New Moon in Virgo 2018

New Moon in Virgo 2018 “Give Me Love” George Harrison

The New Moon in Virgo is a time of year to return to regular routines, back to school, back to the grind, checking off to do lists, packing away summer leisure.  As the seasons change with the weather getting cooler and days getting shorter, eyes are on organizing, planning, cleaning, clearing and setting things straight. The New Moon in Virgo makes a very positive, powerful talent triangle with Jupiter Scorpio and Pluto Capricorn, further forming a cradle with Neptune Pisces, promising healthy, optimistic, hopeful, supportive, transforming new beginnings and inroads with habits, work, health and routines.

The New Moon in Virgo is a mixture of earth and water, void of air and fire, putting the focus on the here and now, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, out of sight, out of mind.  While there are a number of minor stressful aspects and Mars is still in its slow motion from its retrograde cycle in a square to Uranus, the overall energy is releasing and resolving. Virgo is an earth sign tending to order, health and improvement.  The body is a temple for the soul. The soul is left adrift and lost in abstraction without a healthy container.  A healthy body and mind is much better at seeking and finding positive inspiration, healing, spiritual union by a sense of grounding and dealing with everyday common realities.

Virgo rules assimilation and digestion. Virgo discrimination processes what is taken in (food, air, emotions, thoughts) with sifting, sorting through the messes and stresses.  Mercury rules Virgo, even though Virgo is an earth sign, where it is governed by an air sign making mental processes key in where ill health begins. What is taken in and absorbed starts with thought as thoughts can turn into things which turns to emotion and then embodiment into cells.  The beauty of Virgo is having a work ethic adaptability and agility to thoroughly, fine tune through these filters.  The challenge with Virgo is getting mired in the details, fussing,  worrying, doing, multitasking, fixing, perfectionism with a lesson in letting go, releasing, surrendering and trusting.

Without health there is no wealth.  Holistic health comes from integrating spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health, keeping from functioning as separate parts. You can’t have physical health without also focusing on emotional or mental health, all playing a part impacting each other. Healing crisis and healing journeys often bring attention to attuning and aligning fragmented parts, especially mental and emotional, often with a time of exorcising the demons, extracting and releasing repressed, toxic emotions, poisons and attitudes.

Physician heal thyself holds a Virgo tone.  The message may be to instill a sense of faith and belief in our own higher power or spirit to assist in healing.  Praying is a form of seeking help calling on the higher spirit or god and drawing it down to form, channeling that healing with the understanding that one can heal themselves by getting in touch with their own inner goodness (Godness).

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