Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2014

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2014 Slave to Love Bryan Ferry

The Scorpio Solar Eclipse on Thursday October 23rd is a partial Solar Eclipse viewable for most of North America particularly on PST at 3:30 PM. The New Moon in Scorpio kicks in the real turn of the fall season as the weather turns colder and no more denying the days are shorter and the nights longer.  Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons with significant new beginnings and  starting fresh although Solar Eclipses have a strong shifting energy where something is released which centers around the south node, Aries Achilles heel (impatience, selfishness, anger,  conflict).

The Solar Eclipse is still ushering in Libra intentions (north node) (cooperation, compromise), with a Scorpio emphasis (letting go of what needs to die).  Anywhere an eclipse falls in your chart will indicate where you see some beginnings and endings but usually in a positive new direction due to the Solar Eclipse over the north node where it’s futuristic and uncharted.  Several of the New Moon eclipse cycles at the beginning of each sign the next 6 months indicates some going back to the starting point rehashing, retracing our steps and studying each sign in its elementary infancy stage, taking a closer look at where most of a sign’s qualities take form and morph into character from a place of innocence.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is a fixed water sign and isn’t typically permeable, flexible or adaptable but more persistent and focused with a dogged force toward a goal. While we trudge through Libra Aries eclipses, glimpses into Scorpio, take us to a deeper level of understanding of Pluto’s true hidden agenda and the underlying reasoning for what ails or transforms us.  With the ongoing Uranus Pluto transit, Pluto is further showcasing its force with the upheaval, turbulence, crisis and tragedies as well as the empowering, liberating and emancipating releasing of Pluto’s grip.

Pluto was discovered in 1930. Pluto had a shift in identity from major planet to dwarf planet where astronomers didn’t see Pluto having the typical namesake traits of a planet but as any astrologer or person with a significant Pluto transit or natal aspect can tell you,  Pluto is still of major significance. Before Pluto was discovered, Scorpio was traditionally ruled by Mars, with Pluto being the higher octave of Mars. No matter how still the Pluto waters, the rough, raw edges and fighting spirit of Mars fires get stoked in Scorpio.

The eclipse on the critical degree of Scorpio leaves a train and trail of Libra pettles soon to be blown away by the storm.  Under the pleasant poise and aesthetic veneer of Libra lurks an uproar of Pluto eruption with anything buried brought to the surface.  Pluto/Scorpio as a minor digs down deep  to uncover and lift any disguise or superficial nicety exposing the underlying nasties transparent to Pluto’s vision.

The Solar Eclipse forms an additional Sun Venus superior conjunction. This is a concentrated energy pattern as the superior conjunction perfects into the Solar Eclipse with Sun Moon and Venus at a critical degree (1st degree of a sign) in Scorpio. While the Moon and Lunar cycles point to what we need, Venus aspects often point to what we want.  Scorpio desire intensifies into a deeper need and want for emotional closeness and intimacy which in turn often poses a risk leaving us vulnerable and open to being hurt, disappointed and betrayed by those closest to us.

With Venus featured in the eclipse, Venus Scorpio matters will be of prominence with loyalty, protectiveness and devotion.  Close bonds with powerful emotions are beyond superficial, lighthearted skip through the park with a hold and grip running through your veins penetrating through to the soul.  Venus is in its detriment in Scorpio where relations can get caught up in passionate  all or nothing, love hate, controlling, jealous, possessive, obsessive, stalking, power plays and dominance (Phantom of the Opera, 50 Shades of Grey and the myth of Persephone and the abduction into Hades).

Venus and Mars have been coasting merrily along the last week in harmony accenting harmony in partnerships and relationships.  Venus in positive alliance with Mars induces more beauty and magnetic attraction, desire, sexual chemistry and libido into a hot and heavy love potion concoction.

With Mercury Libra just ready to turn direct October 25th from the Mercury Retrograde cycle the last few weeks , its time to begin again though still with wavering  trepidation, hesitation, suspended animation and reruns .  Mercury retrograde is hinging over the nodal axis, the pulse of an eclipse so any aspect to it is a sensitive place.   Mercury is still in orb to oppose Uranus which continues some residue of rude and tacky that gets a Libra response of bowing out gracefully side stepping any Uranus Aries sucker punches with some Libra sugar coating any ugly unsavory scene.

Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) born at the beginning of the sign will feel the flow of this eclipse with an opportunity as the eclipse forms a harmonious aspect to Neptune Pisces instigating the higher qualities of Pisces such as surrender, hope, tolerance and forgiveness. The water emphasis of the Scorpio eclipse is further enhanced with an aspect to Chiron Pisces while Neptune Pisces continues to aspect Mercury Libra retrograde over the nodal axis.  With Pisces spilling over in influence we can expect more slipping through the cracks, slippery fish, forgetfulness, sleep issues,  lack of clarity, weak boundaries, misinformation, being lead astray and getting lost with head scratching WTF scenarios.

We have seen the repercussions with extreme weather conditions (freak blizzard in Nepal), Typhoon in Japan, Cyclone in India, Tropical Storm Fay in the Bermuda, Tropical Storm Ana in the Pacific, botched initial response to Ebola as well as the pressing lone wolf radical behavior that hit tragically close to home in Canada.

Saturn square Jupiter forms to put boundaries to the test with expansion, growth,  push pull, hold back reach out with a bipolar misjudgment misfire with authority (Saturn) and the law, over reaction, correction  and lack of moderation (Jupiter).

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