New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo 2015

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo 2015 “Tuesday Afternoon” Moody Blues

The Solar Eclipse in Virgo highlights the Virgo work ethic, lesson plans and learning with back to school activities. The Virgo New Moon each year has a noticeable scent of fall in the air. Virgo emphasizes humble service and being tuned into the small tasks and accomplishments that often don’t get much attention.

Virgo isn’t about being impressive but of the simple everyday, ordinary that doesn’t require or need adulation or approval, happy to quietly work diligently in the background, behind the scene. Virgo has the ingenious ability to see to efficiency, turnover mess-ups and train wrecks and make lemonade out of any sorry lemons or finding the pearl in any rough hard shell. Virgo as earth is in touch with greener methods to always look to greener pastures for betterment and improvement.

Virgo gets into the nitty gritty corners and all those jobs that get a bad rap however immersing in these activities is often an open door to clear the decks, get inspired  as when they say cleanliness is next to godliness, what that really means is you get a close tune into messages and ideas when you are busy and preoccupied. A sweeping ritual again helps to clear the debris and dirt in the mind and midst, getting rid of all the nagging harping toxic thoughts that beat the self up with guilt, shame or blame. It is also a good time to look for more ways in playing a part to protect the environment.

The Solar Eclipse is oppose Chiron Pisces which wants to remedy an overall mood of sadness and all the pain, disease or disorder. The facts and practical considerations outweigh the idealism of Pisces, keeping things from unraveling into fret and worry, with an endless list of to do things piling up, as the finger pointing critical police make sure to draw out any imperfection and disorder that doesn’t fit into a neat, appropriate and tidy box. Virgo rules over the health and particularly, the digestion process where some sensitive ailment may show a need to pay attention to healthier and greener habits, The Solar Eclipse also makes an inconjunct with Uranus further showing some disruption and unsettled, uncomfortable adjustment.

Mercury, ruling Virgo, is the mind, not over or under matter, but beside it, as Virgo keeps grounded to the tangible and the physical senses. Be mindful of what you wish for, as Virgo is of the earth element and can bring to matter anything strongly on the mind.  Some may go the route of meditation by quieting the mind, being still however being productive, moving and exercising keeps the energy pathways stimulated sparking ideas while moving and being busy with so called mindless tasks, leaving the mind open, fresh and clear.

With Mercury ruling the eclipse and Mercury Libra ready to retrograde September 17th until October 9th, getting centered plays a big part of the eclipse. Mercury Libra is where communications and situations are literally hanging in the balance, finding the goldilocks spot, weighing in to get to that just right sweet spot. Mercury Libra communications balance between the head and the body, keeping from either too much in the head or emotions or heart, or too much left brain or right brain, passive or active, attract or chase. With balance comes perspective and bowing out gracefully when necessary.

Mercury Libra addresses anything with pleasant and diplomatic response although Libra is not opposed to standing up to any injustice. This Libra lingo is depicted well by the new beauty queen, Canadian Mrs. Universe, who proclaims she won’t just be a pretty face saying nice things, but will speak out and express what is right and just. Mental processes may well feel mental during the Mercury retrograde cycle where Mercury will square Pluto and semi square Saturn intensifying any communication with serious deep questions, probing into fairness, equality, relationships, contracts, agreements. Watch for issues around poison, toxic thoughts, overkill, heavy traffic, bottlenecks (as seen with the migration crisis).

Jupiter Virgo is getting closer to oppose Neptune Pisces (September 16th) with more judgmental and higher than mighty picky and prickly idealistic and holier than thou attitudes (Pisces). The wavy finger hypocrisy turns back on the self where righteous preaching just spins in loopy circular nonsense pointing back to practicing what you preach. Over stepping and slipping and any issues around Jupiter (hips, weight gain, excess) showing up as well as needed extra tightening Virgo organization around the utter chaos with the migration crisis and its continuous confusion, sacrifice and uncertainty.

Venus Leo is moving direct from its retrograde cycle the last few months and is more in tune and in line ready to find a golden nugget or “heart of gold” although still in its shadow so not quite ready for that new big purchase or hairdo. Venus Leo through the retrograde process discovers what really matters, where Leo creativity, play, fun, gambling gets back into a groove to refine and redefine self expression, confidence, beauty, talent and your game plan. Venus Mars ride close together ying yang the next few months, with Venus Mars Leo saying summer isn’t over yet, keeping attraction and desire cozy and intimate head to head into love machine action and a heating up sex drive animal magnetism.

Dr. Wayne Dyer RIP. Dr. Wayne Dyer emphasized humble service as his overall mantra. The Solar Eclipse is over his Pisces rising sign ruled by his natal Neptune in Virgo, which showed this mission in his lifetime to teach Virgo service and Pisces giving, emphasizing you get what you give.


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