New (Black) Moon in Libra

New (Black) Moon in Libra “Don’t Stop Believin” Journey

The New (Black) Moon in Libra offers a renewal of hope and expansion in the wake of recent unrest and precarious inconstancy. The New Moon in Libra is a Black Moon due to there being two New Moons in one month, hence the New Moon energy is accentuated.   A New Moon is a time when the Moon in its infancy is an open void and portal of darkness that picks up on shadow energy. Black Moons thus further unveil an undercurrent of energy that instigates the dark side and the hidden, churning up and exposing all things deeply felt.

With the New (Black) Moon in Libra (ruled by Venus currently in Scorpio) the shadow energy is diffused and disarmed with Libra superficial charm but can expose the ugliness of the dark shadow of envy, jealousy, back stabbing, exclusion and ostracizing. Venus in Scorpio is in its detriment, and sitting over Lilith with a focus on intense emotions and deep, penetrating desires and passions, that can lose any perspective by being pulled into a vortex of love/hate extreme reaction. Venus makes harmonious aspects to Neptune Pisces and Pluto Capricorn which helps to rise above any overblown expectations and focus on the power of the goddess, feminine energy, so apparent and needed in the US Election 2016.

Libra is a time to reset, find balance and get back to the middle, honoring equality, give and take, where all have a fair chance. With all the crazy making and stress lately, many are feeling overwhelmed and needing to find a place of balance, centering and equilibrium.  Libra is about finding that poise, and breathing in a sense of space.  Libra as an air sign, is more inclined to pleasant and pleasing scenarios away from any heavy grind and harsh toil.

The New Moon in Libra accents new opportunities to attract helpful allies and relationships. The new trends in relationships are reframing fresh, unique relationship models where it’s hip to be unmarried, single, seeing more value in cultivating singleness in all its richness (solitude, independence) and new ways to be in relationships (interdependence, equality, open, separate dwellings, me time).  It used to be that being in a relationship signified a socially acceptable standing with a more intrinsic connection to security, family values, tribal connections and survival (financial) which still holds some merit with reference to emotional and physical well being,  (having someone to lean on physical and emotionally, claiming to improve health and well being).

The New Moon in Libra joins Jupiter in Libra accentuating positive, joyful, expansive and lucky opportunities, albeit loud, boisterous and unhinged. Jupiter enhances all things Jupiter (publishing, travel, higher learning, beliefs, hips, liver and Libra lower back, kidney, diabetes).  The New Moon makes a positive sextile aspect with Saturn, anchoring and solidifying structure and support, arming the New Moon with realistic, steady and plausible aims.

With Jupiter infusing the New Moon, Jupiter hopes and wishes are top of mind.  Jupiter is known for its attributes of believing and being optimistic, which instills and sets up the right attitude and frame of mind to attract the same which is much easier to do if one is naturally endowed with a Jupiter mindset. Before bestowing  Jupiter’s rewards, all the factors need to be considered, such as whether Jupiter is well placed natally (natal promise) or in transits, hitting a pleasant place in one’s chart or hitting a challenging place, where Jupiter can just increase more bad luck.

The relationship split of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt shows up with this New Moon over Angelina Pluto Libra.  Her Gemini Sun oppose Neptune Sagittarius were hit by the recent Solar Eclipse in Virgo while transit Saturn Sagittarius is on her Neptune oppose her Sun, and transit Neptune is square her Sun. Neptune is in her 5th house of children which shows the tension of her relationship related to her children where she drew the line (Saturn boundary).  Saturn rules her relationships and her Saturn in Cancer is being impacted by transit Pluto (transit Pluto oppose her Saturn).  Angelina and Brad have a very tense mix and while it gave much chemistry and sexual stimulation, it was bound to conflict and strife which suited Angelina’s character, with her detached Gemini and adventurous Aries signature, explaining how the relationship survived as long as it did.


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