New Moon in Virgo September 2012

New Moon in Virgo September 2012New Moon in Virgo September 2012 (September 15th)

Sabian Symbol. “Mary and her white lamb.  This is a symbol of the self-adequacy of experience on the inner or subjective side, or of that fullness of life which comes through a cherishing of young ideas.  The healthy approach to heaven through a child’s wide-eyed expectation is a clue to the adult’s responsibility for his potentials. These he must take with him in a very conscious fashion wherever he goes if he is not to find himself divided within himself and so defeated by his own confusion.  The keyword is Artlessness”.

This message seems to point to appreciation for innocence and the naive. Virgo is the Virgin of the Zodiac-the essence of purity that springs from something not yet ventured but once gained tried and true.  The New Moon in Virgo has the freshness and beginning innocence to it.  The first steps where you stumble and fall, learn through trial and error and experimentation-the road leading to perfection is riddled with mistakes-this is the essence of learning-Mercury.  Through the dissecting and discernment, Virgo brings clarity of mind and clears the cobwebs and dust bunnies alerting us to what matters.

Virgo focuses on work and health with new beginnings around work unfolding-new and better practices around diet and health regiments.  A good time to do a cleanse or clear out your work stations or sort out the messes and details in your life-and get it into some type of order and start with a clean slate.  Virgo is the time of the harvest. The fall always beckons this rebirth to prepare and gather to store your nuts and get your abode set up for the colder seasons ahead.

Virgos are humble, helpful and handy.  The perfect hostess that can anticipate how to best serve you especially around health.  Virgo’s are the natural nurse maids tending carefully to your ailments.  Virgo sensitivity is particularly over the digestion and the digestive organs (small intestine, gastro intestinal system-issues that can cause diarrhea, IBS, colitis, celiac disease).  Virgo’s worry and fuss making themselves ill from over thinking and needling detail ending up in nervous exhaustion.  Mercury rules Virgo but is more the negative side being Virgo is a feminine, yin earth sign where Mercury is naturally ruling Gemini, a masculine, yang energy where Mercury operates more optimally. Virgo is earth oriented and sensual- activated by anything provoking the senses especially anything close to nature and simplicity.

Healthcare and Obamacare.  The New Moon sits over the US Neptune in Virgo which supports the necessary turn to Obamacare and nationalized health care. Neptune represents a collective concern for all both rich and poor and an intermingling of resources to share.  As I pointed out in my article  –Full Moon in Capricorn in July when Obamacare was passed which coincides with Obama’s Mars in Virgo and his fight (Mars) for a better healthcare system-hence the name Obamacare.

The New Moon falls on Obama’s Mars Virgo in his 7th house which fuels his fire and charges his public interest.  Virgo is the sign of work where Obama has been digging in his heels. This New Moon is also traveling through Obama’s 7th house in harmony with his Saturn in Capricorn and his MC continuously working in his favor, accentuating the down to earth, realistic and practical, sound influence of this Virgo and Capricorn earth accent.

Transit Saturn has just passed the square to Obama’s natal Saturn in Capricorn-a very testing aspect that has been weighing on him the last year which he passed with flying colors at the Democratic Convention-making it clear he is again light on his feet with a big bear hug.   Obama’s natal Saturn in Capricorn is in its ruler and home-Saturn in its highest form represents integrity, responsibility, hard work, discipline,  practicality and somber realistic appreciation for toeing the line taking your lumps-that certain rules and hierarchies and government control need to be regarded.

Uranus square Pluto is just about exact at 6.57 degrees September 17th. The pressure is mounting once again that started with the first hit of Uranus square Pluto in June 2012-first with the Libya violence and attack on the US Consulate and death of 4 American officials as well as the crossed diplomatic ties with Iran.  More pressure and manipulation is brewing with Iran with Obama and the red line of war bringing up very pointedly the boundary of war and peace.  Obama is pushing for peace bringing in Russia and China to boost diplomatic measures (Saturn Libra) yet a deadlock standoff continues to be imminent with Iran’s nuclear threat.

The threat is seen in the US chart as the ruler of the US chart, Jupiter is in Cancer 5 degrees under siege of Uranus Pluto.  The US chart has Mars in Gemini 21 degrees in the 7th house of open enemies-Gemini 21 degrees strained by the New Moon, especially as the Sun and Mercury were combust in Virgo September 10th directly stressing Mars Gemini.   The New Moon over the US Neptune/MC showed the sacrifice and victimization the officials faced who were trying to instill peace and diplomacy.

This all comes clear with Saturn in Libra (diplomacy) under severe tests with where to cross the line (boundaries- Saturn) as Saturn makes its exit out of Libra in the next few weeks – a time that serious attention is needed to reach a diplomatic resolution and level playing ground.  A few days after the New Moon, September 17th the Moon moves into Libra which will bring this Uranus Pluto to head-with the Moon then join Saturn Libra on Sept 18th where we hope to see sanctions in place.

Venus is separating from a semisquare to the Sun Moon which started end of July which will bring some resolution and ending to some of the snags and frustrations with finances, relationships and partnerships in the last couple of months although it ain’t over yet as another tense energy with Venus Leo is building to a square with Mars Scorpio at 21 degrees on Sept 25th just in time to strain Uranus Pluto before the sizzling climax to the tense Full Moon in Aries September 29th.  Venus will ride rough shed alongside Mars Scorpio for most of the next two weeks giving much tension to love, finances, aggression, competition, impatience, sexuality, passion-great time for some hot dates and to let the libido, lust and love for life loose to release some of the edge.  September 20th is a day of reckoning as Mercury Libra will strain Uranus Pluto making communications raw and wound up with explosive outbursts.

Mars Scorpio is inconjunct Jupiter-fires (Mars) in the west (interior of BC).  Mars in aspect to Jupiter generally shows rash and overzealous, bombastic firing on all cylinders -here in a 150 degree angle- adjustments will require patience and an ingenuity to harness the obnoxiousness.  Jupiter in Gemini wants to expand in every direction without focus or follow through and Mars Scorpio pushes for nailing down persistent needed attention to closing in on a target –Jupiter is doing a dance around jumping hoops with Mars screaming to stand still– essentially the dog chasing the tail or the tail wagging the dog with a little cat and mouse as a side show-true form of the Venus Leo drama flirting (Jupiter Gemini) with disaster (Mars Scorpio).

Lilith enters Gemini oppose Lucifer in Sagittarius-Eros/Juno also enter Sagittarius square Neptune Pisces.  Juno has moved back into Sagittarius where it was at the Solar Eclipse in May.  Lilith will be sitting over the Pleiades star cluster called the “Weeping Sisters” this week which may well up some deep emotional release of tears.  This is the degree point of the Solar Eclipse in May 2012 that may stir up what began at that time. Lilith is the carrier of deep rage that can come undone and unhinged with a vent and expulsion of fury.

Confusion says… This is a very edgy energy around Neptune which has brought up bizarre incidents with Neptune the last few days giving new meaning to taking justice into your own hands (Jupiter Gemini) (thievery, bank robbers). This will continue into the next couple of weeks. Eros rules over desire and Juno relationships and commitment which could rally up some really distorted perceptions regarding love and desire as well as have many feeling lost and confused regarding matters of the heart- pulling out their get out of jail card to break out of anything confining seeking expansion, excess and freedom (Sagittarius) and juggling, scattered forces (Gemini).   Too much of a good thing can be bad.

Happy Birthday, Sept 16th – Lauren Bacall– the Classic complex, cool, demure Virgo, a Venus in Leo dame that could work a room with her subtle, witty, sharp charm.

  1. Yes = no more? Is it so irreversible?

    Any hint for a special moment (transit) to try again?