New Moon in Cancer 2017

New Moon in Cancer 2017 “SummerTime” Ella Fitzgerald

The New Moon falls close to Summer Solstice, ushering in a new summer season. The New Moon in Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is a time every year for emotional revisits that center on a return to a home base (whatever or where ever that is) that gives a sense of security, support, care and nurture.  The season shifts from cerebral, lighthearted, mental, airy Mercury ruled Gemini to sensitive, emotional, moody feeling and watery, Moon ruled Cancer.  Mixing air and water, like vinegar and oil is not always an easy mix  but with a good blending, mix and stir, they create a fine balance between head and heart, with not too much of one of the other (too much in the head or too sensitive, absorbed by emotions).

The Moon’s lunar cycles every month tune into the emotional undercurrents and come home during the Cancer New Moon. The line up of a Cancer stellium (Sun Moon Mercury Mars all in Cancer)is gaining momentum with twists and turns hitting up the cardinal tsquare to Jupiter Libra and Pluto Capricorn adding a grand square at the Full Moon in Capricorn mid July 2017.  Confrontation with any traumas or crisis whether past or present stir up the pot, with an overflow of water, turned muddy, murky where any threats close to home with basic needs, security, safety (safe havens), emotions get more attention with more neediness, touchiness, and clinginess, and an extra dose of soothing and closeness.

Cancer is a private and intimate sign seeking sanctuary in places that feel safe. Cancers represent the maternal and the caretakers that nourish the spirit and nurture the soul. This internal mother radar is embedded in the psyche depending on the earliest memories and roots of the first care giver, nurturer; the mother abode with a watchful eye ensuring that all is well, offering support, protection and assurance.

With the ample water oasis in our sights, the tide is out to draw in your nearest and dearest. The Cancer line up also trines Neptune Pisces, giving sensitive support, softening any blows, cradling a sense of hope.  The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) have been under the mill since the outer planets Uranus Pluto starting their dance 2009 and continue to feel and go through the motions.  Now that Uranus Pluto is separating, other outer planets are aligning in a more positive manner (at least for 2017) offering some mercy and cutting some slack.  Jupiter Saturn Uranus are all tying into a positive angle with the Leo nodal axis which will see some positive benefits during the eclipses in August.

The New Moon separates from an opposition to Saturn Sagittarius and a square to Chiron Pisces carrying a residue hangover of a heavy weight, disappointment, wounding and dark cloud melancholy after taste, particularly around communications, where miscommunication leaves a sense of feeling misunderstood or unheard.

Venus Taurus trine Pluto Capricorn deepens desires and intimate connections with a sensual and sublime relaxed tone.  Relations and matters of the heart take love to the next level. Mars Cancer is close to hit up  to the cardinal tsquare with Pluto Jupiter adding to some tension and stormy whether with feelings, memories, home, family where anger and aggression get stirred with protective, predatory tiffs regarding turfs, with anyone or anything close to home.

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