Full Moon in Aries September 29th 2012

Full Moon in Aries September 29th 2012Full Moon in Aries

There is a storm brewing -the pressure cooker is at a boiling point ready to pop off the lid.  The Full Moon in Aries is the sign of the warrior heart, emotional courage and resilience, focused on the immediate here and now-Aries is present.  Aries has a child like innocence, the first sign of the zodiac with pure intent, taking initiative and getting things started. Direct, forthright and honest and self focused knowing and ready for the next battle, bold, daring, competitive, exploratory and excited to discover new adventures. Aries is in head first, where angels fear to tread. Aries burns hot, ruled by Mars-fire, heat, fierce –this Full Moon is literally in your face, a spark at the end of your fuse ignited by an inner fire -full steam ahead! “I hear the train a comin…” Folson Prison Blues.  Johnny Cash.

The Sabian Symbol for Libra – “A Blazing fireplace in a deserted home.  This is a symbol of naive reality,  of the basic law of the cosmos where-by all things tend to continue steadily in their accustomed function.  Implicit here is the burning desire or capacity for passion which establishes man’s loyalty to each object of his self-projection and instruments his more consistent self-orientation through each phase of personal responsibility to the world in which he finds himself.  The keyword is Guardianship”.

The symbol points to the passion and desire of our inner soul that forever burns bright despite the outer sense of alienation, abandonment or disconnection.  The call to our own core deep inner drive is always ready to be acted upon where we can turn for hope and inspiration in our darkest hour.  The burning bush is our attention to an Aries call of “I Am” and holding to the regard for our own center as our beacon of inner guidance to our true unique expression.  Aries need for self interest that respects and regards me first that compromises only to never have to change who you are or what you need for anyone else or lose yourself for someone else.  You always have yourself to fall back on to your own power within.

The polarity between the Sun Libra and Moon Aries brings unity to self interest (Aries) and Libra-cooperation (relationships).  Aries Libra rule over the main intersection of the dynamic interplay of me and we-independence and interconnection yet “never the twain shall meet.”  During this Full Moon, the push pull of this duality will be tested to the maximum.  Libra craves pair bonding and Aries wants to conquer the next unknown with no ties or traps or ensnarement.  Alex Clare “feels like I am just too close to love you..”.

This Full Moon is in a tightly snarled tsquare with Uranus Pluto which brings much to the surface that has been festering and brewing as Uranus Pluto made its first hit in June 2012. Uranus Aries and Pluto Capricorn have been moving close together since June just separating slightly making another direct hit September 17th. The Full Moon pushes an outward call to action to a bellowing climax whether endings or resolutions or culmination needing settlement with whatever was started during the first Uranus Pluto square as well as the New Moon in Virgo this month.

Judging from the energy of the New Moon in Virgo, results may be piqued around work and health (Virgo) and agreements, negotiations and relationships/partnerships – Sun in Libra.  Libra seeks a place of peace and compromise if not give and take to strike a weighing in to bring cohesion however during this build up-breakdowns and showdowns will hit the wall with conflicting agenda that pushes the envelope and raises the ante. Those in late Scorpio/Taurus are also under the lights with the fading debris of the last few weeks as the nodal axis entered Scorpio/Taurus-really pushing the Mars/Pluto-Venus Libra principles.

The Sun in Libra becomes a strong tipping point being at the apex of this powerful tsquare.  Anyone with energy at 6 degrees cardinal (end of March, December, June)–Aries, Libra, Cancer Capricorn  and 23 degrees fixed (mid May, mid November, mid Feb, mid August) Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio will feel this potency however anyone will feel the effects wherever Uranus Pluto fall in your chart houses.  Those where this energy emphasizes positive angles such as 6 degrees Leo (July 28) or Sag or 6 degrees Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio or 21 degrees Cancer (July 13) or Sagittarius may find they have some added ammunition and a leg up-with more negotiating power (Libra).

Leading up to the Full Moon we have a very tight Thor’s Hammer building with the tense Sun Moon Uranus Pluto tsquare into a configuration with Venus square Mars.  The Thor’s Hammer or God’s Fist is ready to come down hard itching to crack the whip with everything from sexuality, conflict, anger, inflammation (Mars), finances (Venus), joint finances (Pluto),  skin, teeth (Pluto Capricorn), food poisoning (Pluto),  Uranus (sudden change) to relationships, partnerships (Venus, Libra). The Sun rules love affairs and the heart, Pluto – betrayal/revenge, Uranus – separation.  Painful heartache and breakups.

Mars and Venus hit an exact square on Sept 27th where lust meets thrust with a sexy passionate urgency amplified as a preamble teaser to the Full Moon early Sunday morning.   The tone set with this energy is your shit in a knot with frustrating, rigid uncompromising stubborn agendas with Mars Scorpio intense emotional deep purging and Venus Leo’s dramatic  displays of expression putting the screws to sabotaging any flow while upstaging the drama with break aways and change that is imminent (Uranus).

Mars Scorpio and Venus Leo meet up with fixed standards and a show down that don’t want to bend or budge with all the cardinal energy wanting to lead in every other direction with a tug of war steering away from meeting in the middle.  Mutable energy which we had in droves just in the last few months that gives flexibility and adaptability is now lacking pushing everyone into tight corners. Libra Sun, Mercury and Saturn work toward attempting to fairness to bridge some of the chaos but find the balance tipsy and wavering.  Pluto rules Scorpio which goes base camp to the root of survival –when we are threatened at the very core, war becomes the thorny and nasty riveting response of dominance and power struggles.

Pluto/Scorpio rules over shared resources and investments, deep intimacy and betrayal, debt and death. Mars Scorpio will soon move over the nodal axis in Scorpio oppose Algol on the Taurus south node October 1st -this is going to draw out intense reaction that will carry forward as the south node stations over Algol until the end of the year.  Hold onto your hats-or perhaps your heads!  Venus squares it which will bring this inflexible sparring battle to a head maxing out on what’s in it for me-and how resourceful will this be.  Scorpio, Pluto ruled connects to sharing and merging, deep ties that bind.   Fixed energy looks for consistency and loyalty-predictability and assurance which is tested in close proximity to Uranus as Uranus rebels against anything  insincere or unscrupulous as well as anything cloistering or clingy.

Uranus Pluto is a legendary mix that rouses anxiety, manic depression, panic and obsessive compulsive disorders instigating our deepest weaknesses.  Fear is the most insidious trap and dark tunnel of Pluto-lying at the root of internal strife.  The root chakra – Pluto, Uranus the brow chakra.  Fear runs our subconscious programming pulling up complexes buried and denied.  Pluto fesses up forcing it all to the surface.

Uranus rules the brow chakra and knowing –can’t be denied with its razor sharp incisive flash of intuitive insight. Like a lightning bolt striking through a storm cloud, Uranus hits the point of a needed jolt albeit through shock waves and rude awakenings as Uranus Aries forces confrontation to wake up and smell the coffee. Uranus rules over the unusual and unconventional-odd requests and requirements out of the norm may be prevalent this week as well. Uranus rules over detachment and breaking routines-the ability to stand amidst the chaos and thrive.

Uranus releases the burden and frees the mind of entrapment.  Uranus clears the decks and rips right to the core with Pluto – no holds barred-the energy slices through any meandering Libra indecision.  Libra rules over agreements and partnerships-this Full Moon can bring out the full bloom of negotiations gone awry with cross fires and cross hairs.  Uranus is the antithesis to security, stability or attachment-Uranus needs a lot of space. Uranus forces change and living authentically. The force of Pluto’s deep need to merge and Uranus need to breathe and have some distance plays havoc with the dance of intimacy as Uranus breaks with any shackles or noose around the neck or ball and chain.    Be prepared to take the high road on this cross road.

The Moon Aries sits over Uranus Aries– this is a very reactionary place-action before thought.  Aries rules the heat of the moment and angry outbursts can fly off the handle – as Aries runs hot. Exciting thrilling moments of wild abandon- Uranus rules over shock and sudden turns of events and change of heart which will be emphasized this week.  Unexpected and surprising abrupt shifts can occur “call me crazy”.  Uranus hits the button of internal truth that can’t be rationalized, made excuses-it’s what is.

The missing leg of this tsquare is Cancer-those with early Cancer (late June) will feel like they are been spun around in a whirlwind dance yet feeling out of the loop.  Cancer rules over security which may be the underlying force motivating all actions this week. It took me to get a fabulous head massage (Aries) to get out of my head and into my heart. My TV (Uranus-electronics) died (Pluto) after 18 years- a long life-revived once by a tube replacement but I think its finally over…my tooth cracked finally telling me its also reached the end of the road-Pluto Capricorn/Saturn ruled-Saturn (teeth) Pluto (death).

Neptune Pisces is now at a critical degree square the Solar Eclipse on the Pleiades-it sits at this degree point station for the next few months until the end of the year which draws out and accentuates the Solar Eclipse rays extending it through the Neptune themes of uncertainty, doubt, confusion and deception being forced to walk in the dark-maybe finding and surrendering to your own “Personal Jesus” to help you find your way.   The Fool equals 0 in the Tarot which is the point Neptune is stationing at.  The Fool depicts the fall or drop off the precipice – the leap of faith, trusting you will be caught or be given wings to fly.


“In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty…in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from the past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.”  Deepak Chopra


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