Full Moon in Virgo 2018

Full Moon in Virgo 2018 “Ball of Confusion” The Temptations

The Full Moon in Virgo is the time to clean house and to detox all things toxic whether toxic habits, toxic relationships, toxic thoughts, toxic stress…especially to sweep out any debris and junk in the trunk.  It is fitting that the Full Moon in Virgo always precedes the start of the spring season so it is ripe for getting ready for a refreshing new perspective, seeding new opportunity.  Virgo helps to ground, organize and deal with stress in healthy ways, finding clear headway and order in the chaos, away from airing dirty laundry and swimming in a cesspool of swamp water.

The Full Moon in Virgo is challenged by an opposition to Neptune Pisces along with a heavy flow of water influence, making one feel water logged  in a swirl whirl pool. Mercury Pisces, ruling the Full Moon, is in its fall in Pisces, further compromised with a lack of air (lack of reason, objectivity, rationality) adding to blurred vision, confusion, escape and apathy.  On a positive note,  Venus is exalted in Pisces join Mercury Pisces making a flowing aspect to Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto Capricorn giving relations and communications a soft touch, smoothing over any rough edges and washing away any toxic debris with a sturdy influence adding to stability and grounding.

The Full Moon in Virgo builds to a square to Mars Sagittarius into the New Moon Pisces March 17th.  The next few weeks will likely see more gossip, conflicting beliefs, poor judgement, moral compass standards that collide with hypocrisy, when you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.   We are in a hangover of sorts with Mars Sagittarius carrying the torch forward of Saturn Sagittarius. Judgement and righteous indignation may show with someone employed by multi nationals, supporting pro life but can’t see how gun control is pro life, or drives an SUV gas guzzler yet preaches against pipelines or someone comments on someone’s obesity yet doesn’t take a look at their own foibles, imperfections, addictions or one narcissist, addict calling out another (pot calling the kettle black).

A further heads up is timely as Mars (guns) figures in powerfully the next few months triggering several lunar cycles. It’ s time to pick your battles, with gun control on the high alert. Sun square Mars March 24th, Mars join Saturn April 1st, Mars join Pluto April 26th, Mars square Uranus May 15th.  Mars then begins to enter its retrograde cycle culminating into a very potent harsh Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius July 27th 2018.  Mars symbolizes all things assertion, activism, direction, single minded, strength, leadership and on the negative side, aggression, conflict, anger, headstrong, war , inflammation, guns, speed, impatience, headaches.  A good way to offset this negative effect is exercise, work the muscles to release tension (anger), have sex, eat a protein diet (especially lean meat, fish), less sugar and carbs to reduce inflammation.



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