Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2015

Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2015Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2015 “Bridge over Troubled Water” Simon and Garfunkel

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra is the 3rd Tetrad Blood Moon in the series of 4 with this Lunar Eclipse particularly potent hitting up the Uranus Pluto square and polarizing strong oppositions (Libra Aries). Of all the Blood Moons, this one, although similar to its opposing Lunar Eclipse in Aries last October,  is particularly intense due to its close entanglement with the tight Uranus square Pluto aspect and the nodal axis, on the pulse showcasing constant upheaval, crisis and volatility in relationships, partnerships, compromise, negotiations and balance, whipping the eclipse into a frenzy with bad blood pulling up the draw bridge over a super tide of emotion.

Libra ruled by Venus is the bridge between and across, linking paths and points on a tight rope delicate balance beam as the scales of Libra keep calling on much poise, grace and composure over much water under the bridge with love and relations on the rocks. The Libra Lunar Eclipse emphasizes harmony, at all costs, with its polished veneer that seeks an equilibrium that meets in the middle finding a fair consensus  and compromise between independence and codependency, give and take.  Focus is on the beautiful and keeping with the pleasantries, politeness and charm masking and suppressing any ugliness while keeping anything distasteful and unbecoming at bay, which at its worst is an insincere passive aggressive posture that hides a lurking explosive burst of rage, ready to knife you in the back.

The Lunar Eclipse under this tense aspect to Uranus Pluto hones survivalist skills using beauty and charm as a weapon, posing as a damsel in distress, with protests and a fury of rage.  It’s a coming out party of extremes of  a rags to riches belle of the ball making a scene in all its complicated and offbeat glory with a new twist and a radical facelift, where the same old just won’t do. This Libra Lunar Eclipse wants to dig deep to the core away from the superficial fake fawn that puts one into twisted contortions to keep the peace or not ruffle any feathers. Its finding an appreciation for expression that really is skin deep, genuine, real and authentic that can’t hide or cover any ugly bitterness. Libra balance helps to unite the inner and outer and find harmony holding up a mirror to an echo of grace. From the book, Gift From the Sea “ I am seeking perhaps what Socrates asked for in the prayer from the Phaedrus when he said, “may the outward and the inward man be at one”.

The Lunar Eclipse is a north node eclipse with a focus on Libra principles as the right course to follow in the future with Libra strength of understanding the art of relating while painting a pretty picture although the south node in Aries over the Sun and Mercury has a strong pull and reminds of a path of least resistance and with it all the Aries Uranus trigger happy urgency, self interest, abruptness, rudeness,  impatience and spontaneous combustion.  The nodal axis wraps around many planets in this eclipse like a dog chasing a tail with wheels spinning, giving it the going out with a bang as it swirls and sweeps up the last hits to the Uranus square Pluto transit.  There is something very end of the era about this energy hinging on a new frontier, major milestone, new perception, new awareness and awakening.

To understand eclipses and why they involve such cathartic and explosive incidents is mostly attributed to the Sun Moon on the ecliptic (nodal axis).  Eclipses  cast a darkness due to blocking out the light of the Sun and Moon. The heightened and expanded emotional affect is further enhanced by the outer planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto which are still, for the most part, out of reach to human consciousness, thus challenging to navigate requiring ultra human response raising reactive alarm bells.  In the last few years, eclipses were aligned with major outer planet activity which adds to the swell and overflow of the energy that can spur on anxiety and more severe psychotic breakdowns seen by constant violent incidents. If someone is predisposed to mental health issues with afflicted chart patterns, the vulnerability just adds up.

The last few years have shown many upheavals, disasters, shake ups, disruptions and chaos especially for those hit up close with Uranus square Pluto.  What was learned or taken away in this period is that life is fragile, precious and not always pretty. Where there is creation, there is destruction too.  Change is the only guarantee requiring wake up calls showing cracks in the system and stagnant conditioning needing an overhaul and reprogramming.  These times of crisis with incessant survival are the Universe kick starters into new frontiers and ways of living stepping it up, forcing rapid evolution onto future paths. I laid out a reading today of the Tarot with a full house of wands, with mostly major arcana indicative of swift changes.

The Lunar Eclipse makes a hopeful aspect to Jupiter which can go the course of the high road or plunge into the easy way out. With all transits, whether difficult or challenging,  one hopes for the best but plans for the worst as all energies have a dark and light side potential although some planetary energy patterns and degree points tend to more challenge and trouble. All the fire of Sun Mercury Uranus Aries trine Jupiter Leo speaks loud of courage, action, change, movement and growth.

Venus and Mars, currently in Taurus, tones down the revelry.  Venus, ruler of Libra and the Lunar Eclipse, also rules over Taurus.  Love and romance are for keeps, with a slow burn ember of sensual comfort and lusty, rich delicious decadence. More of the whipped cream and less of the why bother skim milk, it’s quality not quantity and finding a sense of simplicity to offset the complications, multiple tasks, tight schedules, demands, obligation. The dark side is possessiveness, greed, stagnation and threat to security can escalate any survivalist behaviors.

Anyone with Libra or Taurus in their chart and with a strong Venus will have a togetherness mentality.  With Venus dominant in this eclipse, a sweet tooth, sweet smells of rose, pink and green colors of spring, whispering sweet nothings, attraction, receiving, allowing and magnetic energy is powerful now, finding a sweet spot to harness the opposing Mars ruled Aries desire, drive, striving, competitive conflict and strife.

This Lunar Eclipse showcased its worst nightmare with the Germanwings crash into the French Alps.  The pilot’s chart is very afflicted and was very stressed by the recent Solar Eclipse in Pisces. The pilot was dealing with a history of clinical depression and a recent break up of a relationship (Libra).  The pilot was in the age group just before the first Saturn return.  Age 27 is a major turning point (27 club) and a coming of age and rite of passage often a time of crisis, soul searching and preparing for adulthood.  In any case, it is very typical at this time for major changes to occur and more so challenging to navigate if the natal chart is afflicted where much comes to reckoning in time for Saturn adulthood, maturity, career and taking responsibility.

The pilot had much affliction around his Saturn in Sagittarius indicating this innate weakness and strong potential for depression getting poked and prodded by difficult transits. In 2008 and 2009 he went through a spell of severe depression during his flight training. During this time his chart was hit with major harsh transits from Saturn Uranus.  The irony and clincher is he did have one very redeeming natal aspect with Jupiter that helped him get away with his horrific act while he upheld  his composure, disguising and masking his real intent with passive aggression.  Depression is often repressed anger.

The time of the tragedy had Mercury in Pisces over Chiron Pisces (Mercury youth-16 youth on the plane), communications and mental health.  Mercury over Chiron indicates the wound in these areas with a focus on mental illness and isolation, perpetuated by some deep rage and anger (Pluto) which was acted on impulsively and suddenly with shock (Uranus).  Much of the disaster and tragedies the last few years is centered around Neptune Pisces with unknowns (disappearance), silence and undetected mental illness abruptly and tragically exposed (Uranus Pluto) where the awakening of Uranus Pluto is pressing on the urgency to step up measures to apathy and denial regarding mental illness.

This article in Psychology Today sums up the many variances of mental illness showing up as the silent killer often hidden, missed or misdiagnosed. Although many propose there was no way to predict this tragedy, making it more of an act of god, I tend to think knowing he had a predisposition to depression was enough to execute stricter higher standards to closely monitor him where physicians should have the authority to report and control those responsible for others lives while consumers have a right to know pilots are mentally fit to fly.

Happy 50th to Robert Downey Jr.  born April 4th 1965.  Robert epitomizes the wild ride turbulent life of Uranus Pluto born during the Uranus Pluto conjunction which is tied into some heavy affliction in his chart.  As an Aries, he battled many wars with drugs that he now channels into roles of warrior action with Avengers and Iron Man.

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