Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 2018 “Danger Zone” Kenny Loggins

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (Sun Leo oppose Moon Aquarius) (Blood Moon) is in exact alignment with the nodal axis in Leo/Aquarius, in a tense doozy tsquare packed full of punch join Mars Aquarius retrograde over the south node square Uranus Taurus along with Mercury retrograde making for some twisty turny topsy turvy turmoil.

Gone amok, the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius afflicted on the dark side on the south node square Uranus  turns on its heels unhinged,  singed,  banged up over bumps in the road (sudden storms, shocking turns, anxiety, vascular issues, strokes, poor circulation, ankle issues, heart issues, muscular issues, inflammation, fires, issues with cars, anger, guns, violence…).

The Lunar Eclipse join Mars on the south node draws out all the hard Mars energy such as foes, enemies, anything toxic, destructive, flying off the handle with a gust of Aquarius swift change you didn’t see coming.  All Mars issues in prominence such as anger, aggression, arguments, fires, disagreements, headaches, sharp objects, weapons, guns, ending or distancing of friendship.

Any hard energy has the ability to go in either direction. Aquarius energy is cerebral which can help to keep emotions in check, away from strife, putting down the knife, lays down the sword from anything untoward. Mars hard energy channeled well with a KEEP CALM mantra can help offset the pressure and be put to good use (activism, action, fighting for rights, physical exercise working the muscles, taking risks, being a courageous warrior in the face of danger, effective response in emergencies).

Anyone with fixed degree points whether direct or by association are impacted (especially 3-6 degrees Aquarius Leo Taurus Scorpio, 4 degrees particularly). Leo vanity is hitting up with some Aquarius insanity, Leo arrogance up against Aquarius tolerance challenging Leo pride to Aquarius take it in stride.  The Lunar Eclipse follows the series of Leo /Aquarius Eclipses  Solar Eclipse in Leo 2017, Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 2017 and Lunar Eclipse in Leo 2018.

Aquarius as an air sign can see the winds of change blowing fiercely, pulsing with an edgy urgency. Aquarius innovation, flash insights, brilliant ideas, lightning bolt realizations, shocks popped out of the jack in the box, all with the quacks and hacks, crazy mad hatter schemes and messed up screams.  Aquarius takes flight from any fight, free to flee from any debris, getting some distance, helping to air things out, get a fresh perspective, be open to a various viewpoints, tolerance to accept all the differences and unique paths and not afraid to be authentic.

The nodal axis (lunar nodes) are the key pointers in eclipses known as the head (north)and tail (south). The closer they form to Eclipses, the longer the impact.  With any emphasis on the tail you are looking at the past, unfinished business, regression, past life connections, depletion, your Achilles heel, weak points, worn out ways, bad luck, but also finding your inner resources, fall back point and familiar known strategies.

The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the south node is falling back to matters more dispersed, group oriented, remote, following or getting lost in the crowd or herd, pack mentality, losing some of the Aquarius positive notions that we are all unique to stand out, each special in their own right, to behold like no other (Leo), finding your own special place to shine with a healthy ego (Leo).

The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, now square the Lunar Eclipse with Uranus in its fall in Taurus, can show the downside and dark side of Taurus twisting Uranus with distortion and warped viewpoints, revolt, eruption as a silent killer, without warning or detection,  sluggish, stagnant, snoozing,  slow to respond,  slow reflexes, focus on mundane and material matters, possessions, money, greed, envy, means to an end with an upside of Taurus patient, calm reactions.

With friends being an Aquarius topic and theme, and Mars (enemies, foes), this may be a time when you see who your real friends are, who supports you, has your back, loyal, and who are not your friends (frenemies) who back stab you, betray you, gossip, wish you unwell, send out negative vibes,  never support you or acknowledge you, are jealous,  to the point of taking pleasure in seeing friends fail or hurt. With friends like that who needs enemies!

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