern.  Kite patterns overall give free rein to exercise free will. Contained within the kite pattern is an earth grand trine (Sun Virgo, Saturn Capricorn and Uranus Taurus). The earth grand trine is clearing out (Virgo) any karmic residue (Saturn) toward liberation (Uranus) showing up with cause and effect and consequences. If one truly takes responsibility and makes the right changes and choices, then karma works in your favor, creating good karma and thus a sense of freedom (Uranus). If you really look at all that has happened good and bad in your life, you can see that it was because of your choices.  No god or chart or person is to blame, all experiences were given to you or chosen by you to learn lessons.  Everyone makes mistakes or poor choices however if we haven’t learned from those mistakes then the lessons just keep repeating and get harder.

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, currently in its home in Pisces makes for a very opportune time for releasing,  flowing, rejuvenating,  surrendering and trusting.  Neptune Pisces currently trine Jupiter Scorpio further divines with a water flow of cleansing and refreshing ointment to any ailing. All Pisces related (sea, music, visualizing, meditation, fantasy, dreams, imagination) are at a peak of potency in any ritual.  Take extra notice of dreams, visualizations, hopes, wishes and give them nourishment, to see manifestation.

The Pisces element is water.  Our bodies are mostly water with water as a form of protection, purity, cleansing and safety, similar to the experience of being in the womb.  Typically swelling and accumulation of fluid/mucous/toxins is a sign of fear, feeling unsafe and needing more protection (think of it as a body moat).  The releasing and flow is a sign of losing some fears, trusting and feeling safe and healing after the storms.

Healing grace and divine inspiration came to many with mediation, water rituals (Jesus 40 days, Moses on the mount, baptism in the water).  A water fountain recently came into view as my neighbors fence revealed it after I kept hearing it for years.  In clear view, with the sound and view of the water fountain in my sanctuary,  I have felt its continuous healing grace (second chakra). I cherish my sleep time (day dreaming, meditation) and finding  sanctuary in silence, retreat whether by the sea, in the forest, away from stress, hurried life and stimulation.  I always look forward to travel to other dimensions and parallel universes, continually with repeat dreams of some premonition into the future.



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