Solar Eclipse in Scorpio November 2013

solar eclipse November 2013Solar Eclipse in Scorpio November 2013 Live and Let Die

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is a Hybrid north node eclipse (some parts annular and some parts total)  that point to a destiny or evolution pushing forward.  The key with eclipses is with the nodal axis and the closer the eclipse to the nodal axis, the more prominent the eclipse will be with lasting effects, here you can expect this eclipse to carry through the next 6 months to a year.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto has built in power with a sense of entitlement as well as empowerment.   The rewards of this eclipse are enormous.  It creates a powerful talent triangle with Pluto and Mars that also cradles with Chiron giving it potent healing power and a force of strength and willpower that propels out of any dismay, however it requires complete devotion, trust and strength to follow a truth that keeps conscious attention.  Prominent powerful people come to public attention at this time and with the eclipse join Saturn, a fall from grace can also be seen.  Think Watergate and government scandal (Saturn).

The last cycles of Saturn join eclipses in 1979, 1991, 2002 brings up Saturn get real and serious,  with it inhibition and frustration, getting put in your place.  This eclipse is a spin off from last year’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse 2012 as well as a back drop to the 1994 November Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.  During the Solar Eclipse in 1994, Pluto and Jupiter were in Scorpio showing a powerful initiative that now may emerge similar ambition.  Watch for a pattern or completion with this eclipse as something you started in 1994 that sees some type of results as well as returns and reminders of people, places during those junctures in time.

Pluto rules over fears and Saturn control giving an opportunity to let go of fear and trusting what you can’t control.   The story of the Scorpion and the Frog speak the Scorpio story in that we can’t change our stripes and we rarely change our character or nature despite outward appearances.  Scorpio especially shows the extremes of the light and dark side and the use or abuse of power, whether to fly like an eagle and rise like a phoenix or slither like a snake and sting like a Scorpion with revenge and betrayal.

The buck stops at Pluto, who rules the day with the last words as Pluto dominates the room being the slowest moving planet pushing the overall agenda.  Pluto, the ruler of the Scorpio eclipse, in hard aspect with Uranus just reached another exact square pushing  Uranus Pluto agenda into a climax with more elevated and intense, obsessive activity, Uranus protests around fracking, the LA airport shooting, another earthquake in Japan near the Fukushima site, exposed government (Saturn) scandal with tax payers money (Scorpio), bullying and more sexual abuse and harassment cases.

Scorpio naturally rules over therapy and hypnotic trance that penetrates to the depths unraveling anything festering and remembering anything forgotten, opening Pandora’s box.  Scorpio is known to open the gates to the unconscious and the delving during a Scorpio stint doesn’t allow any numbing, escaping, hiding or sweeping anything under the rug.  Deep healing and purging uncovers layers of buried psychological residue trapped in tissues plummeting the depths of emotions, unleashing deep seated complexes.

Spying and private investigation goes to work to reveal mysteries and what lies beneath with superstitious minds.  Pluto isn’t the sleeping giant to let one snooze through any deep place or hibernate.  Pluto forces and smokes out anything held hostage or buried whether a buried treasure or hidden toxin not letting sleeping dogs lie.  You can run but you can’t hide from Pluto.  Any secrets or hidden information is revealed and exposed with Pluto.

With Mercury in Scorpio as part of the stellium, we have an open channel for telepathy and communication through thought forms as an xray type of communication that can pick up thoughts without the need to speak them.  Telepathy is said to be the next wave of communication in our future where we already feel the hidden subliminal messages influence of mind control through suggestive programming reaching masses through media-think herd mentality and Hitler.

Mercury in Scorpio in retrograde continues to hash out any past deeply held toxic debris.  We may continue to find thoughts surface long thought gone.  Recesses and obsessive or compulsive urges may help to bring to light needed acknowledgement.  Elimination is the process of Pluto where any poison is excreted and expelled.

Mercury Scorpio in retrograde points to a significant stall and poor timing launching Obamacare’s website during the retrograde cycle shadow period as starting any major endeavor during Mercury retrograde proves to be daunting.  During a Solar Eclipse the wheels are in motion and plans in place to get started on a major new road however making that official first step shouldn’t happen until Mercury leaves its shadow end of November.

Mercury makes many beneficial movements during this cycle that prove very healing and detoxifying whether physically, emotionally or mentally.  Mercury revisits and ends the retrograde cycle with a positive aspect to Neptune, Chiron, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter through to the end of November.  Deep healing is available especially with meditation and mindful thoughts awakening  unconsciousness with Pluto’s incisive awareness.

Saturn over the eclipse is a marker of the mountain top and reaching a peak as the current pulse as Saturn rules over status, authority, career, parents and bosses.  Where this falls in your chart shows focus and a high water mark, recognition and reward with personal best.  Saturn is the mountain goat that keeps trying, striving and pushing to reach the top with a sense of satisfaction and success accepting responsibility with a clear conscience with no regrets.

For those who fail to heed Saturn’s call, misery loves company with Saturn grounding  a heavy weight forcing a gravitational pull to keep your feet on the ground with a sense of reality and limits that cast a gloomy shadow and a coldness, deep sorrow and bitterness under a heavy dark cloud sucking the joy out of any effervescence carrying the burden of regret and living with the consequences of your actions.

Saturn reminds us of life’s limits and in Scorpio life and death matters become more top of mind with many looking at their bucket list more seriously whether to take that trip, hike that mountain or paint that picture or to simply be doing those things that won’t leave you with regrets, finally doing some of those things put off due to “life” and taking the time to really do what is true to your soul.

A YOD pattern of the eclipse to Mars and Uranus presents a readjustment and realignment with Mars in Virgo in a purification process muddling through, sorting, adjusting misaligned energy patterns.  The energy flow has no direct connection so a misfire or misunderstanding occurs where Mars in discriminating Virgo can help to find the way.

Uranus is out of the loop and out on a limb in this YOD pattern without a supporting structure making it a more unpredictable influence setting the tone for rebellion and adrenaline junkies galore. Uranus in Aries sits out of this pattern where Aries traits of selfishness, independence, detachment and going it alone don’t wash with this strongly Scorpion intimate focus which further perpetuates a Uranus anxiety pressure cooker bursting forth, breaking and busting loose.

As we leave the Scorpio Taurus eclipse season, the fall out of the eclipses is on the Taurus south node  showing the pull to the past and repercussions to Taurus issues such as the neck, throat, thyroid, greed, stagnation, stubbornness, comfort, jealousy, laziness, self worth and self esteem.   Health issues that have focus and attention during the eclipse are the reproductive, elimination organs (Pluto –Scorpio), teeth, skin, bones (Saturn) and all things to do with the heart being a Solar Eclipse, the heart ruled by the Sun.



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